Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Luke 18  Jesus taught His followers that they should "... at all times..pray and not.. lose heart." 

The example is a widow who is desperate for "legal protection".  She never stops coming to the one person who can help her, and even though he is not a godly man, he helps her.   Jesus teaches that if an ungodly person can do something good... what will God.. who is Good.. do for the one who prays?
Then He asks this question... "However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?"

Do we have the faith to bring every need, great or small, to our God?  If Christ returned today, would He catch us praying?

Jesus also tells another parable about prayer.  There are two men who go into the temple to pray.  One, a Pharisee, considered himself righteous and prayed, "God, I thank Thee that I am not like other people; swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax-gatherer.  I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get."  

The second man, couldn't even lift up his eyes.. prayed, "God, be merciful to me, the sinner!" 

It is the second man who receives mercy.. the answer to his prayer.  The first man received nothing. He never even asked for anything, firmly trusting his own self-righteousness.

What does this teach us about prayer?
 Pray at all times.
Pray about all things.
Ask for what is needed, humbly surrendering to the One who alone can help us.

Come like a child to his father, Jesus tells us. Totally depend on the God who made us, saved us, and cares for us... He alone is our Help.

Father,  I bring my needs before You.  Thank You for reminding me once again that I am Yours and that You are mine. You know me better than I know myself.  Touch my heart with Your healing hand that I might be fully Yours in every way.. Be glorified in my life today.  I thank You and give You all my praise and worship.  You are the Mighty God, the Maker of Heaven and earth and all things are in Your Hands... including me and my family.  May Your will be done.  May we be found to have living faith on that day when we meet You face to face.  In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Luke 17: 11-19   There were 10 lepers.  All 10 waited to see Jesus.  All ten called out to Him for mercy.  All ten obeyed His command to go show themselves to the priest.  All ten were healed.

But, only one was saved.
One turned back.
One fell at the feet of Jesus and worshiped.
One glorified God.
One gave thanks.
One, a Samaritan, had faith that "made [him] well". 

We all have the same desperate needs.
Yet, only some of us will wait on Jesus, call out to Him, and obey His instructions.
And, even fewer of us will turn back to give Him glory, thanks, and worship.

A leper knows that his need is desperate.  He knows that he needs help.
A sinner who knows his desperate need for forgiveness and cleansing will turn to Jesus, repent of his sins, and find salvation in Christ alone.

But, so many people ignore the truth that they are sinners.  They try to cover up their sins.  They drown their guilt with worldly distractions.  They tell themselves that all is well, while struggling in their hearts with the darkness that fills their lives.

Jesus is willing to cleanse us when we call to Him for mercy.  But, it is not enough for us to just go on our merry way.  He calls us to follow Him.  That means we must turn back to Him. We must acknowledge who He is ... by glorifying His Name, giving Him thanks, and worshiping Him.  He calls us to lay down our lives.

"Whoever seeks to keep his life shall lose it, and whoever loses his life shall preserve it." ( v33)

The Pharisees wanted to know when the kingdom of God was coming.  But, they missed the truth that it was right in front of them. For Jesus was there.  It was not the kind of kingdom that they wanted. Jesus tells us that the kingdom of God must be received like a child.  We enter with humility not pride or wealth or self proclaimed righteousness.

Father in heaven,  Your kingdom come.  On the day we meet You we will be forever alive... more alive than we are right now in these worn out and decaying bodies.  This is our hope in Christ Jesus and we turn to You and give You glory.  Thank You for salvation through grace by faith in Jesus Christ the King.  We truly worship You and surrender our hearts, souls, and bodies to You.  In Christ we pray, amen.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Luke 17

Jesus gives His followers another hard lesson - to forgive.. ".. if he sins against you seven times a day, and returns to you seven times, saying 'I repent, ' forgive him."   The apostles know how impossible it is to do this and ask Jesus to "Increase [ their] faith." 

Faith, Jesus says, only needs to be "like a mustard seed" to accomplish great things.

Father in heaven,  please help me to have the kind of faith that pleases You. Help me to not cause anyone else to stumble in their faith.  Help me to forgive... even those who don't repent and ask for forgiveness.  I am an unworthy slave. Let your Spirit fill me and draw me nearer to Your heart. Make me more like Jesus, my Lord.
Thank You for cleansing me of all unrighteousness. I give You glory!  Amen.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Luke 16  Was it the steward that was unrighteous, or was it the rich man?  One commentary suggests that it was the master who unfairly fired the steward based on a rumor that he had done wrong.  Others suggest that the accusations against the steward were true and he was justly removed from his position.  In both interpretations we get the lesson - we need to be "shrewd" - thoughtful, cautious, practical, and intelligent - when it comes to money... ours or our employer's.

