Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Luke 9  Jesus sends out His twelve apostles to preach and to heal, giving them the power and authority over demons and diseases.  They obey His directions, not even taking any supplies but fully trusting in the Lord's provisions.

Verse 7-9  Herod hears about Jesus and all He is doing.  He hears the rumor that Jesus is John, risen from the dead. John, who Herod himself had ordered him to be beheaded.  The rumors also suggested that Jesus was Elijah or another prophet who had been resurrected from the dead.   The disciples had also heard these rumors, and told this in answer to the Lord's question ( v 18-19).   But, when Jesus asked the disciples "But who do you say that I am?"  Peter answered, " The Christ of God".   The Messiah, the anointed One.  They were beginning to understand.  They were finally hearing and receiving the truth.

So, Jesus gives them a new revelation.. one that would stop them in their tracks and confuse them until after His resurrection.  " The Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed, and be raised up on the third day." 

Jesus had shown them His authority over all of creation.  He had calmed the sea, cast out demons, raised the dead, multiplied the bread, and healed the sick.  He was definitely not John, Elijah, or another resurrected prophet.  He is the Christ, the Son of God, anointed to come and save His people.
But, the disciples still couldn't see the bigger picture.  The good news wasn't that Jesus would rescue Israel from Rome or any other enemy.  The good news is that Jesus would save all that would believe in Him from sin and death and hell!  It was beyond their understanding... and they weren't ready to hear it with understanding.

Jesus gives them these instructions :
v 23  "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me." 
Trying to save yourself won't work - losing you life for His sake - is the only way to salvation. ( v24)
Gaining the "whole world" means nothing if your give up your soul. (v25)

Being ashamed of His Word will result in the greatest loss ever - Jesus would be "ashamed" of him.
Ashamed - feeling humiliated, embarrassed;  shame - a painful feeling of having lost the respect of others because of the improper behavior, incompetence etc. ; dishonor, disgrace,  ( Dictionary definition )

Brings to mind the Word in Genesis 2:25 " And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed."  But, after they ate the forbidden fruit, "Then the eyes of both of them were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings. " And they hid themselves from the Lord, for with sin - shame entered the world.

Are we embarrassed by His Words?  Are we unwilling to deny ourselves and follow the One Who has given Himself up for us?  Are we trying to hold on to our own selves?  Are we risking our souls for some temporary pleasures in this world? Do we feel shame for our sins or for the Savior who came to save us from them?   We really need to HEAR what Jesus is saying to us.

Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, Savior and Lord, Messiah,  do not be ashamed of me.  I do not ever want to dishonor You or Your Word.  I do not want You to be disgraced by my failures and disobedience.  You alone are Lord.  You are the Great High Priest who intercedes for me before the throne of God. Bring me into Your Presence that I might walk with You, laying down my life and taking up my cross to follow Your Word.  Fill me with Your Spirit I pray. Amen.

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