Friday, December 29, 2017

Luke 16 also contains the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.  The rich man lived "in splendor every day".  He had it all and kept it all.  Every day that he left his mansion, he passed by Lazarus, who was laid at the gate to beg. He never showed any compassion or concern at all.  He probably looked the other was...

Lazarus probably had leprosy or something similar.  He was "covered with sores".  He was starving.  Dogs would come and lick his sores.  He was as poor and as miserable as any man could be.  But.. he believed in God and was rewarded for his faith.

When both men died, Jesus tells us, they had much different outcomes.  The rich man was sent to Hades where he was tormented by fire and longed for even  1 drop of water. From this place of torture, the man could see Abraham with his arms around Lazarus, comforting him.  He asks for Abraham to send Lazarus with a drop of water.  But it is too late.  He had never considered Lazarus' need as he passed him by every day while they were alive.   Even if Lazarus wanted to help him, there was a great chasm between the 2 locations that could not be breeched, so he would remain in constant agony.

The man begged for someone to go to his 5 brothers and warn them not to make the same mistake that he did. But even that request was refused.  His brothers had the same opportunity as every man, to hear the Word of the Lord and respond with repentance and find salvation.  Nothing else would be given. None of the man's riches would help him.  None of the man's prayers would be answered.

Too late. 

Father in heaven,  this story makes me think of my unsaved family members.  O God of mercy, I pray that You will open their eyes and bring them to repentance and salvation before it is too late for them!
My most urgent prayer is for them.  Please save them Lord.  I ask this in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Luke 16  Jesus tells a parable about a steward that worked in a rich man's estate.  The master hears that the steward is "squandering his possessions."  Before he is fired, the steward settles up the master's accounts, shrewdly making good deals with several debtors.  His motive is to make friends with these men so that they will help him after he loses his job.  The master does not have a problem with the steward's actions, but actually commends him.

One commentary I read suggests that it is actually the master who is unfair here.. firing the steward who was perhaps falsely accused.  Another states that the steward will not only be fired, but put to death for his actions.  Either way, the point that Jesus is making appears to be about the use of money.

Verse 9 - Use earthly wealth "mammon of unrighteousness" - for eternal purposes.
Verse 10-11 - Be faithful, even if you only have a little, for then you can be entrusted with more. But, if you are not faithful in even  the little bit, you will not be entrusted with more important things.
Verse 12 - If you can't handle someone else's money, you will not be able to handle your own.
Verse 13- Money wants to master you, but God is the only One we should serve.

The Pharisees loved money.  They scoffed at Jesus' teaching.  Jesus teaches some vital principles here:
".. God knows your hearts" v15
God detests what men esteem.
The Law is clear.
The gospel of the Kingdom of God has been revealed.
Every sin... pride, greed, falsehoods, unjustified seen clearly and judged righteously by our Father according to His standards, not ours.

Be faithful in everything that God has entrusted you with...

For God knows your heart and is the final Judge of what counts.. of what is righteous and good and pleasing to Him.  We are in His service.  Nothing else should become a priority over living in trust and obedience to Him.

Father in Heaven, we hallow Your Name.  You are God alone, Ruler of Heaven and earth and there is no other.  Fill us Holy Spirit that we might walk in truth and righteousness this day, by the grace of Jesus and the Power of Your Might.  All that I am and all that You have blessed me with, I surrender to You fully.  Be glorified in my life I pray, amen.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Luke 15  As Jesus freely associates with the "tax-gatherers and sinners" who are drawn to Him, the Pharisees and scribes begin to grumble.  Jesus tells them 3 parables in order to correct their thinking and reveal the truth... of God's perspective and of their own heart issues.

The lost sheep is found.  The owner rejoices when he finds the one that was lost and celebrates.
99 sheep were safely in the fold.  The missing one may have not seemed that significant, but it was valued by the shepherd.  Jesus says, " I tell you that in the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, than over the ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance."

The lost coin is found. The woman had 10 silver coins and lost one in her house.  Each coin was worth a days wages.  Imagine the loss of a day's pay... that could be a big problem for those of us who live paycheck to paycheck.   After carefully sweeping her house, the woman found her coin and rejoiced!  Again Jesus says, " In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." 

The lost son returns home.  In the first story, heaven itself rejoices.  In the second, the angels are rejoicing.  In this example, it is the Father who rejoices!  The son chose to take his inheritance and leave home.  He is foolish in using his wealth.  He is unprepared for the famine that hits the land.  He is in desperate need.  "But, when he came to his senses.... " he returns to his father's home.  He comes humbly, confessing his sin and acknowledging his unworthiness.  But, the father still greatly values his son!  He sees him coming, he runs to him, he embraces him, and kisses him!  He prepares a robe, a ring, and a lavish dinner to celebrate the return of his son. ".. for this son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found." 

The elder son resents the celebration of the younger son's return.  He resents the father's joy over his own brother's salvation.  This is the heart of the Pharisees and scribes grumbling.  They saw no worth in sinners or tax-gatherers.  They did not value the lives of their own brothers and resented the salvation of those whom they considered unworthy !

Jesus teaches that one sheep, one coin, and one son... the lost who are found.. are highly valued in heaven!  Each one of us.. who come home to the Father.. are received by Him with great rejoicing ! All of heaven rejoices when the lost are found.

Father in heaven,  O how wonderful You are!  Your love for each of us is so precious.. as You have shown us in Your word.  You look for us, You embrace us and kiss us.. You give us a robe and a ring.. calling us Your own.  Thank You for being such a loving and wonderful Father. Help us to stay ever in Your Presence.. We need You so!  We love You, Lord! Amen.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Luke 13-14   As Jesus heads to Jerusalem, knowing that He will suffer and die there,  He continues teaching to those who have ears to hear and to heed His Word.

Luke tells us that someone asks Jesus " Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?" ( 13:23)
The answer is a resounding "No".    Those who "strive to enter by the narrow door.." and who come in while the door is still open,  will be saved.  But, " .. many, I tell you will seek to enter and will not be able."  Jesus says that there will be a time when the door will be shut and those left outside, knocking as hard as they can... will not be allowed to enter.

The lesson is clear.  We must respond to His invitation while we can.  For there will come a time when it is too late.  He wants us to come.  He invites us to come.  He even compels us to come... to eat at the table of the King. He calls us to Himself.. to come under His wings and be His favored guest.  It is up to us to respond now.  To respond with humility and with joy.  For all He offers to us is worth so much more than  anything else that we could possibly desire. 

Those invited to the dinner in the story found in Luke 14:16-24, made excuses - one bought a new piece of land and wanted to look at it;  one bought some new oxen and wanted to try them out;  one had just gotten married and wanted to stay with his new wife.  Jesus teaches that we must count the cost of following Him.. of entering the narrow gate that leads to the Kingdom.. and we need to decide now that it is more important than any other decision that we will ever make. He is the King and is worthy of our total commitment every day and every hour.

We must love Him more than our father, mother, wife, or children, brothers or sisters.
We must love Him more than our own lives.
We must be willing to carry our own cross.
We must be willing to stay steadfast and persevere to the end.

Three illustrations are given to help us picture this:
A man who wants to build a tower will make sure that he has enough money to build the whole thing.
A king who is planning on going to battle will make sure he has enough soldiers to win the war.
Salt that no longer has any flavor cannot be used for anything but will be thrown out.

If we want to follow Christ, we need to know that He expects us to stay faithful to the end.
If we want to follow Christ, we need to trust Him to bring us to victory.
If we want to follow Christ, we must not lose our value, like tasteless salt,  but to remain in Him.

There were those who were outside the door who claimed to know the Lord, " We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets;" But that is not good enough, Jesus says, "I tell you, I do not know where you are from; Depart from Me, all You evildoers." 

Father in Heaven,  You have called us to Yourself and You are worthy of our full commitment.. every ounce of our being.  Why is it so hard for human kind to lay down that which we cannot keep so that we can take up that which we cannot lose?  You are everything ! Your Kingdom is more valuable than anything this earth contains! Eternity is way more important than the few days that we dwell here on earth.. what You tell us is like a wisp of smoke.... grass that grows in the morning and is gone by evening.  Open our eyes Lord!  Strengthen our love for You and our commitment to put You first above all things.  And, one more thing Lord... Happy Birthday Jesus!  Thank You for coming, for saving us, for inviting us into Your Presence.  Thank You and praise Your holy Name. amen.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Luke 13:1-8   When Jesus is asked why some Galileans had been killed by Pilate, His answer takes them by surprise.  Were they greater sinners?  " I tell you, no, but unless you repent you will all likewise perish."  He also gives another example of 18 men killed when a tower fell, and again states that they were not worse sinners than those in Jerusalem. Death is inevitable . For all of us, unless our Savior returns.  It is sometimes tragic.  It sometimes seems unfair.  But, it is not the most important thing... Repentance and salvation through faith in Christ Jesus is the only important thing!