Jesus calls us to be faithful in "very little" as well as in very "much".  He calls us to be faithful in what is "mammon of unrighteousness" as well as in "true riches".   He calls us to be faithful in what belongs to another as well as in what belongs to us.

We know that everything belongs to our Lord.. our Master.  We are to serve Him and Him alone.  He knows our hearts.  He sees our motives and actions.

Jesus tells the story of the rich man and Lazarus, a poor beggar.  One lived the charmed life and one suffered severely.  When they each died.. it was the poor man who went to heaven.  The rich man ended up in Hades, suffering torment continually.  It is Abraham who speaks of the reality that awaits all of us.. The choices we make now in this life... determines our eternity.

Comfort now... or comfort for eternity?
Suffering now... or suffering for eternity?
These are our choices.
He does not give us the choice of selfish living now and "good things" to come.

The rich man was not faithful in the "much" that he was given.. and would stay in eternal agony.
Lazarus had nothing to offer, but he was faithful to the end of his life... and was welcomed into Abraham's arms.

How do we measure our faithfulness?  The Pharisees were measuring theirs by their own self -righteousness.  We cannot force our way into the kingdom of God.  We cannot ignore the Truth of God's Word.  We cannot measure our own faithfulness by any human standards.

 We can only trust in the One who is Lord of all.

Father in heaven, teach us Your Word, write it on our hearts, that we might trust and obey.. that we may walk in Your paths and be good and faithful servants of our Lord.  All to You we surrender.  All our hope is in You and we look towards eternity with our faith in Jesus Christ alone. amen.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Luke 15  

The tax gatherers and the sinners were drawn to Jesus and He received them - He allowed them to come near, He accepted them just as they were, and He led them to repentance...

But, the Pharisees and scribes did not approve. They would never do such a thing, lest they become unclean themselves.  They did not realize that in doing this they were actually being more sinful. f
Filled with pride and hypocrisy, they showed no mercy or love.

Jesus tells three illustrations to teach what it means to God when we repent and come back to Him.

A man leaves the 99 sheep to go search for the 1 that is lost and rejoices greatly with all his friends and neighbors when he finds it.

A woman rejoices with her friends and neighbors when she finds the lost coin.

And, finally,  a father rejoices when his lost son returns home after squandering his inheritance and almost starving to death.

Our heavenly Father and all the angels rejoice,  Jesus tells us, when a sinner repents.  The tax-gatherers and the sinners that came to Jesus, repenting of their sins, brought joy to heaven.  The pharisees and scribes.. who did not repent because they didn't recognize their own sinfulness.. brought no joy to heaven.  Like the older son, they were  angry that the "sinner" had been forgiven and received by the Father.

Today, Christmas has come and we stop ( hopefully ) to think about the Babe in the manger.  He came to receive us... He has allowed us to come near... and He has brought us to repentance.  We were lost - we were perishing - but He has welcomed us back home. He has delighted in our repentance.  He rejoices that we are back in the fold with our Almighty Shepherd.

Father, we praise You and thank You for saving us by sending Your only Begotten Son in whom we believe and trust, so that we will not perish but have everlasting life.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Luke 14:25-35   Jesus does not lead us to think that following Him is an easy thing.  His next lessons are the hardest yet:

"If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, even his own life, he cannot be My disciple." The decision to follow Jesus must be total surrender and total sacrifice. "Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple." 

Count the cost.. like a man who wants to build a house needs to know if he has enough money to finish it;  like a king who wants to go to war needs to know if he has enough power to win... Jesus tells us to count the cost of discipleship.

"So therefore, no one of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions." 
Give it up - say adieu; depart from, dismiss, forsake, take leave, send away - everything;

Count the cost.

Father, there is nothing that we have that does not come from You or belong to You.  Our family members, our homes, our bank accounts... our bodies.  It is all Yours and we dare not cling to anything except Jesus Christ our Lord.  So, we lay down our lives and take up our crosses and follow You. It is not an easy thing to do.  Yet, as we count the cost, we know that it is worth it all - to know You and be with You for eternity.  There is nothing or no-one that can stand in the way of our love for You.  Please help us to be faithful to the end.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Luke 14  

Jesus was at the house of a leading Pharisee.  He already disrupted the status quo by healing the man with dropsy and chastising them for caring more about their animals than their fellow countrymen.

Now, He has something to say about their character.  The men invited to dine were probably all important men of the city.  But, some tried to make themselves more important by claiming the more honorable places at the table.   Jesus suggests that they might do well to be humble and pick out the lower places, lest they be humiliated by being asked to move for someone more important.

The truth that Jesus conveys is this, "For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."   Pride is an awful and deadly sin.  Over and over again we are reminded of this in Scripture.
Be humble.
Be last.
Be a servant.
Follow the example that Christ Himself has given us.

