Friday, December 29, 2017

Luke 16 also contains the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.  The rich man lived "in splendor every day".  He had it all and kept it all.  Every day that he left his mansion, he passed by Lazarus, who was laid at the gate to beg. He never showed any compassion or concern at all.  He probably looked the other was...

Lazarus probably had leprosy or something similar.  He was "covered with sores".  He was starving.  Dogs would come and lick his sores.  He was as poor and as miserable as any man could be.  But.. he believed in God and was rewarded for his faith.

When both men died, Jesus tells us, they had much different outcomes.  The rich man was sent to Hades where he was tormented by fire and longed for even  1 drop of water. From this place of torture, the man could see Abraham with his arms around Lazarus, comforting him.  He asks for Abraham to send Lazarus with a drop of water.  But it is too late.  He had never considered Lazarus' need as he passed him by every day while they were alive.   Even if Lazarus wanted to help him, there was a great chasm between the 2 locations that could not be breeched, so he would remain in constant agony.

The man begged for someone to go to his 5 brothers and warn them not to make the same mistake that he did. But even that request was refused.  His brothers had the same opportunity as every man, to hear the Word of the Lord and respond with repentance and find salvation.  Nothing else would be given. None of the man's riches would help him.  None of the man's prayers would be answered.

Too late. 

Father in heaven,  this story makes me think of my unsaved family members.  O God of mercy, I pray that You will open their eyes and bring them to repentance and salvation before it is too late for them!
My most urgent prayer is for them.  Please save them Lord.  I ask this in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.

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