Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Luke 5  Three years ago (Oct. 7.2014)  I wrote this in the margin of my Bible:  Jesus reveals His power/authority/willingness/purpose/ and mission.   Looking back at the entry in this blog, I wrote about :

How Jesus revealed His power and authority to His disciples as He told them to put down their nets and they drew in so many fish that it threatened to sink two boats - and how this brought 4 disciples to faith, so that they "left everything and followed Him." ( v11)

 How Jesus revealed His willingness to meet the need of the leper, even touching him who was untouchable.  And, how then faith was stirred in multitudes of needy people who came to hear Him and to be healed.

How then, Jesus revealed His purpose, by forgiving the sins of the paralyzed man, whose friends came in faith, tearing open the roof above His head to bring this man to Jesus. And how, Jesus graciously revealed that healing a body was nothing in comparison to healing a soul.

And finally, how Jesus revealed His mission, coming to call sinners to repentance, not the "righteous" who didn't feel they needed it.  How the work He came to do was a new work, not a patch on a worn out one.

"No one tears a piece from a new garment and puts it on an old garment;"  Jesus tells the Pharisees.
I just had a flash back to the early 70's, when I was in college.  The fad then was to wear patched up jeans.  I had at least one worn out pair that must have had a dozen or more patches made of various materials.. cut out of rejected items  from the basement of the dorm.  I wouldn't have taken a new dress or garment and used it to make a patch!  That would be ridiculous.  That's what Jesus is saying!
He didn't come to patch up the Jewish people, nation, religion, or Law., or the world... He came to bring a brand new life to people.. and He has the authority, the power, the willingness, and the purpose to do it!  It was and is His mission.. 

He did not come to fill our old "wineskins" with new wine.... our old selves will not do, we can't remain unchanged and be filled with Him.   He came to make us brand new, inside and out.   O, may we not foolishly cling to the old, saying "The old is good enough".

Jesus, You are Lord.  You came for us!  You came for each of us and have revealed Yourself to us.  All power and authority is Yours in Heaven and on the earth.  You see our desperate need, as we are all like the leper.. unclean, untouchable, unacceptable.. and You reach out and touch us and tell us You are willing to make us clean!  You forgive our sins and make us whole.   You came to call us sinners to repentance and to make us brand new!  How we praise You, Lord!  Thanks and praise to the Father, Almighty and Holy One, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit!  Amen.

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