Jesus goes on to give an example of humble service... when hosting a dinner,  instead of inviting only those who can repay you in turn... invite those who are in need - "the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind... "  It was a radical idea in those days.. and in ours too.  But, it is exactly what Jesus did for us!

Jesus also tells a parable about another dinner..  A man prepares a great feast and invites many to come.  But, when the time comes, those invited reject the offer, making excuses to not come.   This makes the man angry, but he sends out his servants to invite everyone they can find.. those in need especially - "the poor and crippled and blind and lame."  So, many come and still there is room, so the servants are sent back out to "the highways and along the hedges"  to "compel" more to come in and fill the house.  His house is filled with strangers and beggars.. but the original guests will not receive any of his feast.

Those who reject the offer that God has given us through Jesus Christ will miss out on His Kingdom.. the most wonderful and amazing blessing.. more than we could ever imagine.  Jesus came to us - though we are poor and needy.. unable to repay.. strangers and beggars  - and He brought us into the Kingdom of God, to sit at His table, and to partake of His provisions.  What an amazing God we serve!

Father in heaven, we thank You for giving us life in Jesus Christ.  We pray that You will hold us closer and speak Your joy and peace into our hearts this Christmas season.  We need You and desire to be with You in Your Kingdom.  Eagerly we wait for the return of our Lord. May we be ready.  Fill us now with Your Spirit so that Your will is done in us and through us today.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Friday, December 20, 2019

 In Luke 13:10-17 and 14:1-6  Jesus heals on the Sabbath.  In the first passage there is a woman who has been bent double for 18 years, unable to stand straight.  In the second, there is a man "suffering from dropsy."  The first event happened in a synagogue and the second at the house of a Pharisee.  In the first, Jesus is condemned by the synagogue official, but in the second He is simply watched in silence.

Jesus speaks up about the hypocrisy of those who would care for their animals... giving them water.. or even pulling them out of a well... but, having no compassion on their fellow countryman or woman.

The first group was humiliated in front of the multitude.  The second group couldn't have answered if they wanted to.. for they knew Jesus was right.

Jesus was doing "glorious things" and the multitudes were rejoicing.  Never-the-less, Jesus was headed to Jerusalem, knowing that He would die there.

The "kingdom of God"... Jesus says, "..is like a mustard seed, which a man took and threw into his own garden; and it grew and became a tree; and the birds of the air nested in its branches."  He also compares the kingdom of God to leaven..hidden "in three pecks of meal, until it was all leavened." 
There is a mystery to the ways of God as He builds His Kingdom. He plants small seeds.  He hides truths in secret places. He does things His way.  And His ways are always perfect!

Father, help me to hear Your Word, to understand, and to grow in the knowledge of the Lord and in faith.  I am reminded from these passages that You desire for us to show compassion and kindness to those in need.  I hear You teaching that it is not always big and spectacular miracles that bring the Kingdom into people's lives.. but small seeds planted into hearts can produce great results for Your glory and honor.  May I be faithful in adding leaven.. the leaven of truth and love and grace.. into the lives of those around me.  Your will be done, Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Luke 13;1-9  A horrible thing happened and was reported to Jesus.. some of His fellow countrymen were killed and Pilate "mingled" their blood with their sacrifices. There was also a terrible accident where a tower fell down, killing 18 people.  Jesus has a surprising reaction to both situations..

He asks, "Do you suppose that these.. were greater sinners.. because they suffered?" Then He answers His own question.. "no".   These people perished and likewise all that do not repent will perish.

Jesus takes the discussion away from life threatening circumstances and focuses on what is really important.. repentance.  The tragedy is not that these people died.. it is that they died without knowing the salvation He came to give.  All of us will die at our appointed time, unless the Lord returns.  The tragedy is not how we die or when we die.. it is tragic if we die without Jesus.

Verses 22-30 underscore this thought.  Someone asks Jesus, "Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?"  Jesus tells them that we must,"Strive to enter by the narrow door; for many, I tell you will seek to enter and will not be able." 

There is a time for entering God's Kingdom.  But, there is also a time when the door will be closed... when it will be too late.  Those who failed to choose Jesus will want to come to Him later.. when it is too late.. and they will not be allowed into His Kingdom.

Entering God's Kingdom is not easy.  It is more than a one time ... sign on the line.. I'm saved.. and that's it... scenario.   Jesus says, "Strive.."  Struggle.. compete.. contend.. labor fervently.. fight to "enter by the narrow door."  The word translated "narrow" indicates there are obstacles close by , standing in the way.  Jesus calls us to walk with Him through this narrow door and keep walking with Him on the path that leads to our heavenly home.  It is a daily walk.. it is a complete commitment of all of ourselves to follow Him.. no matter what.