Then Jesus tells a parable about a fig tree that has not produced fruit for 3 years.  The tree should have been  producing.  The caretaker wanted to give it one more year to be productive.  If it did not produce then it would be cut down.  The most important thing in our lives, is not how we die.. but how we live.  Do our lives produce the fruit of righteousness?  Are we walking in a manner worthy of His calling?  Are we fulfilling the purposes that He has for us?

The tree was not producing and was judged.  Likewise, Jesus, looking at the fruit of the religious leaders, saw nothing worthy of salvation.  They were hypocrites, forsaking the truth and living according to their own terms.

Verses 10-17 are another illustration .. this time a living one.  The woman was stricken with a terrible sickness - one that was caused by Satan and had bound her for 18 years!  She was completely bent over.  She " could not straighten up at all."  When Jesus saw her, "He called her over and said to her, 'Woman, you are freed from your sickness' "  Then, He touched her and she stood up straight for the first time in 18 years!  She immediately gave glory to God!   But, the religious officials were "indignant".   Work can be done the other 6 days of the week, they argued.  Come back then to be healed. What a stupid reaction to such a miraculous healing!  The hypocrites are humiliated as Jesus corrects their wrong thinking.  " You hypocrites, does not each of you on the Sabbath untie his ox or his donkey from the stall, and lead him away to water him?  And this woman, a daughter of Abraham as she is, whom Satan has bound for eighteen long years, should she not have been released from this bond on the Sabbath day?"

The religious leaders were more concerned about their animals than their sister who was suffering.
They cared about their rules and regulations more than they cared about people.
Jesus saw no fruit of righteousness in their lives.  They would be judged and cast out unless they repented and came to Him.

Father in Heaven,  open our eyes and our hearts, to see You and to give You glory!  We do not want to live as hypocrites, but as faithful followers in Jesus Christ, our King. Forgive us, Lord!   May our lives abound with the fruit of righteousness.  Overwhelm us by Your Spirit that we may produce love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control.  Fruit that is produced by the True Vine to Whom we are united with as branches.  May we life a life worthy of Your calling.  May we focus, not on ourselves, but on You.  Help us to do this, for we are unable to produce such fruit on our own... but only in Christ Jesus.  It is in His Mighty Name we pray.  Amen.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Luke 12 - continued...

Lesson 1 - Live the truth and watch out for the false - Focus on the One Who values us so much that He gave His Son for our salvation. Live for Him and not for the world.
Lesson 2 - Be generous, not greedy.   Trust the One Who values us and make Him your treasure.  You won't be sorry...

Lesson 3 - Be ready.

Jesus says, " Be dressed in readiness and keep your lamps alight." (v35)
"... immediately open the door to him..." (v36)
Be .. " on the alert" (v37)
" You too, be ready for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect." (v40)
Be found " faithful and sensible.. when He comes". ( v42-43)

The unprepared, unfaithful, servant will be punished for his deeds.
The ready, faithful servant will be blessed. Jesus gives us a clear command to be ready!

Lesson 4 - Be aware.

Jesus teaches that there will come a time of "division" on the earth.  Division between fathers and sons, mothers and daughters...   A division over Him. Be aware that we each must make the choice to follow Him.

He teaches that we should " analyze this present time.." Be discerning of what is happening in our world around us.

He teaches that we need to "judge what is right."

The life of a disciple of Jesus Christ is not a simple life without problems.  But it is a life worth living.  As we walk in His Light, His Word.. and let the Truth gird our minds and hearts, we will know Him more and more.  This One who loves us and values us, is coming to take us Home with Him.. and we need to be aware and ready.  We can only do that when we keep our eyes on Him.
He is our Treasure.
He is our Truth.
He is our Coming King.
He is the Judge of all.

" O come, Thou Key of David come;
and open wide our heavenly home;
Make safe the way that leads on high,
And close the path to misery.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel!"

Father in Heaven,  May Your Name be ever on our lips as we praise and worship You, rejoicing that You have saved us and that You love us so!  We ask for the coming King to reign over us fully.  We seek the Guidance of our loving Counselor to help us walk in faithfulness and truth.  Keep our eyes open.. that we might know You more and more every day.  Thank You for hearing this prayer.. in Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Luke 12 This chapter is  full of lessons that I want to dig into and learn...  Come Holy Spirit and teach us the Truth that Jesus is revealing here in Your Word!

Lesson 1 - Beware of hypocrisy.   The Pharisees were full of hypocrisy - feigning or acting the part of righteous leaders, but full of deceit.  Jesus says it is like leaven - boiling up and growing, fermenting;
They were covering up their internal wickedness with outward acts of religious works.  But, Jesus says.. nothing is going to stay hidden... The cover will come off and the truth will be revealed.

So, knowing that,  don't live in the same way.  Live in truth.  Speak the truth. Act in accord with the truth.  Don't be afraid of " those who kill the body"  but, " fear the One who after He has killed has authority to cast into hell, yes I tell you fear Him." 

Revere God... 
Who knows the sparrows.. and the number of hairs on your head.
Who values you.. 
Who will hear your confession of Christ before men, and His confession of You before the throne.
Who forgives our failure before Christ, but Who holds us accountable for our words against His Spirit.
Who gives us the words to say by His Spirit when we stand before evil authorities.
These truths will overcome hypocrisy!

Lesson 2 - Beware of greed.  ".. be on your guard against every for of greed; form not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions." ( v15)

Jesus tells the story of a rich man who had so much that he tore down his barns to build bigger ones so that he could own more! He thinks he has it made and he can "eat, drink, and be merry".  But, God had another plan... that very night, the man dies.  His treasure was all wrapped up in earthly possessions.  He was unprepared for what came next - eternity.

So, the way to prepare for true life, life after this world is to be "rich toward God". 
Don't be anxious about this life - food, clothing, body,  "For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing." 
Remember that God values you. 
Don't be anxious.. don't worry.. don't be afraid..
Our Father knows our needs.
Our Father has chosen to give us His Kingdom.
Our Father has given us treasure in Heaven.
Worry accomplishes nothing... Faith accomplishes much!

More to come.. tomorrow.

Father in Heaven,  Your Word says "He who has ears, let him hear"... and so I turn my full attention to Your voice.  I hear You say to me today, that You know me, value me, and have me in Your Hand.
Forgive my hypocrisy.. the times when I go through the motions, but my heart is not full of faith and light.  Shine on me, Lord and uncover every wicked thought.. "search me, O God, and know my heart," as David prayed.. "try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way." Remove anxiety and fear as I stand before You in Jesus Christ, Whom I confess before men.. that He is my Lord and Savior, my King and my God.  Open my eyes to see You in Truth and to worship You always!  Amen.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Luke 11:37-53  Jesus is invited to the home of a Pharisee for lunch.  This becomes a direct confrontation and Jesus holds nothing back...  The first thing that He does starts the discussion. "And when the Pharisee saw it, he was surprised that He had not first ceremonially washed before the meal."  The Pharisee judged Jesus as unclean because of a ritual... Jesus reveals the Truth about uncleanliness:

The cleansing of cups and dishes is not as important as the cleansing of the heart - robbery, wickedness, neglecting justice, prideful attitudes, love of attention, lack of compassion, and acts of hypocrisy.  These sins were really what they needed to be concerned about.. to repent and be cleansed of iniquity.. this is what the Pharisees and experts in the law needed to take care of!

Because they refused to hear the Truth and respond appropriately - repenting and being forgiven, Jesus says that the "blood of all the prophets, shed since the foundation of the world" would be "charged to this generation".

Every word of the prophets, the law, and the Psalms.. all the "wisdom of God" was theirs.  They had the "key of knowledge". Yet they "did not enter in yourselves and those who were entering in you hindered."

We have also been given all the "wisdom of God", the Word.  We can be like the Pharisees and worry about our appearance, our status, and our wealth.. or we can repent and find forgiveness and righteousness in Christ.  All the Word of God points to Him and to our need of salvation through His blood shed for us.  May we enter in!

Father, we thank You, our God, for Your amazing grace that has brought us into truth.  You have cleansed our hearts!  Hallelujah, what a Savior!  May we produce the fruit of righteousness as the Holy Spirit fills us, leads us, and transforms us by Your Word. Amen.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Luke 11:29-36

After being accused by the Pharisees of working for Satan, Jesus takes the offense.  He has said, "He who is not with me is against Me..."   Here, He begins to rebuke those who have chosen to be against Him.

"This generation is a wicked generation.."  

First of all, their wickedness is evidenced in their constant desire for  "a sign".  They saw Him cast out demons, heal the sick, and  feed the thousands,  but they were unsatisfied.  They wanted a miracle on demand... Like the Israelites who tested God in the wilderness... they are testing Jesus.  As God's creatures... we are not in a position to demand signs.  God calls us to bow before Him... not the other way around.  This is wickedness, Jesus says!  He also tells them that a great sign is coming - the "sign of Jonah".   

Jesus goes on to tell them that they will be judged and condemned... even by the "Queen of the South".. because she came to hear the "wisdom of Solomon".   They have "something greater than Solomon" right in front of them.. and yet they refuse to hear.  Their refusal to hear God's Word and God's voice, God's Wisdom.. . is evidence of their wickedness.

