Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Luke 12: 13-34

Someone asks Jesus to tell his brother to "divide the family inheritance" with him.  Jesus does not intervene in this dispute... He has a greater lesson to teach His students.  "Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions." 

As I contemplate that statement, I am struck anew by how true it is.. and how much our world needs to wake up and see its truth.  Our lives don't consist of what we own.. what job we have.. what house we live in.. what our bank account holds.. Having an "abundance" does not guarantee happiness or satisfaction, let alone bring us to our most desperate need - salvation.

Jesus tells a parable about a rich man who has so much that he actually wants to tear down his barns and build bigger ones.  He has so much stored up that he never needs to work again. He plans on taking "[his] ease".  He's going to rest, eat, drink, and be happy.  But, he never gets to enjoy it, for God has other plans... his time is up and he can't take it with him.

Jesus says this, "So is the man who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God." 

How are we "rich toward God"?   By laying up our treasure in heaven instead of on earth... or in a barn.  The rich man could have used his abundance to feed the poor and needy instead of building bigger barns.  That would have been an act of faith and obedience. That would have been one way to store up treasure in heaven.

Jesus is not through with His lesson here.  He revisits His lesson on the value that God has placed on His children.  "... how much more valuable you are than birds!"  He states emphatically!

God provides food for the ravens.  He adorns the lilies of the field with great beauty.  He has made us for more than food and clothing. He has made us for His Kingdom. Anything less will never satisfy!

Have faith!  Jesus tells us.
Don't be anxious.
Stop worrying.
Stop seeking the things that will pass away.
Stop stacking up treasures that will disappear one day.

Instead, lay up treasures that will last forever.  Heavenly treasures.  What kinds of treasures are eternal?

The Kingdom of God is given to us.. "gladly" by our heavenly Father.
He knows we need food and clothing.  He is our Provider.
He knows we need to take care of our families.  He is our King.
He knows that our hearts grow weary.  He is our strength.
He knows we are weak, frail, and sometimes sick..and He is our Healer.
But, He knows that what we need the most.. is Himself! 
And He wants us to seek Him with all our hearts.

Why is this so hard for us?  Why do we forget and start worrying?  Why do we think that we can solve our problems with money or possessions?  Why is our faith so little?

Father in Heaven,  You are so great and so good to us.  Everything we need, You provide.  May we learn to live with grateful and content hearts.  Give us the Kingdom and fill us with Your Love and Truth.  Your will be done, Lord, in us today, so that You will receive glory, honor, and praises!  In Jesus' name. Amen.

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