Father in heaven, You have brought us to Yourself through Your Word. You have given us real life in Jesus Christ.  We give You all our praise, with thanksgiving .  Keep us on the narrow way, walking in unity with You.  May we walk in "holiness and righteousness before [You] all our days."  Guide our feet in Your "way of peace".  We ask that Your kingdom come.. in us.. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Luke 12:35-59

"Be dressed in readiness and keep your lamps alight." Jesus tells His disciples.
We are to wait for Him like a servant who is waiting to open the door for the master and his bride coming home from the wedding.
We are to wait with anticipation and joy.
We are to wait with the table set and the food prepared to serve.
We are to be dressed in our finest clothes... for this is a monumental occasion!

Be ready!
He's coming!

The man who did not know that a thief was coming, was not ready.. but had he known... there would have been a much different result!

Be ready!
He's coming!

Be are to be  "faithful and sensible" in our readiness.
If we have responsibilities we must carry them out with integrity.
If we fail to do what we are supposed to be doing.. if we live ugly and cruel lives that harm others and selfishly satisfy our own lusts.. then we will face the wrath of our Master.
"And that slave who knew his master's will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, shall receive many lashes."  

We have been told the master's will.. to be faithful until He comes.  We have been told to be ready and waiting, for He is coming.

Jesus does not want us to think that this will be easy.  There will be conflicts, even in families.. some following Him and others not. But, like a coming storm, we must be prepared for what lies ahead.. continuing to do what is right, to do His will.. for He is coming back.. soon.

Father, may we be found doing Your will at the return of our King.  May we be good and faithful servants, waiting with eagerness, prepared for the day of great joy... our lamps lit up, the table set, and our hearts overflowing with Your great love.  In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Luke 12: 13-34

Someone asks Jesus to tell his brother to "divide the family inheritance" with him.  Jesus does not intervene in this dispute... He has a greater lesson to teach His students.  "Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions." 

As I contemplate that statement, I am struck anew by how true it is.. and how much our world needs to wake up and see its truth.  Our lives don't consist of what we own.. what job we have.. what house we live in.. what our bank account holds.. Having an "abundance" does not guarantee happiness or satisfaction, let alone bring us to our most desperate need - salvation.

Jesus tells a parable about a rich man who has so much that he actually wants to tear down his barns and build bigger ones.  He has so much stored up that he never needs to work again. He plans on taking "[his] ease".  He's going to rest, eat, drink, and be happy.  But, he never gets to enjoy it, for God has other plans... his time is up and he can't take it with him.

Jesus says this, "So is the man who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God." 

How are we "rich toward God"?   By laying up our treasure in heaven instead of on earth... or in a barn.  The rich man could have used his abundance to feed the poor and needy instead of building bigger barns.  That would have been an act of faith and obedience. That would have been one way to store up treasure in heaven.

Jesus is not through with His lesson here.  He revisits His lesson on the value that God has placed on His children.  "... how much more valuable you are than birds!"  He states emphatically!

God provides food for the ravens.  He adorns the lilies of the field with great beauty.  He has made us for more than food and clothing. He has made us for His Kingdom. Anything less will never satisfy!

Have faith!  Jesus tells us.
Don't be anxious.
Stop worrying.
Stop seeking the things that will pass away.
Stop stacking up treasures that will disappear one day.

Instead, lay up treasures that will last forever.  Heavenly treasures.  What kinds of treasures are eternal?

The Kingdom of God is given to us.. "gladly" by our heavenly Father.
He knows we need food and clothing.  He is our Provider.
He knows we need to take care of our families.  He is our King.
He knows that our hearts grow weary.  He is our strength.
He knows we are weak, frail, and sometimes sick..and He is our Healer.
But, He knows that what we need the most.. is Himself! 
And He wants us to seek Him with all our hearts.

Why is this so hard for us?  Why do we forget and start worrying?  Why do we think that we can solve our problems with money or possessions?  Why is our faith so little?

Father in Heaven,  You are so great and so good to us.  Everything we need, You provide.  May we learn to live with grateful and content hearts.  Give us the Kingdom and fill us with Your Love and Truth.  Your will be done, Lord, in us today, so that You will receive glory, honor, and praises!  In Jesus' name. Amen.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Luke 12:1-12

As thousands of people gathered around Jesus.. "so many..that they were stepping on one another.." 
He began to speak to His disciples...

"Beware of... hypocrisy.."  Beware of the actors, the pretenders, the deceitful.  Watch out for it spreads like leaven.. like yeast that penetrates all of the dough. The pretenders infect all those who listen to them with their deceptions.

The truth is.. "nothing"  can be concealed or hidden.
What is said in the dark will come to light.
What is whispered will be shouted from the housetop.

And.. God knows it all anyway.
If we are genuine believers in Jesus Christ.. it will be seen in our lives.
If not.. that will also be seen.

Jesus tells us not to be afraid of death, so don't be afraid of those who threaten to kill.  Only fear God. He is the only One who "has authority to cast into hell," 

God sees you. You have value in His sight.