The people of Nineveh that repented when Jonah preached to them... would judge them for their unrepentant hearts, for "behold something greater than Jonah is here."  Jesus is far superior than the prophet Jonah.  His message of the Kingdom should have led the people to repent and turn back to God.  But they wouldn't do it.  This is great wickedness.

They were testing God and demanding Him to perform for their benefit.
They were refusing to hear and heed the Word of God.
They were refusing to repent from their wickedness.
For these reasons.. judgment would be upon them.

Verse 35 " The lamp of your body is your eye; when your eye is clear your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad your body is full of darkness."  The eyes of those who refused to hear and receive the Word of God - were blinded.  They were unhealthy , not "clear".   They would not accept the light and were kept bound by darkness.  On the other hand " If therefore your whole body is full of light, with no dark part in it, it shall be wholly illumined, as when the lamp illumines you with its rays."  To be fully illumined we must have God's Light... Jesus, the Light of the World!

Jesus was giving them all they needed to gain that Light. He was right there in their midst. Nothing greater than the personal Presence of God could ever be given!  Yet, even then, some failed to believe, to hear, to repent, and to receive Him.  Yes, they are rightfully called a "wicked generation". 
We have been given the written Word of God.  It is also a great gift of good news!  The Way, the Truth, and the Life.. the Light of the World.. is ours if we will humble ourselves before Him, hear Him, and repent.  Only then will we be full of light and "wholly illumined". We must not ignore, take for granted, or refuse the Word of God!

Father in Heaven,  You are the Father of Lights and every good gift comes from You.  You have given to us salvation through Jesus Christ the Son!  Thank You, Lord!  You have given us the Word..  May we be careful to listen and obey Your Word.  Remove any darkness in us, Lord.  May Your light illumine us fully we pray.  In the Magnificent Name of our Lord, Jesus! Amen

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Luke 11: 14-28  Jesus delivers a man from a dumb demon.  The man begins to speak and those who witness this miracle marvel at it.  Except for the religious rulers, who can't accept that Jesus is God's Son.. or even God's prophet.  No, they decide to give Satan the credit for this miracle!  How horrid! This is truly blasphemy !  Jesus addresses this sinful attitude and teaches them the truth.

First of all, Jesus tells them... " Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and a house divided against itself falls."  Civil war does not bring unity.. it brings disaster. This is a principal that we see even today as countries around the world fall apart fighting against their own fellow countrymen.   We see it in our own country, not just in the past, but currently with a growing divide between the right and the left, the liberals and the conservatives.  It will produce failure and loss... not unity and prosperity.

Satan's kingdom is no different.  If he fights against himself he will implode !  It is not to his benefit to cast out demons.  Only God can and will defeat Satan and his minions.  Jesus says, " But if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you."  Here is all the proof they ever needed to understand that Jesus is God's Son,  for He has ushered in the Kingdom of God.

Jesus has more to teach about this subject.  Using the  illustration of a strong man who guards his home, Jesus shows us that each person is subject to attack.  One spirit or another will rule us - an evil spirit.. or a Holy one.  We do have a choice in the matter.  If we chose to be indwelled by the Holy Spirit, He will overpower and cast out any evil ones.  But, if we do not allow the Holy Spirit to rule.. to guard.. and to fill us.. then the evil will multiply.  We must be aware!

Jesus says , " ... blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it."  It's a repeat of His message  - " He who has ears to hear, let him hear."  We must choose to read, study, meditate on, and do what God has spoken!   And here, He is speaking about what kingdom we want to serve and belong to.. satan's kingdom.. or God's Kingdom.   There are only two choices.  "He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me, scatters."  Jesus says. ( v23)

" Who is on the Lord's side?
Who will serve the King?
Who will be His helpers, 
other lives to bring?
Who will leave the world's side?
Who will face the foe?
Who is on the Lord's side?
Who for Him will go?
By the call of mercy, 
by the grace divine,
We are on the Lord's side; 
Savior we are Thine.

Fierce may be the conflict, 
strong may be the foe, 
But the King's own army
None can overthrow.
Round His standard ranging
Victory is secure;
For His truth unchanging
Makes the triumph sure.
Joyfully enlisting
By Thy grace divine,
We are on the Lord's side;
Savior, we are Thine.

Lord Jesus, You have purchased us by Your own blood and have set us free from the dominion of darkness.. and we praise You and give You thanks wholeheartedly.  Oh, may we be careful to listen and guard and do the Word of God.. facing the foe in Your Name.  We are on Your side and will gather with You.  Lead us in the paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake.  We ask this according to Your Word and in Your Name. Amen. 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Luke 11:1-13  Jesus is praying.. this was not just a habit for Him.. it was an established and vital practice of His everyday life on earth.  The disciples ask for Him to teach them to pray too.  Here, Jesus gives them a slightly different rendering of what we call the Lord's Prayer which is recorded in Matthew 6.  

hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Give us each day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins, for we 
ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. 
And lead us not into temptation. "

Here are the essentials of prayer:
Acknowledge the Holy One to Whom the prayer is being offered. 
Acknowledge the most important request - that God's Kingdom, His reign and rule encompass us and the whole earth!
Acknowledge our total dependence on the One who provides for our every need.. for daily bread. 
Acknowledge our desperate need for a Savior Who delivers us from the filthiness of our sins. 
Acknowledge that we have been called to forgive others even as He forgives us. 
Acknowledge that we need help to walk in the Truth. We need the Holy Spirit to lead us. 

Jesus goes on to teach a very important principle about praying:

Persistence is vital.  Importunity - I remember the first time I came across that word, in a book by E.M. Bounds ( I think)..  I didn't know what it meant!  Bounds explains it here,  " Importunity is made up of the ability to hold on, to continue, to wait with unrelaxed and unreliable grasp, restless desire, and restful patience.  Importunate prayer is not an incidental occurrence, but the main thing; not a performance, but a passion; not an option, but a necessity..."   and  " Importunity, it may be repeated, is a condition of prayer.  We are to press the matter, not with vain repetitions, but with urgent repetitions .  We repeat, not to count the times, but to gain the answer to our prayer.  We cannot quit praying, because our heart and soul are in our prayers. "  

Jesus says, " .. ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you..."  We ask our Father and He gives good gifts.  We come to Him destitute.. and He gives generously with great compassion.   He doesn't always give us what we want.. but He gives us what we need.  The words ask, seek, and knock are in the  present imperative tense - a command to do something in the future and involves continuous or repeated actions.  Importunity.. 

Father in Heaven, we hallow Your Name.  You are the Eternal and Saving God.  You are our Maker and our Sustainer;  our Lord and our King.  We give You all honor and praise.  Father, we long for the fulness of Your Kingdom to come.  We look for the return of our Lord Jesus, to take us to our Heavenly home and to deliver us from all evil.  We look to You for every need that we have, for food and well-being,  for peace and for joy.. for love and for forgiveness of our sins.  We chose to forgive any that have trespassed against us and those who are indebted to us.  Lead us in paths of righteousness and not into temptation, O Lord.  Help us in our weaknesses and strengthen us in Your Spirit.  We pray this according to the Word of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in His Name. Amen. 

Friday, December 8, 2017

Luke 10 holds one more lesson for us.  The story of Martha and Mary.   We are told that Martha is the one that welcomes Jesus and His disciples into her home.  Martha is the one who is "distracted with all her preparations". ( She is a good hostess after all! )  But,  Martha is the one who is disgruntled at her sister's lack of help.

Mary chose to take a seat at the feet of Jesus.  She chose to listen "to the Lord's word".   Jesus says, "for Mary has chosen the good part..."  

Martha was - distracted, worried, and bothered.   She was focused on her own agenda.. entertaining and feeding these 13 ( or more?) men.  It was gracious of her to welcome them into her home.  She is not a bad person.  In fact, she is considered a good friend of Jesus.   But, her distraction and worry was choking out the Word!  Jesus was sitting in her dining room!  He could multiply one piece of bread into enough for everyone!  There was no need for Martha to get so worked up.  

Mary, understood.  She chose to LISTEN.  " He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"  This is the only thing "necessary".  John 6:27 "Do not work for the food which perishes, but for food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man shall give to you, for on Him the Father, even God has set His seal."  Jesus, the "true bread out of heaven... gives life to the world."  This lesson is so important!

Two sweet sisters, both loved Jesus.. They both trusted Him and were faithful followers.  They were going to be tested by their brother's death in a short while.  They would experience an amazing miracle when he is raised from the dead after 4 days.  But at this moment of time... they chose two different ways to respond to Jesus' presence.

How would we respond if Jesus came to dinner at our house today?

Father in Heaven,  You are so gracious and merciful.. so patient and kind to us.  Over and over You have to remind us to LISTEN!  We are so quick to allow the worries and cares of this world to  choke out the Word.  We forget to take hold of, grasp onto, and think carefully about what You are saying. And we wonder why our faith is weak and our strength is small....  Forgive us this day, Dearest Lord, and lead us Your way.  May we truly HEAR and understand Your voice.  I ask this in Jesus' Name . Amen.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Luke 10   A lawyer, an expert in Jewish law, offers Jesus a test... "Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"   Like any good teacher, Jesus first assesses what the student already knows.. "What is written in the Law? How does it read to you?"

