Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Luke 15  

The tax gatherers and the sinners were drawn to Jesus and He received them - He allowed them to come near, He accepted them just as they were, and He led them to repentance...

But, the Pharisees and scribes did not approve. They would never do such a thing, lest they become unclean themselves.  They did not realize that in doing this they were actually being more sinful. f
Filled with pride and hypocrisy, they showed no mercy or love.

Jesus tells three illustrations to teach what it means to God when we repent and come back to Him.

A man leaves the 99 sheep to go search for the 1 that is lost and rejoices greatly with all his friends and neighbors when he finds it.

A woman rejoices with her friends and neighbors when she finds the lost coin.

And, finally,  a father rejoices when his lost son returns home after squandering his inheritance and almost starving to death.

Our heavenly Father and all the angels rejoice,  Jesus tells us, when a sinner repents.  The tax-gatherers and the sinners that came to Jesus, repenting of their sins, brought joy to heaven.  The pharisees and scribes.. who did not repent because they didn't recognize their own sinfulness.. brought no joy to heaven.  Like the older son, they were  angry that the "sinner" had been forgiven and received by the Father.

Today, Christmas has come and we stop ( hopefully ) to think about the Babe in the manger.  He came to receive us... He has allowed us to come near... and He has brought us to repentance.  We were lost - we were perishing - but He has welcomed us back home. He has delighted in our repentance.  He rejoices that we are back in the fold with our Almighty Shepherd.

Father, we praise You and thank You for saving us by sending Your only Begotten Son in whom we believe and trust, so that we will not perish but have everlasting life.

Merry Christmas!

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