Monday, December 23, 2019

Luke 14  

Jesus was at the house of a leading Pharisee.  He already disrupted the status quo by healing the man with dropsy and chastising them for caring more about their animals than their fellow countrymen.

Now, He has something to say about their character.  The men invited to dine were probably all important men of the city.  But, some tried to make themselves more important by claiming the more honorable places at the table.   Jesus suggests that they might do well to be humble and pick out the lower places, lest they be humiliated by being asked to move for someone more important.

The truth that Jesus conveys is this, "For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."   Pride is an awful and deadly sin.  Over and over again we are reminded of this in Scripture.
Be humble.
Be last.
Be a servant.
Follow the example that Christ Himself has given us.

Jesus goes on to give an example of humble service... when hosting a dinner,  instead of inviting only those who can repay you in turn... invite those who are in need - "the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind... "  It was a radical idea in those days.. and in ours too.  But, it is exactly what Jesus did for us!

Jesus also tells a parable about another dinner..  A man prepares a great feast and invites many to come.  But, when the time comes, those invited reject the offer, making excuses to not come.   This makes the man angry, but he sends out his servants to invite everyone they can find.. those in need especially - "the poor and crippled and blind and lame."  So, many come and still there is room, so the servants are sent back out to "the highways and along the hedges"  to "compel" more to come in and fill the house.  His house is filled with strangers and beggars.. but the original guests will not receive any of his feast.

Those who reject the offer that God has given us through Jesus Christ will miss out on His Kingdom.. the most wonderful and amazing blessing.. more than we could ever imagine.  Jesus came to us - though we are poor and needy.. unable to repay.. strangers and beggars  - and He brought us into the Kingdom of God, to sit at His table, and to partake of His provisions.  What an amazing God we serve!

Father in heaven, we thank You for giving us life in Jesus Christ.  We pray that You will hold us closer and speak Your joy and peace into our hearts this Christmas season.  We need You and desire to be with You in Your Kingdom.  Eagerly we wait for the return of our Lord. May we be ready.  Fill us now with Your Spirit so that Your will is done in us and through us today.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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