The lawyer gives a good answer... " You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself."  This man had listened !  He had grasped the essential and central truth!   Jesus said, " You have answered correctly; do this and you will live." 

But, the man is not focused on doing what the Word has said,  he is focused on justifying himself,  in proving his own righteousness. So he asks, " And who is my neighbor?"  Who is it that I must love?

That is a good question, isn't it?  Who do I need to love? The people next door? The people down the street?  The person on the pew next to me?

Jesus answered this question in a whole different direction... the parable of the Good Samaritan is well known.. among unbelievers as well as believers.  We know:

A man was attacked by robbers and left to die.

A priest, a man of God,  a man who is intimately knowledgeable of God's Word.. passes by on the other side of the road.  No compassion, no love, and not even a second look.

A Levite comes by.  This man works at the church!  He has a responsible position. He knows all about serving the Lord! But, he also crosses the road and doesn't look twice at his fellow countryman in great need.

"But", Jesus says, "a certain Samaritan.. came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion...."  This despised and hated half-breed, the most unlikely one... not only felt compassion, but he acted. 
He helped the dying man, treating his wounds, taking him to a place where he could be helped, and paid for his care out of his own pocket.  This man, " proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers' hands.."  Reluctantly, the lawyer admits that "the one who showed mercy.." is the one who was a true neighbor.

" Go and do the same, "  Jesus tells him.

It's not about who I must love and who I don't have to love.  It's not about who is my neighbor.. but who can I be a neighbor to!  Who should I show mercy to?  Who needs me to help them along the way?  Jesus is telling us that our neighbor is anyone along the way... anyone who needs someone to care.. someone to show him compassion and mercy.

The lawyer knew God's Word, but he didn't grasp it or understand that it was meant to change his heart... to change the way he lived, the way he thought, the way he felt, and the way he acted.  To truly love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, strength and mind... will change the way we live and the way we treat others along the way. 

I hope that the lawyer listened to what Jesus taught him.  I hope he repented of just doing the rituals and turned to truly loving the Lord.  We are not told what happened to him.  It will be interesting to learn about that one day when we are walking the streets of gold.. perhaps we will see him there.

Father, You are the Almighty God, and we love You.  We love you with all our hearts, our souls, our strength, and our minds.  We love you in our thinking, in our feeling, in our actions, and in the center of our lives. We choose to love you in those ways, for You are altogether wonderful!  I have to admit Lord, that I sometimes wonder what that really means.. and I'm sure I don't grasp but one small particle  of it.  But, I know that I want to live in total agreement and submission to Your Word.. so help me to truly love You with all my being.  And help me to love and show compassion to those who I come into contact with.. to be a neighbor to the one who is in need.  Fill us Holy Spirit with the love and compassion of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as we ask this in His holy name. Amen.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Luke 10  Seventy of Jesus' disciples are sent out to tell the towns they visit, "...that the kingdom of God has come near.."   Some would willingly accept them, others would not.  Jesus says, "the one who listens to you, listens to Me, and the one who rejects you, rejects Me; and he who rejects Me rejects the One who sent Me." ( v16)

This divine connection reflects back to Luke 9:48.  Receiving a child in His Name, Jesus said, is receiving Him and His Father; Listening to the disciples is listening to Jesus.  Rejecting the disciple is rejecting Jesus and His Father.  Jesus also adds to this in Luke 10:22, "All things have been handed to Me by My Father , and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him." 

The Father revealed great truths to those who were "babes" and not to the "wise and intelligent"... and this pleased Him and brought praise and rejoicing  from Jesus to His Father.   Jesus tells His disciples, "Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see... and to hear the things which you hear..."  It is the Father who withheld these things from "prophets and kings" and revealed them to the "least of these".

Why? Salvation is not exclusive to prophets and kings.. to the wise and intelligent... Salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone!  It is given to those who receive a child in His Name;  who listen to the Word spoken from a humble servant of the Lord; who accept the Son and the Father fully.

Father in heaven, Your ways are not our ways and Your thoughts are not our thoughts.  Before the foundations of this world, You purposed to bring salvation through Your Son, Jesus.  In humility and simplicity, You showed grace and mercy to us.  How wonderful and amazingly beautiful is this gospel!  We praise You, Lord!  We love You and adore You!  Thank You for letting us see You and to hear these truths with ears that hear!  Amen.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Luke 9:46-62

The disciples start arguing about which one of them is the greatest. Perhaps Peter, James, and John were feeling prideful since they had been on the mountain with Jesus.  Perhaps the others were trying to make into the top 3... whatever the problem was, Jesus had a powerful lesson that He wanted them to learn....

"But Jesus, knowing what they were thinking in their heart, took a child and stood him by His side." 
Picture it..  a little boy or girl, innocent, unaware of the tensions surrounding them... perhaps dirty and neglected... perhaps a member of one of their families.   Children were not regarded as worth much in that culture.  Remember when the disciples tried to send them away?  Here Jesus takes this child to His side ( Mark records that Jesus took him in His arms)  and says, "Whoever receives this child in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me; for he who is least among you, this is the one who is great." 

The disciples were considering their own degree of importance... Jesus wanted them to consider the importance of this one small child.   To accept a child in Jesus' name is to accept Jesus... and to accept Jesus is to accept the Father.  God measures greatness by willing service... the willingness to welcome a child.. to regard him as Christ Himself would.  Greatness is not found in rank or power.. but in sacrifice and humility.

John brings up a matter of someone, not of the 12, who was casting out demons in Jesus' name.  Jesus assures John that "... he who is not against you is for you."   The position of apostle was never meant to leave others out of ministry , but to bring others into the Kingdom.

Luke tells us that from this point on Jesus "was journeying with His face toward Jerusalem."  Going through a Samaritan village, the group are refused lodging.   James and John are angry and want to burn the place down.  But again Jesus rebukes their wrong thinking.. " You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. "

Following Jesus, being His disciple is not always easy, Jesus teaches.  To follow Him means letting go of everything else.. even home, family, wealth, or even your life.  Lowliness, not greatness.  Humble service, not power and authority.  Jesus is heading to Jerusalem to die.. the ultimate act of humility from the One who came to save us all.

Father in heaven , we come to bow before You, to rest in Your loving arms, to receive You and the Beloved Savior.  Let us rest in Your arms, Lord Jesus, knowing that You will cover us with Your salvation and carry us into the Glory of Heaven. We are willing to be Your servants, to serve others in Your Name, for we know that this is Your will for us.  Strengthen us by Your Spirit that we might fulfill all Your purposes for us. In the Name of Jesus our Lord we pray, amen.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Luke 9  To be a disciple of Jesus while He walked this earth was challenging and exhilarating .  The disciples were sent out to preach and heal and cast out demons and that was amazing.  But the next thing that happened was daunting... Jesus asked them to feed 5000 people! " You give them something to eat!"  He commands.  "We have no more than 5 loaves and two fish..."  was their reply.

They had come from doing impossible things.. miraculous works of healing and deliverance.  But, food?  For 5000 men plus their families?  Impossible!  Or so they thought.  Jesus pushes their faith a bit farther..  They have the crowd sit down in smaller groups.  Then, Jesus blesses the loaves and fish,  "and broke them, and kept giving them to the disciples to set before the multitude." 
Everyone is fed and 12 baskets full of leftovers are picked up!
From challenging to exhilarating  in 60 minutes!

Jesus tells His disciples that the life of being His disciple requires a daily sacrifice of one's self, a willingness to lose your life for Him, a focus on spiritual gains instead of worldly profits.  He will come in "His glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels" one day.  He does not want to be ashamed of His own disciples when He returns.

V28-36  Peter, James, and John are taken up on a mountain with Jesus to pray.  "and while He was praying, the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and gleaming. And behold, two men were talking with Him; and they were Moses and Elijah."  What would you do if you were able to witness this?   Well, apparently Peter, James, and John... fell asleep!  They were overwhelmed!  Yet, they did wake up and see this amazing glimpse into the "kingdom of God".  They saw and they heard... for out of the cloud "a voice came... saying 'This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him." 

Listen.  This is the emphasis that we keep coming back to over and over again... We need to deliberately pay attention to the Word.  To the Living Word,  Jesus Christ, who speaks to us through the written Word.

As Jesus and the 3 descend from the mountain, they meet a great multitude of people.  There is a man whose son is demon possessed and the 9 disciples have been unable to help him.  Jesus rebukes the unclean spirit and heals the boy.  The problem of unbelief has raised up a "perverse generation".  A turned around, corrupt, distorted culture.. filled with misunderstanding.   The disciples still had much to learn.  They were in need of more faith.

This is the challenge for all of us, isn't it?  To think according to the Word and not according to the culture.  To believe and not turn away from Jesus and His Truth.  For "all things are possible to him who believes." ( Mark 9:23).  Like the boy's father, we need to cry out to Jesus, " I do believe; help my unbelief".  

