Thursday, December 12, 2019

Luke 29-36  Jesus calls the generation "wicked" because they kept asking for a sign.  He had done miracle after miracle, but they wanted something more.  Jesus refused to perform for them, but told them that "no sign shall be given to it but the sign of Jonah."   He goes on to say that Jonah "became a sign to the Ninevites."    Jonah, himself, became a sign.. .  Likewise, Jesus, Himself is the "sign" - the attesting miracle - greater than Jonah;  greater than Solomon; and Matthew adds - "greater than the temple". 

The Queen of the South will testify against the generation that would not receive Jesus.
The men of Ninevah, those who repented at the time of Jonah, will also testify against them.
This generation had God in the flesh,  Jesus Christ, right in front of them.  They were able to hear His voice and to recognize the Truth as He spoke.. but they refused, unlike these two examples.

Jesus talks about light and darkness.  A clear eye lets in light that will fill the whole body.  But, an unhealthy eye, blinded to light, will keep the whole body full of darkness.  Jesus did not want anyone to miss the Truth. He spoke clearly and He never hid the Light...  Likewise, He instructs His followers to not hide or cover the light, but to put in "on the lamp stand, in order that those who enter may see the light." 

What does that mean to us, today?  If we have received Jesus, the Light of the World, then we also become light.  Our eyes clearly see Him and receive Him as Lord and King.  This floods our whole selves with His light. Every part of us will shine for Him.. all we do and say will reflect His light.

But, if we do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, there is darkness in us and our eyes are blinded to the truth.

Father, our prayer is for those who still do not see You or listen to Your Word.  Shine through us so that they will see the Light of Jesus Christ and repent, confessing their sins, and receive Jesus as their Savior and Lord.  I pray for our nation today, asking that the Truth of Your Word will fill this land like never before. We need You now.  Your Kingdom come we pray. Amen.

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