Monday, December 16, 2019

Luke 12:1-12

As thousands of people gathered around Jesus.. "so many..that they were stepping on one another.." 
He began to speak to His disciples...

"Beware of... hypocrisy.."  Beware of the actors, the pretenders, the deceitful.  Watch out for it spreads like leaven.. like yeast that penetrates all of the dough. The pretenders infect all those who listen to them with their deceptions.

The truth is.. "nothing"  can be concealed or hidden.
What is said in the dark will come to light.
What is whispered will be shouted from the housetop.

And.. God knows it all anyway.
If we are genuine believers in Jesus Christ.. it will be seen in our lives.
If not.. that will also be seen.

Jesus tells us not to be afraid of death, so don't be afraid of those who threaten to kill.  Only fear God. He is the only One who "has authority to cast into hell," 

God sees you. You have value in His sight.

If you confess Jesus before men, "the Son of Man shall confess [you] before the angels of God"
But, to deny Jesus will lead to Him denying you.

Speaking against Jesus may be forgiven. But, speaking against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

When in the midst of persecution, trust God to give you the words to say. He promises that the "Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say."

Father in heaven, search our hearts and bring to light our true selves... If we are deceived or pretending.. forgive us and bring us to true faith and salvation in Christ Jesus.  You know us better than we know ourselves. You love us and regard us with such grace.. we can never thank You enough.  May we boldly confess Jesus Christ before men.  May we speak as the Holy Spirit leads us. May we fear only God and no other.  May we know that death only means that we go home to be with You forever, if we are Yours.  May we be genuine.. walking in Your Light and living in unity with You through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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