Father in heaven,  You are God and there is no other.  You have given to us Your Spirit to challenge us, lead us, teach us, and grow our faith.  Yet, we are constantly challenged by our culture and our own unbelief. . Forgive us!  Help us, Mighty God, to hear and believe.. to trust You and obey Your Word.  We long to see Your glory when Christ returns.. but we pray that He will not be ashamed of us for our lack of faith.  Fill us once again, Lord Jesus, with Your Spirit. Amen.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Luke 9  Jesus sends out His twelve apostles to preach and to heal, giving them the power and authority over demons and diseases.  They obey His directions, not even taking any supplies but fully trusting in the Lord's provisions.

Verse 7-9  Herod hears about Jesus and all He is doing.  He hears the rumor that Jesus is John, risen from the dead. John, who Herod himself had ordered him to be beheaded.  The rumors also suggested that Jesus was Elijah or another prophet who had been resurrected from the dead.   The disciples had also heard these rumors, and told this in answer to the Lord's question ( v 18-19).   But, when Jesus asked the disciples "But who do you say that I am?"  Peter answered, " The Christ of God".   The Messiah, the anointed One.  They were beginning to understand.  They were finally hearing and receiving the truth.

So, Jesus gives them a new revelation.. one that would stop them in their tracks and confuse them until after His resurrection.  " The Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed, and be raised up on the third day." 

Jesus had shown them His authority over all of creation.  He had calmed the sea, cast out demons, raised the dead, multiplied the bread, and healed the sick.  He was definitely not John, Elijah, or another resurrected prophet.  He is the Christ, the Son of God, anointed to come and save His people.
But, the disciples still couldn't see the bigger picture.  The good news wasn't that Jesus would rescue Israel from Rome or any other enemy.  The good news is that Jesus would save all that would believe in Him from sin and death and hell!  It was beyond their understanding... and they weren't ready to hear it with understanding.

Jesus gives them these instructions :
v 23  "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me." 
Trying to save yourself won't work - losing you life for His sake - is the only way to salvation. ( v24)
Gaining the "whole world" means nothing if your give up your soul. (v25)

Being ashamed of His Word will result in the greatest loss ever - Jesus would be "ashamed" of him.
Ashamed - feeling humiliated, embarrassed;  shame - a painful feeling of having lost the respect of others because of the improper behavior, incompetence etc. ; dishonor, disgrace,  ( Dictionary definition )

Brings to mind the Word in Genesis 2:25 " And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed."  But, after they ate the forbidden fruit, "Then the eyes of both of them were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings. " And they hid themselves from the Lord, for with sin - shame entered the world.

Are we embarrassed by His Words?  Are we unwilling to deny ourselves and follow the One Who has given Himself up for us?  Are we trying to hold on to our own selves?  Are we risking our souls for some temporary pleasures in this world? Do we feel shame for our sins or for the Savior who came to save us from them?   We really need to HEAR what Jesus is saying to us.

Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, Savior and Lord, Messiah,  do not be ashamed of me.  I do not ever want to dishonor You or Your Word.  I do not want You to be disgraced by my failures and disobedience.  You alone are Lord.  You are the Great High Priest who intercedes for me before the throne of God. Bring me into Your Presence that I might walk with You, laying down my life and taking up my cross to follow Your Word.  Fill me with Your Spirit I pray. Amen.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Luke 8   Jesus tells another parable - about a lamp.  If we have a lamp and light it, we wouldn't then cover it or hide it.  We put it where we can use it and "see the light".  In fact, He says, " For nothing is hidden that shall not become evident, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light."  Jesus goes on to say, " Therefore take care how you listen; for whoever has, to him shall more  be given; and whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has shall be taken away from him."  

The Bible Knowledge Commentary explains this as an extension of the previous parable. "The emphasis is once again on hearing, or, as it is put here, on listening.  If one understands the Word of God his life should reflect that understanding."  God was giving the secrets, the "mysteries of the kingdom of God"  to those who have ears to hear.  Those who were actively listening and preserving in the Word.. to them more truth would be given.. and they were to make it known to others, not hide it under a bushel... or allow Satan to snatch it away.  Those who didn't receive the Word wholly would  lose everything.

So what does that mean for us?  We have been given the Word of God, the Bible.  We have been given the Way, the Truth, and the Life.. Jesus Christ.  He wants us to be careful in how we listen to His Word.  If we treat the Word of God as a lamp ( which it is.. a light unto our path and a lamp unto our feet).. then we will learn more and more, for He will give us more truth, more life, more understanding.  But if we take the Word and hide it, cover it, ignore it, refuse it, or never take it seriously.. we will end up with nothing.  A life with no fruitfulness, unworthy of all that our Father desires to give us.

When Mary and Jesus' brothers try to get through the crowd to see Jesus, they are unable.  Jesus says this, " My mother and My brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it."   Those who continually take care to listen to God's Word and to actively practice all that He is willing for us to do... those are the ones who will be brought into the very family of Christ!  What a marvelous truth!

Luke adds 4 miraculous examples of Jesus exerting His authority -
He reveals His authority over nature by stilling the stormy sea.
He reveals His authority over the evil spirits by commanding them to leave the demoniac.
He reveals His authority over diseases by the healing of the woman in the midst of the crowd.
He reveals His authority over death by raising Jairus' daughter.

Hear what He says to His disciples ;
v25 "Where is your faith?"
v39 " Return to your house and describe the great things God has done for you."
v48 "Daughter, your faith has made you well." 
v50 " Do not be afraid and longer, only believe and she shall be made well." 

Brings to mind these words from Paul:
So faith comes from hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ"! (Romans 10:17)
The Word says to- believe.. believe... believe.. and don't hide your faith under a bushel.. Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

Father in heaven,  let Your Word dwell in us richly, deeply, and  continually, that You would be glorified as our lives bear fruit according to Your Spirit at work in us.  To the praise and honor of Your Name. In the holy Name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Luke 8:4-15  The parable of the Sower.   When the disciples ask Jesus why He is now speaking in parables.. the answer is a bit mysterious, "To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest it is in parables, in order that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand."  

Jesus is quoting here from Isaiah 6:9.  The context in Isaiah is the vision where Isaiah sees the Lord and is commissioned to go and speak for the Him.  Isaiah is to go and speak, but told that the people will not see and not hear and not believe.  Our natural response to that is " Why bother?"  But that can't be right... so we need to go deeper...

Jesus, we are told, calls out, " He who has ears to hear , let him hear."  ( This statement is also included in Revelations.. in the letters to the churches.)   According to my study Bible these two phrases have two tenses:  "has ears to hear" is in the present participle - which expresses continuous or repeated action - our ears continually hear; " let him hear" is in the present imperative, which is a command to do something in the future and is continuous and repeated.

The seed being sowed, Jesus tells us, is the Word.
The seed that lands on the foot path and is trampled, is like the Word that is heard but snatched away immediately.  Here the action of hearing is not continuous.  It "goes in one ear and out the other".  There is no effort to grasp it, think about it, or pay attention to it.  Jesus says that "the devil comes and takes it away... so that they may not believe and be saved." 

The seed that lands among the rocks, is like the Word that is heard once and  "received with joy"  but doesn't have a "firm root" so it withers away.  It is enjoyed in the season, but quickly forgotten when other things arise.  It is indefinite and questionable. The listener didn't keep on listening.. but turned away to whatever temptations were more important to them.

The seed that lands among the thorns, is like the Word that is heard... again a one time action, but this time choked out "with worries and riches and pleasures of this life".  There is a passive tense used here.  The word and the worries are hand in hand and no action is taken against the worries.. or riches or pleasures.  It just happens. Therefore, no fruit can be produced.

The seed that lands on the good soil is like the word that is heard by "an honest and good heart".  These are ones that "hold it fast"-  to keep in the memory, to possess, retain, seize .. These are the ones who "bear fruit with perseverance."  

In Isaiah, the listeners would not pay attention to what they heard or saw.  Therefore they would not understand.  The same thing was happening in Jesus' time.. the people who seized upon the Words that Jesus was speaking, like the disciples, would "know the mysteries", but they had to make the effort to hear and keep on hearing.. to persevere.  This is the same message given to the churches in Revelation - make an effort to really hear and grasp what the Word is saying.  

The Word of God is vital to Life, real life in God's Kingdom.
We cannot just let it pass in one ear and out the other.
We cannot just be happy with the sermon or the singing, or whatever on Sunday and then go our merry way with the things of the world all the rest of our week.
We cannot remain unchanged by the Word, being passive about it, and expect to be fruitful Christians.

No, we need to be actively holding onto and keeping the Word in our minds and hearts,  holding it fast.. like a life vest in a stormy ocean.  We need to work at not only reading the Word, but understanding what the Lord is saying to us individually... every day of our lives.. steadfastly and with perseverance.  Then, and only then will we live fruitful lives that please the Lord. 