If you confess Jesus before men, "the Son of Man shall confess [you] before the angels of God"
But, to deny Jesus will lead to Him denying you.

Speaking against Jesus may be forgiven. But, speaking against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

When in the midst of persecution, trust God to give you the words to say. He promises that the "Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say."

Father in heaven, search our hearts and bring to light our true selves... If we are deceived or pretending.. forgive us and bring us to true faith and salvation in Christ Jesus.  You know us better than we know ourselves. You love us and regard us with such grace.. we can never thank You enough.  May we boldly confess Jesus Christ before men.  May we speak as the Holy Spirit leads us. May we fear only God and no other.  May we know that death only means that we go home to be with You forever, if we are Yours.  May we be genuine.. walking in Your Light and living in unity with You through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Luke 11:37-54  Jesus goes to lunch with a Pharisee....

When the man notices that Jesus does not go through the ritual hand-washing, he is a bit shocked.  But, Jesus has a lesson to teach:  The Pharisees were so focused on the outside that they didn't pay any attention to their insides.

First, Jesus points out that God made both the inside and the outside of man.
Then, He points out that if the inside is clean.. "then all things are clean for you."

It is so easy to just go through the motions.. go to church, sing hymns, read the Bible, even pray .. but if it is all done without the heart being involved... it means nothing.
Search me, O God.. examine me, change me, renew a right spirit in me.

V 42   Lesson two - The Pharisees tithed even mint and rue - the smallest of herbs or spices, but they disregarded  "justice and the love of God".  They majored in the minor things and left out the most vital things of God.

V 43 The Pharisees loved being better than everyone else.  They took the best seats.  They lapped up the "respectful greetings".  They were so full of pride.   Jesus said that they were really like "concealed tombs".  Unclean.  Making everyone who came in contact with them unclean and they didn't even know it.

When a lawyer protested, Jesus turned His attention towards them.. the ones who were experts in the law.
 v46 They weighed down men "with burdens hard to bear", while never helping anyone.
 v47  They built tombs for the prophets, even though their fathers were the ones who killed them.
 v52  They stopped men from entering into the "knowledge" of the Word.  They held the key, being scholars of the Word, but they refused to enter into it and kept all others out too.

The scribes and Pharisees hated being criticized and corrected by Jesus.  They became hostile and began to plot how to make Him say something wrong so they could condemn Him.

Father, help us to be focused on the right things, the things that really matter.. to You.  May our hearts be open and clean before You.  Fill us with Your Spirit so that we can live genuine, surrendered, obedient, faithful lives before You.  May we love You, love justice, and have mercy.  May we give to those in need, especially leading them to You.  Keep us in Your perfect will, we pray .Amen.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Luke 29-36  Jesus calls the generation "wicked" because they kept asking for a sign.  He had done miracle after miracle, but they wanted something more.  Jesus refused to perform for them, but told them that "no sign shall be given to it but the sign of Jonah."   He goes on to say that Jonah "became a sign to the Ninevites."    Jonah, himself, became a sign.. .  Likewise, Jesus, Himself is the "sign" - the attesting miracle - greater than Jonah;  greater than Solomon; and Matthew adds - "greater than the temple". 

The Queen of the South will testify against the generation that would not receive Jesus.
The men of Ninevah, those who repented at the time of Jonah, will also testify against them.
This generation had God in the flesh,  Jesus Christ, right in front of them.  They were able to hear His voice and to recognize the Truth as He spoke.. but they refused, unlike these two examples.

Jesus talks about light and darkness.  A clear eye lets in light that will fill the whole body.  But, an unhealthy eye, blinded to light, will keep the whole body full of darkness.  Jesus did not want anyone to miss the Truth. He spoke clearly and He never hid the Light...  Likewise, He instructs His followers to not hide or cover the light, but to put in "on the lamp stand, in order that those who enter may see the light." 

What does that mean to us, today?  If we have received Jesus, the Light of the World, then we also become light.  Our eyes clearly see Him and receive Him as Lord and King.  This floods our whole selves with His light. Every part of us will shine for Him.. all we do and say will reflect His light.

But, if we do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, there is darkness in us and our eyes are blinded to the truth.

Father, our prayer is for those who still do not see You or listen to Your Word.  Shine through us so that they will see the Light of Jesus Christ and repent, confessing their sins, and receive Jesus as their Savior and Lord.  I pray for our nation today, asking that the Truth of Your Word will fill this land like never before. We need You now.  Your Kingdom come we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Luke 11: 14-28   Jesus freed a man from a demon that had taken away his ability to speak.  When the man spoke.. for the first time in who knows how long... the crowd "marveled".  I imagine that man had a lot to say.. and his first words were probably glorifying God.

