Thursday, December 19, 2019

Luke 13;1-9  A horrible thing happened and was reported to Jesus.. some of His fellow countrymen were killed and Pilate "mingled" their blood with their sacrifices. There was also a terrible accident where a tower fell down, killing 18 people.  Jesus has a surprising reaction to both situations..

He asks, "Do you suppose that these.. were greater sinners.. because they suffered?" Then He answers His own question.. "no".   These people perished and likewise all that do not repent will perish.

Jesus takes the discussion away from life threatening circumstances and focuses on what is really important.. repentance.  The tragedy is not that these people died.. it is that they died without knowing the salvation He came to give.  All of us will die at our appointed time, unless the Lord returns.  The tragedy is not how we die or when we die.. it is tragic if we die without Jesus.

Verses 22-30 underscore this thought.  Someone asks Jesus, "Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?"  Jesus tells them that we must,"Strive to enter by the narrow door; for many, I tell you will seek to enter and will not be able." 

There is a time for entering God's Kingdom.  But, there is also a time when the door will be closed... when it will be too late.  Those who failed to choose Jesus will want to come to Him later.. when it is too late.. and they will not be allowed into His Kingdom.

Entering God's Kingdom is not easy.  It is more than a one time ... sign on the line.. I'm saved.. and that's it... scenario.   Jesus says, "Strive.."  Struggle.. compete.. contend.. labor fervently.. fight to "enter by the narrow door."  The word translated "narrow" indicates there are obstacles close by , standing in the way.  Jesus calls us to walk with Him through this narrow door and keep walking with Him on the path that leads to our heavenly home.  It is a daily walk.. it is a complete commitment of all of ourselves to follow Him.. no matter what.

Father in heaven, You have brought us to Yourself through Your Word. You have given us real life in Jesus Christ.  We give You all our praise, with thanksgiving .  Keep us on the narrow way, walking in unity with You.  May we walk in "holiness and righteousness before [You] all our days."  Guide our feet in Your "way of peace".  We ask that Your kingdom come.. in us.. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

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