Father in heaven,  hallowed is Your Name.  You are amazing and Your Word is precious to me.. more precious than diamonds, sweeter than honey,  more vital than bread alone!  Teach me Lord to live and walk according to Your Word, fill me by Your Spirit,  may I have ears to hear and understand. Will You be glorified in my life as I bear fruit in every good work.   I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ my Lord, Amen.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Luke 7-8

Happy Thanksgiving!   Looking back at yesterday's passage I wrote, " Simon, one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to dinner".   Simon's invitation didn't include the hospitality normally shown to a visitor.  Paul wrote in Romans 12:13 " ... practicing hospitality" in his list of the ways we show love... "without hypocrisy".  

Hospitality - [philonexia] - entertain strangers; fond of guests, friendly.
The dictionary defines it as - "friendly, kind, and solicitous toward guests".  Solicitude - caring and concern ( I had to look it up).  The words hospital and hospice are related to hospitable - a place for rest, for shelter, for care of the sick or poor, the infirm, the orphan..
Without hypocrisy - not playing a part, not acting a certain way - not being like Simon, who's invitation doesn't appear to have anything to do with caring about Jesus.

Luke 8:1-3 talks about the women who followed Jesus, " contributing to their support out of their private means".   These women cared.  They had been forgiven much, delivered from sin and in Mary Magdalene's case, delivered from "seven demons".  They loved much.. expressing this love with their gifts.. their solicitude.

This Thanksgiving day, many of us will have guests at our tables.  We will practice hospitality - hopefully without hypocrisy!  God has blessed us greatly!  He has forgiven us much.. May we show our love to Him as we show kindness to others in His name.

Father, be glorified in Your children's lives today. Help us to genuinely love and care for others, in Jesus' Name,

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Luke 7:36-50  Simon, one of the Pharisees, invites Jesus to dinner.  Jesus comes and reclines at the table.  We find out that Simon does not offer the common courtesies that would he should have... water to wash His feet,  a kiss of greeting, an anointing of oil.  But, a woman, who had a reputation as a "sinner",  entered the house and proceeded to - "wet His feet with her tears, wiping them with the hair of her head, and kissing His feet, and anointing them with the perfume." 

Simon is quick to judge, both the woman and Jesus.  Jesus addressed what Simon was thinking by telling a parable about two debtors.  One debtor owed 500 denarii, the other 50.  Both are completely forgiven.  Then, Jesus asks, " Which of them will love him more?"
Simon knows the answer.

Jesus says, " For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little."  Then Jesus tells the woman,  "Your sins have been forgiven.... Your faith has saved you; go in peace."  ( v48,50)

Simon was no less a sinner than the woman.  But, she recognized her sinfulness and repented.  She showed her love to Jesus with an outward expression of that love.  She found forgiveness and salvation in Jesus.   Simon showed only a hard heart, towards the woman and towards Jesus.  Did he ever learn the truth?  Did he ever repent and follow Jesus?   He had every opportunity.

Like us.. we have every opportunity to come to Jesus and find forgiveness and salvation in Him.  If we come to Him, He will forgive every sin.  He loves us.  He will give us His peace.  May we not be like Simon, who, in the very Presence of the Holy One,  failed to receive Him.

Father in heaven, come and visit us with Your Holy Presence, that we might know You more.  May we humble ourselves before You and express our love and adoration freely .. for You have forgiven us our sins through Jesus Christ.  What a marvelous truth, that You love us and want us.. that You have bought us with the precious blood of the Lamb.  Thank You. We bow at Your feet and worship You, Lord Jesus.  Amen.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Luke 7 [continued]

Verses 11-17  Jesus is on the road again.  As He enters the gates of Nain they encounter a funeral procession.  There is a large crowd of people with Him and a large crowd from the city with the mother of the dead man.  In the midst of all this, Jesus sees this weeping mother and "He felt compassion for her".

Then, Jesus did another one of those unacceptable things... He touched the coffin.  Again, I sense that there must have been a hush fall on that crowd.  The wailing stopped, those carrying the coffin froze, and the mother's heart pounded.  Then He spoke, " Young man, I say to you arise!"

And, he did.

The people knew that God was there in that little town that day.  They gave all the glory to Him, even as great fear "gripped them all".

Jesus has displayed His authority over nature, over evil, over the law, and now over death.   Luke wrote this book "so that you might know the exact truth about the things your have been taught" (1:4). He is systematically laying out the revelation of who Jesus really is - the Lord over all.

7:18-35  Now, John the Baptist is in prison.  His disciples come and "reported to him about all these things."  So John sends 2 of his disciples to Jesus to ask "Are You the Expected One or do we look for someone else?"  It seems strange that John would have any doubts about who Jesus was.  After all, he had seen the Holy Spirit descend on Jesus, and he had heard the voice of God declare Him to be His Son.  Perhaps John,  like all of us really, expected something different... perhaps he didn't expect to be stuck in prison while the Messiah walked the earth.

Jesus' answer to John's disciples is also unexpected. " Go and report to John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up , the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he who keeps from stumbling over Me."  Jesus points John back to the Word of God.  It's like He is saying, " Remember what Isaiah wrote, John?  Here's what he said, and here's what I am doing... don't get tripped up on this.  Don't go by your own expectations, look at the Word of God!"

After John's disciples left, Jesus talked to the crowd about John. "What did you go out into the wilderness to look at?"
They didn't go to see the grass.
They didn't go to see a king.
They went to see a prophet... and that's who John was.  Yet John is no different than anyone else.
John needed to believe in Jesus too.

"But the Pharisees and the lawyers," Jesus says, " rejected God's purpose for themselves, not having been baptized by John."
They criticized John for his lifestyle of "eating no bread and drinking no wine;"
And they criticized Jesus for eating and drinking with sinners.

"Yet wisdom is vindicated by all her children." v35
Who had true wisdom?  The Pharisees and religious leaders who refused to repent, who rejected the message of John and of Jesus?
Those who had repented and been baptized, accepting the message of John and the authority of Jesus?

Father in heaven,  You have given us Your Word and shown us the power and authority of Jesus Christ our Lord.  O, may we be faithful to follow Jesus and to accept Your purposes for us.  In His Name we pray, amen.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Luke 7 : 1-10

Jesus goes back to Capernaum... home after preaching around the country.  Some Jewish elders come to Him to ask Him to save the life of a centurion's slave.  They say:

"He is worthy for you to grant this to him;  for he loves our nation and it was he who built us our synagogue."  

But, as Jesus starts to accompany the elders to the centurion's house, he sends a message to Jesus saying, " .. I am not worthy for You to come under my roof; for this reason I did not even consider myself worthy to come to You, but just say the word, and my servant will be healed." 

The Jews called the centurion, "worthy" - [axioo] - entitled, deserving of a reward:
But, the centurion calls himself, " not worthy" - [hikanos]- not fit in character, not ample, not enough, not good;  ( v6)   and not deserving (v7). 

The centurion had authority - ability, competency, jurisdiction - to command soldiers and slaves.  He understood the authority of those over him.   Here, he is admitting that he believed  in the authority of Jesus Christ.  He is putting himself under the authority of the One who IS worthy... 

Jesus says, " I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such great faith." This Roman soldier understood Who Jesus was, understood and believed in His authority, and received the answer to his request.. his servant was completely healed.  I would think it is safe to say that this man of faith would also receive the gift of salvation.

The Jewish elders, on the other hand, did not understand what was important here.  To them this man was important.. because of his money and his love of their country.. that made him "worthy".   They were looking at the outward appearance.  The good works.  They wanted to coerce Jesus into healing the servant so that the centurion would keep investing in their town and synagogue.  They wanted Jesus to reward the man for his good works.  They might have thought that they were the ones with authority.  They were still lost, blind, and unbelieving.

Father in heaven,  You are Lord and there is no other!  You alone are worthy of all our faith, of all our worship, and of all of our love!  Let us grasp these truths in new and deeper ways.. the complete authority of Jesus Christ our Lord, Who has come to save us forever!  Praise and honor and glory to His Name.  Rule over our hearts, minds, souls, and bodies today , dear Lord.  For we submit to Your complete sovereignty over each and every one of us, Your creation,  Your children, Your slaves.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Luke 6 [continued]

The message that Jesus teaches here is so profound... and so impossible to do on our own.  To love our enemies, to return good for evil, to give and give and give...
 And, He is has more for us to ponder:

"Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." 
If you don't judge others, you won't be judged.
If you don't condemn others, you won't be condemned.
If you do pardon others, you will be pardoned.
"Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, they will pour into your lap. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return. "

In other words, we reap what we sow.  If we sow mercy and forgiveness, if we love and give gracious ly.. our Father will treat us in the same way.   But, if we are judgmental and condemning... then we will get that back.  We need to be aware of what is coming out of our hearts.. and our mouths ( v45)
 "The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart." 

We won't find our way, Jesus says, by blindly following a blind guide!
We need to be fully trained by a teacher who will teach us the right way.  Jesus is the Way and we need to carefully follow Him.  By doing what He says, we will build an unshakable foundation for our lives...

Here is the test of what is in our hearts --- good fruit will come from a good tree and a good heart.
Bad fruit will not come from a good heart.
Good fruit will not come from a bad heart.
What is inside of us... will come to light.. we cannot hide our true character.

