Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Leviticus 17  This short chapter explains the reason that the Israelites were not to make sacrifices anywhere besides the altar at the tent of meeting.  It also explains that they should never eat the blood of any animal, because ".. the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for yourselves; for it is the blood that makes atonement because of the life." 

Chapter 18 teaches the Lord's boundaries for sexual relationships.   It is quite detailed.. which makes me think that the nations of Egypt and Canaan must have been incredibly immoral.  Adonai tells Moses to tell the people, " You are not to engage in the activities found in the land of Egypt, where you used to live; and you are not to engage in the activities found in the land of Canaan where I am bringing you..."  The Lord Himself calls these activities "disgusting"... and the reason that He is expelling them from the land.  ".. the land itself will vomit out its inhabitants.. " 

God says, " So keep my charge not to follow any of these abominable customs that others before you have followed and thus defile yourselves by doing them. I am Adonai your God." 

Israel had been stuck in Egypt for hundreds of years.  Who knows the depth of sin and immorality that was all around them there.  Canaan, the land ahead, was also filled with sin and perversions.  From the detailed list that God gives Israel,  warning about relations with just anyone.. or anything ; this was the "custom" in Canaan.  And, sadly, this makes what is happening in our own country the beginning of the same shameful and sinful fall into being an abomination to God.

Like Israel, we must keep God's charge to "not engage in the activities" of Egypt or Canaan.. or America.  Like Israel, the worldly customs are behind us and ahead of us. Like Israel,  Adonai calls us to find life in His law and rulings.  Not that we are under the Law, but because in Christ we are to do His will.

Father in heaven, we see the uncleanness of our land and know that there is a day of judgement coming to America.  We want to keep Your charge and heed Your voice.  We pray for a spirit of revival and healing for our land and for Your church.  Too many have turned back to the world's ways and made excuses and exceptions for what You have called disgusting and abominable. Forgive us, Lord. Open the eyes of Your people and give us boldness to speak the truth in love even when it brands us as evil or unfair.  May Christ in us.. Your people who call upon Your name.. pray as we should so that You will heal our land.  Only by the power of Your name can there be healing such as this.  But, we know that nothing is impossible for You, so we pray, asking for mercy, in Jesus' name.. Amen.

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