Friday, December 27, 2019

Luke 17

Jesus gives His followers another hard lesson - to forgive.. ".. if he sins against you seven times a day, and returns to you seven times, saying 'I repent, ' forgive him."   The apostles know how impossible it is to do this and ask Jesus to "Increase [ their] faith." 

Faith, Jesus says, only needs to be "like a mustard seed" to accomplish great things.

Father in heaven,  please help me to have the kind of faith that pleases You. Help me to not cause anyone else to stumble in their faith.  Help me to forgive... even those who don't repent and ask for forgiveness.  I am an unworthy slave. Let your Spirit fill me and draw me nearer to Your heart. Make me more like Jesus, my Lord.
Thank You for cleansing me of all unrighteousness. I give You glory!  Amen.

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