Thursday, December 26, 2019

Luke 16  Was it the steward that was unrighteous, or was it the rich man?  One commentary suggests that it was the master who unfairly fired the steward based on a rumor that he had done wrong.  Others suggest that the accusations against the steward were true and he was justly removed from his position.  In both interpretations we get the lesson - we need to be "shrewd" - thoughtful, cautious, practical, and intelligent - when it comes to money... ours or our employer's.

Jesus calls us to be faithful in "very little" as well as in very "much".  He calls us to be faithful in what is "mammon of unrighteousness" as well as in "true riches".   He calls us to be faithful in what belongs to another as well as in what belongs to us.

We know that everything belongs to our Lord.. our Master.  We are to serve Him and Him alone.  He knows our hearts.  He sees our motives and actions.

Jesus tells the story of the rich man and Lazarus, a poor beggar.  One lived the charmed life and one suffered severely.  When they each died.. it was the poor man who went to heaven.  The rich man ended up in Hades, suffering torment continually.  It is Abraham who speaks of the reality that awaits all of us.. The choices we make now in this life... determines our eternity.

Comfort now... or comfort for eternity?
Suffering now... or suffering for eternity?
These are our choices.
He does not give us the choice of selfish living now and "good things" to come.

The rich man was not faithful in the "much" that he was given.. and would stay in eternal agony.
Lazarus had nothing to offer, but he was faithful to the end of his life... and was welcomed into Abraham's arms.

How do we measure our faithfulness?  The Pharisees were measuring theirs by their own self -righteousness.  We cannot force our way into the kingdom of God.  We cannot ignore the Truth of God's Word.  We cannot measure our own faithfulness by any human standards.

 We can only trust in the One who is Lord of all.

Father in heaven, teach us Your Word, write it on our hearts, that we might trust and obey.. that we may walk in Your paths and be good and faithful servants of our Lord.  All to You we surrender.  All our hope is in You and we look towards eternity with our faith in Jesus Christ alone. amen.

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