Monday, February 24, 2020

John 8  Jesus said, "I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light which gives life." ( v12)  The Jews accuse Him of testifying about Himself, but He tells them that it is the Father that testifies of Him and that even if He testifies about Himself it is valid.  Included in His testimony are these facts:

v19 "if you knew me, you would know the Father too.."
v23 "for if you do not trust that I AM (who I say I am), you will die in your sins."
v26 "the One who sent me is true; so I say in the world only what I have heard from him."
v31 "If you obey what I say; then you are really my disciples, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free."
v36 "So if the Son frees you, you will really be free!"
v38"I say what my Father has shown me; you do what your father has told you." 
v42 "If God were your Father, you would love me; because I came out from God; and now I have arrived here. I did not come on my own; he sent me." 
v47 "Whoever belongs to God listens to what God says; the reason you don't listen is that you don't belong to God." 
v48 " I am honoring my Father;" 
v50 " there is One who is seeking it ( praise) and he is the judge. Yes indeed! I tell you that whoever obeys my teaching will never see death." 
v54 "The One who is praising me is my Father, the very one about whom you are saying, 'He is our God' " 

The Light of the world that gives life comes from God, honors God the Father, receives praise from God the Father, obeys God the Father, and is so united with the Father that to know one is to know the other.  This is the Truth that Jesus reveals.. the truth that sets those who will believe.. free from slavery to sin... free from bondage to the lies of Satan... free from darkness.. and free from death.

Father in heaven, glorious and majestic and altogether holy,  we come to praise You for the truth that sets us free.  We will follow Jesus.  We desire to be always walking in His Light and Salvation.  Strengthen our faith and our love in Your Strength so the that we might stand firm, resist evil, and bring glory to Your Name.  You are our hope, our joy, and our rock. Thank You for being our all in all, Jesus.  In Your name we pray. Amen.

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