Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Luke 6   Jesus declared to us in Luke 5 that He came to do a New work.  He wasn't putting a patch on the old system,  He wasn't filling the old wineskin with new wine... He came to make all things new.

In verses 1-11  Jesus reveals a new identity - " The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath". As the Lord of the Sabbath, Jesus taught that it was indeed lawful to "do good", to "save a life"... and He demonstrated it by healing the man with a withered hand.

In verses 12-19 Jesus reveals a new leadership team - 12 apostles, delegates, ambassadors, that He commissioned to preach the gospel.  Jesus included Judas in this group, fully knowing that he would be the betrayer.

In verses 20-49  Jesus preaches a new message... perhaps written here as a consolidation of all His teaching as He went from synagogue to synagogue... Luke takes much of this from Matthew's account, but condenses some of it and expands on some of it.  It is packed full of truths that we need to meditate on and live by:

1.  The poor are blessed for they will inherit God's kingdom, (v20) but the rich have already received all the they are going to get. (v24)

2. Those who are hungry now will be satisfied (v21);  but those who are well-fed now will go hungry later ( v25)

3. Those who weep now will find joy ( v21);  but those who are laughing now will weep later ( v25)

4.  Those who are hated and insulted now will leap for joy at their great reward in heaven ( v22-23); but those who are treated well will be cursed one day ( v26)

Jesus wants us to:
Love our enemies and do good to those who hate us.(v27)
Bless those who curse us and pray for those who abuse us (v28)
Turn our cheek to those who hit us,  give our shirts to those who take our coats.
Give to everyone who asks or takes from you.
And to treat others as we would like to be treated.

He wants us to love when it isn't easy.
He wants us to do good to those who aren't good.
He wants us to lend to those who we know won't return it.

"But love your enemies, and do good, and lend expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men." (v35) 

Jesus wants to make us new creations, new people who live in a whole new way - His way.

Father in heaven, You are Jehovah-Jireh, our Provider, and we praise You for the new life that You have given us in Jesus Christ our Lord. Complete this work in us, Lord God... for we cannot on our own. . Change our hearts O God, that what comes forth will be good and pleasing in Your eyes.
We seek to build our lives on the foundation of the Word, that we may stand fast in Christ all the days of our lives.  It is in the Name of Jesus we pray, amen.

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