How do we change our hearts?  We don't - He does!  That's what the good news is all about!  He will fill our hearts with good when we repent and allow Him to take the logs out of our eyes! When we are made new creatures through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Father in heaven, You have shown us mercy and forgiven our sin.  Thank You.  We choose to show mercy and forgiveness to others.  You have given us this powerful teaching and we choose now to not only hear it.. but to act on it... to do what Jesus says.. to love, to give, to forgive, and to show compassion.  We choose to not condemn or judge others, to deal with our own sins and not be hypocritical by focusing on the sins of others.   I confess to You, Lord, that I have not been merciful to all as You have called me to be, nor have I acted on Your word as You have called me to... forgive me, Lord.  Help me to be Your faithful.. and good servant I pray, in Your Name, the Name of Jesus, my Lord, amen.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Luke 6   Jesus declared to us in Luke 5 that He came to do a New work.  He wasn't putting a patch on the old system,  He wasn't filling the old wineskin with new wine... He came to make all things new.

In verses 1-11  Jesus reveals a new identity - " The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath". As the Lord of the Sabbath, Jesus taught that it was indeed lawful to "do good", to "save a life"... and He demonstrated it by healing the man with a withered hand.

In verses 12-19 Jesus reveals a new leadership team - 12 apostles, delegates, ambassadors, that He commissioned to preach the gospel.  Jesus included Judas in this group, fully knowing that he would be the betrayer.

In verses 20-49  Jesus preaches a new message... perhaps written here as a consolidation of all His teaching as He went from synagogue to synagogue... Luke takes much of this from Matthew's account, but condenses some of it and expands on some of it.  It is packed full of truths that we need to meditate on and live by:

1.  The poor are blessed for they will inherit God's kingdom, (v20) but the rich have already received all the they are going to get. (v24)

2. Those who are hungry now will be satisfied (v21);  but those who are well-fed now will go hungry later ( v25)

3. Those who weep now will find joy ( v21);  but those who are laughing now will weep later ( v25)

4.  Those who are hated and insulted now will leap for joy at their great reward in heaven ( v22-23); but those who are treated well will be cursed one day ( v26)

Jesus wants us to:
Love our enemies and do good to those who hate us.(v27)
Bless those who curse us and pray for those who abuse us (v28)
Turn our cheek to those who hit us,  give our shirts to those who take our coats.
Give to everyone who asks or takes from you.
And to treat others as we would like to be treated.

He wants us to love when it isn't easy.
He wants us to do good to those who aren't good.
He wants us to lend to those who we know won't return it.

"But love your enemies, and do good, and lend expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men." (v35) 

Jesus wants to make us new creations, new people who live in a whole new way - His way.

Father in heaven, You are Jehovah-Jireh, our Provider, and we praise You for the new life that You have given us in Jesus Christ our Lord. Complete this work in us, Lord God... for we cannot on our own. . Change our hearts O God, that what comes forth will be good and pleasing in Your eyes.
We seek to build our lives on the foundation of the Word, that we may stand fast in Christ all the days of our lives.  It is in the Name of Jesus we pray, amen.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Luke 5  Three years ago (Oct. 7.2014)  I wrote this in the margin of my Bible:  Jesus reveals His power/authority/willingness/purpose/ and mission.   Looking back at the entry in this blog, I wrote about :

How Jesus revealed His power and authority to His disciples as He told them to put down their nets and they drew in so many fish that it threatened to sink two boats - and how this brought 4 disciples to faith, so that they "left everything and followed Him." ( v11)

 How Jesus revealed His willingness to meet the need of the leper, even touching him who was untouchable.  And, how then faith was stirred in multitudes of needy people who came to hear Him and to be healed.

How then, Jesus revealed His purpose, by forgiving the sins of the paralyzed man, whose friends came in faith, tearing open the roof above His head to bring this man to Jesus. And how, Jesus graciously revealed that healing a body was nothing in comparison to healing a soul.

And finally, how Jesus revealed His mission, coming to call sinners to repentance, not the "righteous" who didn't feel they needed it.  How the work He came to do was a new work, not a patch on a worn out one.

"No one tears a piece from a new garment and puts it on an old garment;"  Jesus tells the Pharisees.
I just had a flash back to the early 70's, when I was in college.  The fad then was to wear patched up jeans.  I had at least one worn out pair that must have had a dozen or more patches made of various materials.. cut out of rejected items  from the basement of the dorm.  I wouldn't have taken a new dress or garment and used it to make a patch!  That would be ridiculous.  That's what Jesus is saying!
He didn't come to patch up the Jewish people, nation, religion, or Law., or the world... He came to bring a brand new life to people.. and He has the authority, the power, the willingness, and the purpose to do it!  It was and is His mission.. 

He did not come to fill our old "wineskins" with new wine.... our old selves will not do, we can't remain unchanged and be filled with Him.   He came to make us brand new, inside and out.   O, may we not foolishly cling to the old, saying "The old is good enough".

Jesus, You are Lord.  You came for us!  You came for each of us and have revealed Yourself to us.  All power and authority is Yours in Heaven and on the earth.  You see our desperate need, as we are all like the leper.. unclean, untouchable, unacceptable.. and You reach out and touch us and tell us You are willing to make us clean!  You forgive our sins and make us whole.   You came to call us sinners to repentance and to make us brand new!  How we praise You, Lord!  Thanks and praise to the Father, Almighty and Holy One, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit!  Amen.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Luke 4 ( part 3)

After the time in the wilderness and the time in Nazareth, Jesus traveled to Capernaum. This would become His new home and base of operations, in seems.  Jesus started where He always did, in the synagogue on the Sabbath.  Here, when He taught, the people were "amazed at His teaching, for His message was with authority".  (v32)

"What is this message?" the people asked each other.   Jesus rebuked the "unclean demon" that was in a man in the synagogue . The demons knew who Jesus was, but Jesus would not let them speak, here or in verse 41, when He delivered many more.  The people saw the power and authority that Jesus had to command the demons to come out.  They heard His message, spoken with authority.  They were amazed.. and unlike the people in Nazareth, they were not offended.. but brought "all who had any sick with various diseases to Him ; "  

They even searched for Him early in the morning, not wanting Him to leave their town. Quite a different reaction then those who knew Him in Nazareth.

Jesus told them, " I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose."  In Mark's account of this event, he writes that Jesus said, " The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel." ( Mark 1:15)

So, what exactly is the "gospel" that Jesus preached?  We know that the word means "good news". Yet we usually associate the word with the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, right?  Yet, Jesus is speaking here... so what good news is He bringing?

Holman's Bible dictionary helps me to understand this a little better.  In Hebrew the word [bisar] means to proclaim good news. It was used to "describe the report of victory in battle".  There is a religious connotation added because of the fact that God was actively involved in Israel's military actions... "To proclaim the good news of Israel's success in battle was to proclaim God's triumph over God's enemies."  The word [bisar] also was used in a personal context.  " .. individuals ought also to proclaim good news when God delivered then from personal distress."  In both military and individual experiences of God's deliverance- an announcement of what God had done - is Good News!
By the time of the prophet Isaiah the word gospel was used  "to describe the anticipated deliverance and salvation which would come from the hand of God when the long-awaited Messiah appeared to deliver Israel."  He would be "a Deliverer who would both triumph over the earthly enemies of God's people and usher in a new age of salvation."   When Jesus preaches the good news of God's reign - His Kingdom - He is saying that "God has intervened on their behalf through [Him]"

People could not overcome the power of sin, nor the power of the evil one, the enemy, on their own.  But God chose to "initiate and complete" the work of reconciliation Himself..  Good News!

" God's grace, which Jesus bears within Himself.. overcomes sin's power and offers forgiveness for individual sins... While God offers grace freely to everyone, this grace is not effective in overcoming the power of sin in a person's life until that person accepts it.  Because Jesus bears God's grace in Himself, grace is accepted only by receiving Him.  The marks of having accepted Jesus are repentance and a changed life. The fact that forgiveness, freedom from sin, and a new life are possible is good news." 

So, when Jesus preached, He proclaim the good news that God has come to reign.. His Kingdom was near,  His Kingdom was here!  The Deliverer, Jesus, had come to triumph over the enemy, over the power of the evil one,  over the power of the demons.. and over the power of sin.  As the people heard this message they also witnessed the demons coming out of people at the command of Jesus.  It was proof in front of their eyes.  What a message!  What power and authority!  What Good News!

Father in Heaven, Holy, holy, holy are You!  Praise to our God who initiated deliverance for us through Jesus Christ the Son of God!  We were blind, but now we see.  We were prisoners of sin and evil, but now we are set free through Jesus!  Thank You for this good news.  Thank You for the victory that Jesus won over the enemy of our souls.  Lord, You are God alone and we desire to live for You and to share this good news with those who have not yet heard... there is forgiveness, there is freedom from sin, and there is new life in Christ Jesus!  Amen and amen!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Luke 4 [continued]

Jesus went to the wilderness "by the Spirit" , then  He returned to Galilee "in the power of the Spirit".
He traveled to His home town of Nazareth and went to the synagogue there.  We are told that it was His custom to go to the synagogue on the Sabbath.  He stood up to read and was handed the scroll with the book of Isaiah.  He found the place that He wanted to read - Chapter 61, verses 1-2.   Picture this... unrolling the scroll to almost the end.. to read this:

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He anointed Me to preach the gospel
to the poor,
He has sent Me to proclaim
Release to the captives,
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set free those who are downtrodden,
To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord."