But, the Pharisees couldn't rejoice in this great miracle because they didn't want to admit that Jesus was the Messiah, or even that He was from God.  Instead, they gave the credit to Beelzebul, Satan.
Jesus patiently gives them a lesson about the way the spirit world works.

First of all, "Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste: and a house divided against itself falls."  Even Satan can't cast himself out. The only way a "strong man" is plundered is by someone who is stronger still.  If Satan or his minions are removed from their "house"... it must be by Someone greater!   And, Jesus says it is "the finger of God"  that is strong enough!

Jesus also teaches that "He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me, scatters."  Satan is certainly not "with" Jesus, nor will he "gather with" Him. Satan  opposes Jesus and scatters - puts to flight, dissipates, disperses.  Those who were opposing Jesus were following Satan, not God.

An unclean spirit who goes "out of a man" Jesus says, "passes through waterless places seeking rest..."  They need a place to inhabit.  So, Jesus teaches, they will go back to the place they were and bring more demons with them.. " seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of the man becomes worse than the first."   

Our enemy is strong but our Savior is stronger!  We need to be "with" Jesus.. on His side.. so that we might gather with Him - to accompany Him, lead with Him, come together with Him..

"... blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it. "  Jesus tells the crowd.  Those who were refusing to be on Jesus' side were not blessed.. in fact Jesus is about to preach about that.  But, for now, let us stop and think about the greatness of our Savior who came to free us from the tyranny of Satan.  He alone is strong enough.. and He desires.. longs for.. us to be on His side!

Thank You Lord!  All praise and glory and honor belongs to You.  May Your Kingdom come to all the earth.  We need You!  Father,  our nation is full of darkness and division.  It will fall unless You intervene.  We pray for the peace that Christ brings to come here and fill our hearts and minds as we cast all our cares on You. Your will be done!  Amen.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Luke 11:1-13   This passage is slightly different than Matthew 6:9-13 -Jesus teaching His disciples  how to pray:

 "When you pray say:  
Father, hallowed be Thy name. 
Thy kingdom come.  
Give us each day our daily bread. and forgive us our sins, 
For we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.
 And lead us not into temptation."

This is such a powerful prayer...if we understand and follow the pattern He has given us. We are invited to come into the holy Presence of the Father when we pray. Our Holy God in heaven, sits on a throne surrounded by brilliant radiance and beauty. He is worshiped constantly by saints and angels.  Lightning and thunder and majestic glory surround this holy place.  And it is here that we ask Him to hallow His name.   In a world where the name of the Lord has become anything but sacred.. Jesus teaches us to ask the Father for cataclysmic change in the thinking of mankind. And He tells us that if we ask... we will receive!

The same is true when we ask the Father to come reign.. for His Kingdom to come.  Jesus will say to the Pharisees in verse 20.. "But if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you."   The Kingdom of God - the reign of God comes with power and authority over everything.  Over Satan. Over darkness. Over evil. Over sickness.  Over poverty. Over pain.  Yes, yes, yes...  please.. Thy Kingdom come, Lord!

We all have two essential needs that God wants to meet.. and that only He can meet :
 daily bread and forgiveness of sins - provisions for life - physically and spiritually.
We just have to ask.

Jesus also teaches us to commit ourselves to forgive others and to ask for His help to keep from straying.  Right relationships with others and with Him are vital.. we need to pray about this consistently and persistently!

He gives us two parables to help us understand how to pray this way:
First, we must learn to pray with "persistence", like the man who needed bread from his neighbor.
Second, we need to learn that God is the giver of only "good" gifts, like a father who gives his son a fish and not a snake, or an egg and not a scorpion.

We are to pray for what we need.  We are to trust that God will give us what He knows we need.
Ask. Seek. Knock.  Repeat!
Trust Him.  Keep on trusting.  No matter what.

Father in heaven, we come to You with our hearts yielded and still before You.  You are the Mighty God and we ask that You would bring glory and honor and praise to Your Name and that Your Kingdom would come in fullness of joy and power and glory. Change the way we pray, that we might truly do as Jesus has taught us. We look to You as the Giver of the Holy Spirit. Come abide in us we pray. Amen.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Luke 10:38-42
It is Martha who invites Jesus into her home.
But, it is Mary who sits at His feet to listen.

It is Martha who was busy with all the preparations and serving.
It is Mary who puts Jesus first and leaves the work to Martha.

It is Martha who complains about her sister for not helping.
It is Jesus who says that Mary has chosen "the good part". 

Like Martha, we become "worried and bothered about so many things..." 
Especially this time of the year...

What presents should we buy?
Who should we buy gifts for?
Will we have enough... money, food, gifts... ?
What if someone is unhappy ..... what if I'm unhappy?
How do we do it all and not be "worried and bothered"?

I don't want to go through the motions... I don't want to buy something for someone that doesn't mean something.. and I end up frozen, unable to decide, fretting.. "worried and bothered".  

