Monday, November 20, 2017

Luke 7 : 1-10

Jesus goes back to Capernaum... home after preaching around the country.  Some Jewish elders come to Him to ask Him to save the life of a centurion's slave.  They say:

"He is worthy for you to grant this to him;  for he loves our nation and it was he who built us our synagogue."  

But, as Jesus starts to accompany the elders to the centurion's house, he sends a message to Jesus saying, " .. I am not worthy for You to come under my roof; for this reason I did not even consider myself worthy to come to You, but just say the word, and my servant will be healed." 

The Jews called the centurion, "worthy" - [axioo] - entitled, deserving of a reward:
But, the centurion calls himself, " not worthy" - [hikanos]- not fit in character, not ample, not enough, not good;  ( v6)   and not deserving (v7). 

The centurion had authority - ability, competency, jurisdiction - to command soldiers and slaves.  He understood the authority of those over him.   Here, he is admitting that he believed  in the authority of Jesus Christ.  He is putting himself under the authority of the One who IS worthy... 

Jesus says, " I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such great faith." This Roman soldier understood Who Jesus was, understood and believed in His authority, and received the answer to his request.. his servant was completely healed.  I would think it is safe to say that this man of faith would also receive the gift of salvation.

The Jewish elders, on the other hand, did not understand what was important here.  To them this man was important.. because of his money and his love of their country.. that made him "worthy".   They were looking at the outward appearance.  The good works.  They wanted to coerce Jesus into healing the servant so that the centurion would keep investing in their town and synagogue.  They wanted Jesus to reward the man for his good works.  They might have thought that they were the ones with authority.  They were still lost, blind, and unbelieving.

Father in heaven,  You are Lord and there is no other!  You alone are worthy of all our faith, of all our worship, and of all of our love!  Let us grasp these truths in new and deeper ways.. the complete authority of Jesus Christ our Lord, Who has come to save us forever!  Praise and honor and glory to His Name.  Rule over our hearts, minds, souls, and bodies today , dear Lord.  For we submit to Your complete sovereignty over each and every one of us, Your creation,  Your children, Your slaves.

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