Monday, December 9, 2019

Luke 10:38-42
It is Martha who invites Jesus into her home.
But, it is Mary who sits at His feet to listen.

It is Martha who was busy with all the preparations and serving.
It is Mary who puts Jesus first and leaves the work to Martha.

It is Martha who complains about her sister for not helping.
It is Jesus who says that Mary has chosen "the good part". 

Like Martha, we become "worried and bothered about so many things..." 
Especially this time of the year...

What presents should we buy?
Who should we buy gifts for?
Will we have enough... money, food, gifts... ?
What if someone is unhappy ..... what if I'm unhappy?
How do we do it all and not be "worried and bothered"?

I don't want to go through the motions... I don't want to buy something for someone that doesn't mean something.. and I end up frozen, unable to decide, fretting.. "worried and bothered".  

Anyone else like that?

Jesus says... choose the "good part".  The part that will not be taken away. What is the only thing that is not taken away... the eternal thing.. ?  Love.   Choose love.

Love sits at the feet of Jesus and listens.
Love doesn't worry about the "many things".. but focuses on the One.

Father in heaven,  help me to choose well, to choose Jesus.  Help me to see as You see and love as You love.  Let Your peace and grace fill our hearts this Christmas season, so that we might enjoy and celebrate the Good News of Christ, who came to save us.  We come to sit at Your feet,  even now.  To bask in Your amazing love.  Come and fill us now with Your Presence... I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

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