Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Luke 9: 49-62  Being a disciple of Jesus - a student of the Master - doesn't come easily.  There are always new lessons to be learned...

In verse 49 John wants to stop those who were using the name of Jesus to cast out demons, but weren't with the twelve.  Jesus accepted those others saying, "Do not hinder him; for he who is not against you is for you."   There are others that Jesus called and used for ministry.  That's good news, not bad. John and the other apostles needed to learn to accept and receive others... So do we. As long as they are "not against" us..

In verses 51-56 Luke tells us that the Samaritans would not receive Jesus in their villages because He was headed to Jerusalem.  James and John wanted to call down fire!  This was not acceptable to Jesus.. " You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them."   Another lesson to be learned. Jesus never physically attacked people while He was walking on earth.. where did this idea of calling down fire come from?  Not Him.  Only one kind of spirit tempts us to kill, steal, or destroy.

In verses 57-62  Luke tells of three who wanted to be disciples:

The first said he would follow Jesus anywhere... but Jesus told him that "the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head."  We are not told if the man still wanted to follow or not...

The second was called by Jesus but wanted to go bury his father first.. " Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but for you, go and proclaim  everywhere the kingdom of God."  Jesus told him.

The third wanted to go say goodbye to his family.  "But Jesus said to him, ' No one after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." 

These are hard things to understand and to do...   We want to put everything else first.. before Jesus - family, homes, jobs, personal opinions.  It seems very natural to want to say goodbye to our family or to bury a father.  Why did Jesus say what He said?  We need to know that nothing is as important as the message of the Kingdom of God. NOTHING.

O Father in heaven, Majesty on high, holy and true, the only God,  forgive us for putting other things, other people, and other purposes before the vital message of Your Kingdom.  Time is running out.  People are dying. The world is full of wars, violence, sickness, and death.  Their only hope is the Good news of Jesus Christ who came to save men.  I want to follow You with steadfastness and devotion... to walk with my face toward You and not turn back.  Heal my blindness at the needs around me and make me bold to speak the Word of Truth.  I pray this in the name of Jesus. amen.

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