Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Luke 11: 14-28   Jesus freed a man from a demon that had taken away his ability to speak.  When the man spoke.. for the first time in who knows how long... the crowd "marveled".  I imagine that man had a lot to say.. and his first words were probably glorifying God.

But, the Pharisees couldn't rejoice in this great miracle because they didn't want to admit that Jesus was the Messiah, or even that He was from God.  Instead, they gave the credit to Beelzebul, Satan.
Jesus patiently gives them a lesson about the way the spirit world works.

First of all, "Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste: and a house divided against itself falls."  Even Satan can't cast himself out. The only way a "strong man" is plundered is by someone who is stronger still.  If Satan or his minions are removed from their "house"... it must be by Someone greater!   And, Jesus says it is "the finger of God"  that is strong enough!

Jesus also teaches that "He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me, scatters."  Satan is certainly not "with" Jesus, nor will he "gather with" Him. Satan  opposes Jesus and scatters - puts to flight, dissipates, disperses.  Those who were opposing Jesus were following Satan, not God.

An unclean spirit who goes "out of a man" Jesus says, "passes through waterless places seeking rest..."  They need a place to inhabit.  So, Jesus teaches, they will go back to the place they were and bring more demons with them.. " seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of the man becomes worse than the first."   

Our enemy is strong but our Savior is stronger!  We need to be "with" Jesus.. on His side.. so that we might gather with Him - to accompany Him, lead with Him, come together with Him..

"... blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it. "  Jesus tells the crowd.  Those who were refusing to be on Jesus' side were not blessed.. in fact Jesus is about to preach about that.  But, for now, let us stop and think about the greatness of our Savior who came to free us from the tyranny of Satan.  He alone is strong enough.. and He desires.. longs for.. us to be on His side!

Thank You Lord!  All praise and glory and honor belongs to You.  May Your Kingdom come to all the earth.  We need You!  Father,  our nation is full of darkness and division.  It will fall unless You intervene.  We pray for the peace that Christ brings to come here and fill our hearts and minds as we cast all our cares on You. Your will be done!  Amen.

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