Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Luke 11:1-13   This passage is slightly different than Matthew 6:9-13 -Jesus teaching His disciples  how to pray:

 "When you pray say:  
Father, hallowed be Thy name. 
Thy kingdom come.  
Give us each day our daily bread. and forgive us our sins, 
For we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.
 And lead us not into temptation."

This is such a powerful prayer...if we understand and follow the pattern He has given us. We are invited to come into the holy Presence of the Father when we pray. Our Holy God in heaven, sits on a throne surrounded by brilliant radiance and beauty. He is worshiped constantly by saints and angels.  Lightning and thunder and majestic glory surround this holy place.  And it is here that we ask Him to hallow His name.   In a world where the name of the Lord has become anything but sacred.. Jesus teaches us to ask the Father for cataclysmic change in the thinking of mankind. And He tells us that if we ask... we will receive!

The same is true when we ask the Father to come reign.. for His Kingdom to come.  Jesus will say to the Pharisees in verse 20.. "But if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you."   The Kingdom of God - the reign of God comes with power and authority over everything.  Over Satan. Over darkness. Over evil. Over sickness.  Over poverty. Over pain.  Yes, yes, yes...  please.. Thy Kingdom come, Lord!

We all have two essential needs that God wants to meet.. and that only He can meet :
 daily bread and forgiveness of sins - provisions for life - physically and spiritually.
We just have to ask.

Jesus also teaches us to commit ourselves to forgive others and to ask for His help to keep from straying.  Right relationships with others and with Him are vital.. we need to pray about this consistently and persistently!

He gives us two parables to help us understand how to pray this way:
First, we must learn to pray with "persistence", like the man who needed bread from his neighbor.
Second, we need to learn that God is the giver of only "good" gifts, like a father who gives his son a fish and not a snake, or an egg and not a scorpion.

We are to pray for what we need.  We are to trust that God will give us what He knows we need.
Ask. Seek. Knock.  Repeat!
Trust Him.  Keep on trusting.  No matter what.

Father in heaven, we come to You with our hearts yielded and still before You.  You are the Mighty God and we ask that You would bring glory and honor and praise to Your Name and that Your Kingdom would come in fullness of joy and power and glory. Change the way we pray, that we might truly do as Jesus has taught us. We look to You as the Giver of the Holy Spirit. Come abide in us we pray. Amen.

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