Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Luke 15  As Jesus freely associates with the "tax-gatherers and sinners" who are drawn to Him, the Pharisees and scribes begin to grumble.  Jesus tells them 3 parables in order to correct their thinking and reveal the truth... of God's perspective and of their own heart issues.

The lost sheep is found.  The owner rejoices when he finds the one that was lost and celebrates.
99 sheep were safely in the fold.  The missing one may have not seemed that significant, but it was valued by the shepherd.  Jesus says, " I tell you that in the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents, than over the ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance."

The lost coin is found. The woman had 10 silver coins and lost one in her house.  Each coin was worth a days wages.  Imagine the loss of a day's pay... that could be a big problem for those of us who live paycheck to paycheck.   After carefully sweeping her house, the woman found her coin and rejoiced!  Again Jesus says, " In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." 

The lost son returns home.  In the first story, heaven itself rejoices.  In the second, the angels are rejoicing.  In this example, it is the Father who rejoices!  The son chose to take his inheritance and leave home.  He is foolish in using his wealth.  He is unprepared for the famine that hits the land.  He is in desperate need.  "But, when he came to his senses.... " he returns to his father's home.  He comes humbly, confessing his sin and acknowledging his unworthiness.  But, the father still greatly values his son!  He sees him coming, he runs to him, he embraces him, and kisses him!  He prepares a robe, a ring, and a lavish dinner to celebrate the return of his son. ".. for this son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found." 

The elder son resents the celebration of the younger son's return.  He resents the father's joy over his own brother's salvation.  This is the heart of the Pharisees and scribes grumbling.  They saw no worth in sinners or tax-gatherers.  They did not value the lives of their own brothers and resented the salvation of those whom they considered unworthy !

Jesus teaches that one sheep, one coin, and one son... the lost who are found.. are highly valued in heaven!  Each one of us.. who come home to the Father.. are received by Him with great rejoicing ! All of heaven rejoices when the lost are found.

Father in heaven,  O how wonderful You are!  Your love for each of us is so precious.. as You have shown us in Your word.  You look for us, You embrace us and kiss us.. You give us a robe and a ring.. calling us Your own.  Thank You for being such a loving and wonderful Father. Help us to stay ever in Your Presence.. We need You so!  We love You, Lord! Amen.

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