Anyone else like that?

Jesus says... choose the "good part".  The part that will not be taken away. What is the only thing that is not taken away... the eternal thing.. ?  Love.   Choose love.

Love sits at the feet of Jesus and listens.
Love doesn't worry about the "many things".. but focuses on the One.

Father in heaven,  help me to choose well, to choose Jesus.  Help me to see as You see and love as You love.  Let Your peace and grace fill our hearts this Christmas season, so that we might enjoy and celebrate the Good News of Christ, who came to save us.  We come to sit at Your feet,  even now.  To bask in Your amazing love.  Come and fill us now with Your Presence... I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

Friday, December 6, 2019

Luke 10:25-37

It is a lawyer, an expert in the Law, that asks the question, "Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"   He knew the answer already, but he was testing Jesus.  They both agreed that the vital commandments are  " You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength , and with all you mind. and your neighbor as yourself."

But, the lawyer was not quite satisfied that this was sufficient.. he had another question, "And who is my neighbor?"  

He thought he knew the answer to this too.. but, he was probably not prepared for the answer that Jesus gave him.  The story of the good Samaritan is well known.
One man beaten and left for dead.
One priest unwilling to stop and help.
One Levite also unwilling to stop and help.
One Samaritan man... "felt compassion".. came.. bandaged. him ... brought him to an inn, paid for his care, and even promised to pay anything else owed.

Jesus said "Which of these three proved to be a neighbor...?"  Who acted as a friend, a countryman.. a fellow human being?  The lawyer knew this answer too.. "The one who showed mercy toward him." 

Jesus said to him, "Go and do the same." 

Who is our neighbor?  It is the one who we can be a neighbor to.. anyone who needs compassion.. and we know that everyone needs compassion...

"Go and do the same." Jesus said.  And His message has not changed.  Love God and love others.

John, the apostle, wrote about this love.. this love that starts with loving God and continues with loving others.  " Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love."  ( I John 4:7-8)   He goes on to add.. " We love because He first loved us. If someone says, 'I love God,' and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.  And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God should love his brother also."  ( I John 4:19-21) 

Perhaps we find it too easy to say we love God and others. The lawyer probably did.. at first.  But, would he have stopped and helped the beaten man?  Would he "love his neighbor"?   Did he go away convicted?  Did Jesus' words bring him to repent of his lack of love?

How does this speak to us?  John also wrote, "Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and in truth."  

Father in heaven, fill us with Your holy love, that we might love You with all of our being and also love others.  May we really see those who are in need and commit ourselves to care for them.  Give us hearts of compassion for others and cast out our fears and worries, for we have become hardened by this world and skeptical of others. Move us by Your Spirit who indwells us as we submit ourselves to Your will once again.  May You be praised and glorified in our lives as we walk in Your light and love.  We pray in Jesus' name, amen.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Luke 10: 1-24

 Jesus chooses 70 men to send out ahead of Him. As they go two by two, they are instructed on how to go:

Pray - for the harvest ( v2)
Take no other resources ( v4)
Enter with peace ( v5)
Stay in one place (v7)
Eat whatever is set before you ( v8)
Heal the sick (v9)
And preach the nearness of God's kingdom ( v9)

The city that received the gospel would keep the peace they were greeted with.
But, the city that would not receive it would be cursed.  God will judge according to His measurements - "The one who listens to you listens to Me, and the one who rejects you rejects Me; and he who rejects Me rejects the One who sent Me." (v16)

Rejection of God's servants is rejection of Him.  Judgement is certain for the home and the city that refuses to listen to the Truth.  This is true of nations also.  May God help our nation to turn back to Him!

As the 70 return, rejoicing at what God did through them, Jesus cautions them to "not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven." 

Jesus rejoiced to see "Satan fall from heaven like lightning".  
He rejoiced that the Father chose "babes' instead of the "wise and intelligent" to reveal these things to.
He rejoiced that His disciples got to see things that prophets had longed to see.

Jesus makes and interesting statement..
" All things have been handed over to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him."  

The relationship between the Father and the Son was a great hidden mystery until Jesus came to earth, sent by the Father to bring the Kingdom of God near. As we think back through biblical history, there were only a few times that God intervened so powerfully and directly in earthly events - at the flood, at the calling of Abraham, at the Exodus, and at the time of David becoming king of Israel. When Jesus came to earth as a baby boy, grew up, ministered, healed, delivered, and taught the Truth about God's Kingdom - it was the greatest intervention, the most momentous historical event that had ever happened.  Yet, there will be one more time.. when Christ returns.. that will be greater still.

Father in heaven, Your Kingdom come!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Luke 9: 49-62  Being a disciple of Jesus - a student of the Master - doesn't come easily.  There are always new lessons to be learned...

