Monday, December 30, 2019

Luke 17: 11-19   There were 10 lepers.  All 10 waited to see Jesus.  All ten called out to Him for mercy.  All ten obeyed His command to go show themselves to the priest.  All ten were healed.

But, only one was saved.
One turned back.
One fell at the feet of Jesus and worshiped.
One glorified God.
One gave thanks.
One, a Samaritan, had faith that "made [him] well". 

We all have the same desperate needs.
Yet, only some of us will wait on Jesus, call out to Him, and obey His instructions.
And, even fewer of us will turn back to give Him glory, thanks, and worship.

A leper knows that his need is desperate.  He knows that he needs help.
A sinner who knows his desperate need for forgiveness and cleansing will turn to Jesus, repent of his sins, and find salvation in Christ alone.

But, so many people ignore the truth that they are sinners.  They try to cover up their sins.  They drown their guilt with worldly distractions.  They tell themselves that all is well, while struggling in their hearts with the darkness that fills their lives.

Jesus is willing to cleanse us when we call to Him for mercy.  But, it is not enough for us to just go on our merry way.  He calls us to follow Him.  That means we must turn back to Him. We must acknowledge who He is ... by glorifying His Name, giving Him thanks, and worshiping Him.  He calls us to lay down our lives.

"Whoever seeks to keep his life shall lose it, and whoever loses his life shall preserve it." ( v33)

The Pharisees wanted to know when the kingdom of God was coming.  But, they missed the truth that it was right in front of them. For Jesus was there.  It was not the kind of kingdom that they wanted. Jesus tells us that the kingdom of God must be received like a child.  We enter with humility not pride or wealth or self proclaimed righteousness.

Father in heaven,  Your kingdom come.  On the day we meet You we will be forever alive... more alive than we are right now in these worn out and decaying bodies.  This is our hope in Christ Jesus and we turn to You and give You glory.  Thank You for salvation through grace by faith in Jesus Christ the King.  We truly worship You and surrender our hearts, souls, and bodies to You.  In Christ we pray, amen.

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