Jesus then closed the scroll, handed it back to the attendant, and sat down.  Luke writes, " .. and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Him."   There must have been a holy silence in that place, I think.  Matthew 13:54 tells us that "they became astonished" at His teaching.   

Jesus' next words are explosive, " Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing." 
Some say "Praise the Lord!" But, this crowd is divided.  Some begin to murmur , " Is this not Jospeh's son?"  They knew His mother and brothers and sisters.. and they were offended.. outraged.. and ready to throw Him off a cliff...

The word offended in the Greek is skandalizo-  where we get our word -scandalize;  it means to trip up, stumble, occasion to fall or sin; a stumbling block;  The people in Nazareth could not believe that the man they had known all His life could be anything more than themselves.  It was a stumbling block to their faith.  Jesus understood their problem. " Truly I say to you, no prophet is welcome in his home town."  Matthew tells us that Jesus would "not do many miracles there because of their unbelief."

Here is what I hear the Shepherd speaking to me today:

Jesus made it His custom to be in  the synagogue [church] on the Sabbath.  So must we.
Jesus knew the Scriptures thoroughly.  So must we. 
Jesus understood those who would stumble or be offended by Him.  So must we. 
We are His followers and we, like Him,  must choose to be faithful to the Word and to love in spite of those who will be outraged at our beliefs. 

Father in heaven,  You sent Your Son to "preach the gospel", to tell us the good news, to "proclaim release.. recovery of sight.. to set free those who are downtrodden..".  He came to seek and save the lost.. to redeem the sinner and to bring us back to You.  Oh, how we praise You and thank You for this amazing gospel!  We are poor.. but You have given us the riches of glory!  We were captive, but You have set us free!  We were blind, but You have opened our eyes to see You.  Thank You Father. 
May we be faithful to follow our Savior in every way, every day.  Fill us Spirit Divine!  For we pray in the Name of the Lord, Jesus Christ.  Amen. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Luke 4
 Jesus goes 3 places:
The wilderness - for 40 days, being tempted by satan.
Nazareth - teaching in the synagogues, announcing the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy.
Capernaum,  teaching and healing and casting out demons.

Verses 1-13 present an important event as Jesus faces Satan.  I have heard this before and again this past weekend, how this is compared to the temptation of Adam and Eve in the garden.

1. The temptation to make bread out of stones - Eve "saw that the tree was good for food"

2. The temptation to gain the kingdoms of the world by worshipping satan - Eve delighted in the beauty of the fruit and she wanted it.

3. The temptation to test God by jumping off the temple and making the angels catch Him - Eve desired to gain wisdom to be like God.

John calls these, " .. the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life."  
( I John 2:15)  These are "all that is in the world".  These are signs of loving the world and not the Father.  These are "from the world"  which is "passing away" .
" But the one who does the will of God abides forever". 

Lust - [epithumia] - a longing for what is forbidden; to set the heart upon, to covet; desire; long for;
Flesh- body; carnal; external; physical;

The lust of the flesh is the uncensored, natural ( unsaved) man's desires for whatever his body craves.
The forbidden fruit was what Eve craved.  
Jesus was hungry, but He craved only what the Father would provide.  He did not crave bread to feed His flesh, but the Word of God, which came from His Father.
Paul wrote, " But put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts." ( Romans 13:14)  In this context , Paul is speaking of the lusts of "carousing and drunkenness...sexual promiscuity and sensuality... strife and jealousy." ( v13)

The lust of the eyes - Proverbs 27:20 says "Sheol and Abandon are never satisfied, nor are the eyes of man ever satisfied." Ecclesiastes 4:8 "... Indeed, his eyes were not satisfied with riches..." and Ecclesiastes 1:8 " All things are wearisome; man is not able to tell it. The eye is not satisfied with seeing.."
 Eve was not satisfied with all the other fruit from all the other trees in the garden - she wanted the beautiful fruit from the forbidden tree.
Jesus may have desired all the kingdoms of this world, for they belong to Him rightfully.. but He would not ever worship satan to gain them.. Jesus would worship only the Lord and serve Him only.  He was satisfied with the will of His Father and desired nothing else.

The pride of life - boasting -self-confidence, as opposed to confidence in God;  James 4:15-16 "Instead, you ought to say,' If the Lord wills, we shall live and also do this or that.' But as it is, you boast in your arrogance; all such boasting is evil." 
Eve ate the fruit so that she could have "wisdom".  She desired to be independent of God instead of under submission to His will and authority.
Jesus willingly submitted to the Father's will and would not test Him, would not try to prove Him in any way.

Luke 4:13 " And when the devil had finished every temptation, he departed..." 

These 3 categories are important for us to go back to and prayerfully ask the Lord to search us... "Search me, O God and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way." ( Psalm 139:23-24)

Father in heaven,  Your will be done...
I put on Jesus Christ and make no provision for my flesh and its lusts.  May my every desire be for You, to seek You first and Your kingdom and Your righteousness.. as You provide all that I need according to Your will and plan for me.  May I be ever satisfied with and thankful for Your provision for me. May I learn to be like Paul who "learned to be content in whatever circumstances" he was in, relying fully on You who gives strength to me as needed, by Your unending grace.  Father,  I humble myself before You, submitting to Your will.  I will trust You will all my heart.. putting my confidence in You and not in myself.  I will acknowledge You in all my ways, knowing that You are with me every step of the way and that You will make my path straight and right.  I will not be wise in my own eyes, but fear You and turn away from evil. ( Proverbs 3:5-7)  Jesus, I ask these things in Your Name as You have instructed me.  Thank You.  Amen.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Luke 3

John, who has been living in the wilderness, or desert,  receives "the word of God".   He has been in waiting.. he has grown up.  He "continued to grow and to become strong in spirit" (1:80)  Now, the time has come for him to make "His paths straight".

John's message is forthright and focused.  It is not sugar-coated.  He preached "a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins;" ( 3:3)

Baptism - to make overwhelmed;  the root word in Greek is bapto- to cover wholly.. to stain, as with dye;

Covered, overwhelmed, stained.. by repentance- metanoia - compunction - the pricking of the conscience ; the sting of guilt bringing remorse and regret, which leads to a change of thinking, a reversal, a reconsideration,  a reformation.

For the forgiveness of sin.  For the deliverance, the pardon, the remission, the liberty - the sending away of sin. The cancellation or release of the debt, the penalty - of sin.

The people came to John to be baptized in the Jordan.  Yet, John called them vipers.  Poisonous snakes that hide themselves in their surroundings, camouflaged by their outward appearance.  John preaches that true repentance will "bring forth fruit in keeping with repentance".   It will bear "good fruit" or it will be destroyed.

" Then what shall we do?"  
The multitudes asked - and John said to "share with him who has none" - share food, clothing, etc. with those in need.   BE LOVING
The tax-gatherers asked - and John said, " Collect no more than you have been ordered". BE JUST
The soldiers asked - and John said, " Do not take money from anyone by force, or accuse anyone falsely, and be content with your wages." BE RIGHTEOUS

True repentance changes us - completely!  Genuine remorse and regret is the beginning .  The reversal of our way of thinking then makes a change in our outward behavior.  It is not the outward behavior that changes us or brings the forgiveness from our sin - that's viper behavior - poisonous and deadly.  It is the genuine change in our hearts as we are overwhelmed, and completely, wholly covered - baptized  by repentance - that is needed. 

This was the message that John preached in preparation for the coming of the Lamb of God.
Jesus came to John and was baptized in the Jordan.  He was not overwhelmed with repentance, for He had no sin.  He was overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit who "descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove."  The Father's voice was heard from Heaven, " Thou art My beloved Son, in Thee I am well-pleased." 

Luke finishes out this chapter with the genealogy of Joseph.  One thing that stuck out to me today, that I hadn't really paid attention to before was in verse 31, ".. the son of Nathan, the son of David."
Nathan was the brother of Solomon.  His mother was Bathsheba.  Matthew's account includes Solomon in the genealogy. Interesting... need to look at this closer. ( Another time)

Father in Heaven,  Your Word is Truth.  We are to walk in the Light of this Truth.  We need genuine repentance for the forgiveness of our sins.  We must come to Jesus and be baptized by Your Holy Spirit.. by the fire that He alone covers us with.  The Refiner's fire that removes the chaff, burns out the impurities, and purifies us completely.   Purify us now.. continue that great work of sanctification for us who have believed and been saved.  Father, in Your great mercy, will You also bring the baptism of repentance upon those loved ones who are still living as vipers?  May they have compunction.. prick their consciences, bring the sting of guilt that leads to remorse and a change of heart.  May they come to Jesus and find forgiveness of sin in Him, the Beloved Son of God.  For I ask it in His powerful Name.  Amen.