In verse 49 John wants to stop those who were using the name of Jesus to cast out demons, but weren't with the twelve.  Jesus accepted those others saying, "Do not hinder him; for he who is not against you is for you."   There are others that Jesus called and used for ministry.  That's good news, not bad. John and the other apostles needed to learn to accept and receive others... So do we. As long as they are "not against" us..

In verses 51-56 Luke tells us that the Samaritans would not receive Jesus in their villages because He was headed to Jerusalem.  James and John wanted to call down fire!  This was not acceptable to Jesus.. " You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them."   Another lesson to be learned. Jesus never physically attacked people while He was walking on earth.. where did this idea of calling down fire come from?  Not Him.  Only one kind of spirit tempts us to kill, steal, or destroy.

In verses 57-62  Luke tells of three who wanted to be disciples:

The first said he would follow Jesus anywhere... but Jesus told him that "the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head."  We are not told if the man still wanted to follow or not...

The second was called by Jesus but wanted to go bury his father first.. " Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but for you, go and proclaim  everywhere the kingdom of God."  Jesus told him.

The third wanted to go say goodbye to his family.  "But Jesus said to him, ' No one after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." 

These are hard things to understand and to do...   We want to put everything else first.. before Jesus - family, homes, jobs, personal opinions.  It seems very natural to want to say goodbye to our family or to bury a father.  Why did Jesus say what He said?  We need to know that nothing is as important as the message of the Kingdom of God. NOTHING.

O Father in heaven, Majesty on high, holy and true, the only God,  forgive us for putting other things, other people, and other purposes before the vital message of Your Kingdom.  Time is running out.  People are dying. The world is full of wars, violence, sickness, and death.  Their only hope is the Good news of Jesus Christ who came to save men.  I want to follow You with steadfastness and devotion... to walk with my face toward You and not turn back.  Heal my blindness at the needs around me and make me bold to speak the Word of Truth.  I pray this in the name of Jesus. amen.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Luke 9:48  "Whoever receives this child in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me; for he who is least among you, this is the one who is great." 

The argument started again.. twelve chosen apostles...looking to be greater than each other. To be in charge, to take over the management; to be the best.   Jesus addresses this issue over and over.  Mankind is always looking the wrong direction to define themselves., to promote themselves.... higher, greater, wealthier, smarter... whatever fits our definition of success.

God doesn't define success in the same way. Be -  "the least"... the lowliest.  Jesus tells them again, on the last day.. at the last supper together.. "The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who have authority over them are called 'Benefactors'. But not so with you, but let him who is greatest among you become as the youngest and the leader as the servant." 

Jesus led by example.. "But I am among you as the one who serves."  The King of kings and Lord of lords, the Son of God, the Anointed One... intentionally became a servant.  "Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of man. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death on a cross." ( Phil. 2:5-8)

It is in serving that we become more like Jesus. This is the direction that God would have us travel in our lives.  Receiving a child in His name. Being like the youngest in the group. Waiting on others instead of wanting to be waited on ourselves. Laying down our lives.. taking up our crosses.. and following Him.

This Christmas season, shall we make this our purpose?  Our choice?  Not gifts or traditions or great and exciting experiences.. but serving. Receiving. Accepting.

Father in heaven, show us the way and help us to walk as Jesus walked, in humble service.  Open our eyes to see the ways that we can receive, accept, and serve others in Jesus' name.  Amen.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Luke 9 :1-45

 Jesus sent out the twelve to preach and to heal.  Even Herod heard about what was happening and wanted to see Jesus.  Herod confessed that he had John the Baptist killed and was "perplexed" because some thought that Jesus was John, risen from the dead.  Others thought that Jesus was Elijah or another prophet.  But, God revealed to Peter that Jesus was "the Christ of God".  The Messiah, the Anointed One.  Jesus referred to Himself as "The Son of Man".

"Son of man" - this man, this particular man of flesh and bone.. who came to bring the good news of God's Kingdom, and to die at the hands of men who refused to believe Him.  "Who is this man..?" 
they asked... He is the One that they never expected.

Jesus fed the 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish, and then asked the disciples who the multitude thought He was... and who they thought He was. Then He revealed the fact that He would be rejected and would suffer. "But, they did not understand..."  He was transfigured on the mountain before Peter, James, and John.. but they didn't understand that He would suffer before He would be glorified.

God calls us to listen to Jesus.  To let His words sink into our ears. He came to this earth as a man, so that we could be saved. His salvation would come, not by the overthrowing of a government, but by a cross. He would deny Himself, take up His cross, lay down His life and taste death.. for us.  And to follow Him, requires us to do the same.. "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me."  

Daily.. we must choose to be "all in"...every day.

O Lord, help us to understand and to do Your good will.  Your love is great and we have been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ our King. Today.. we commit ourselves to follow Jesus.  Help us to accomplish this by Your Spirit at work in us.  Thank You. Amen.