Friday, December 13, 2019

Luke 11:37-54  Jesus goes to lunch with a Pharisee....

When the man notices that Jesus does not go through the ritual hand-washing, he is a bit shocked.  But, Jesus has a lesson to teach:  The Pharisees were so focused on the outside that they didn't pay any attention to their insides.

First, Jesus points out that God made both the inside and the outside of man.
Then, He points out that if the inside is clean.. "then all things are clean for you."

It is so easy to just go through the motions.. go to church, sing hymns, read the Bible, even pray .. but if it is all done without the heart being involved... it means nothing.
Search me, O God.. examine me, change me, renew a right spirit in me.

V 42   Lesson two - The Pharisees tithed even mint and rue - the smallest of herbs or spices, but they disregarded  "justice and the love of God".  They majored in the minor things and left out the most vital things of God.

V 43 The Pharisees loved being better than everyone else.  They took the best seats.  They lapped up the "respectful greetings".  They were so full of pride.   Jesus said that they were really like "concealed tombs".  Unclean.  Making everyone who came in contact with them unclean and they didn't even know it.

When a lawyer protested, Jesus turned His attention towards them.. the ones who were experts in the law.
 v46 They weighed down men "with burdens hard to bear", while never helping anyone.
 v47  They built tombs for the prophets, even though their fathers were the ones who killed them.
 v52  They stopped men from entering into the "knowledge" of the Word.  They held the key, being scholars of the Word, but they refused to enter into it and kept all others out too.

The scribes and Pharisees hated being criticized and corrected by Jesus.  They became hostile and began to plot how to make Him say something wrong so they could condemn Him.

Father, help us to be focused on the right things, the things that really matter.. to You.  May our hearts be open and clean before You.  Fill us with Your Spirit so that we can live genuine, surrendered, obedient, faithful lives before You.  May we love You, love justice, and have mercy.  May we give to those in need, especially leading them to You.  Keep us in Your perfect will, we pray .Amen.

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