Monday, November 13, 2017

Luke 4 ( part 3)

After the time in the wilderness and the time in Nazareth, Jesus traveled to Capernaum. This would become His new home and base of operations, in seems.  Jesus started where He always did, in the synagogue on the Sabbath.  Here, when He taught, the people were "amazed at His teaching, for His message was with authority".  (v32)

"What is this message?" the people asked each other.   Jesus rebuked the "unclean demon" that was in a man in the synagogue . The demons knew who Jesus was, but Jesus would not let them speak, here or in verse 41, when He delivered many more.  The people saw the power and authority that Jesus had to command the demons to come out.  They heard His message, spoken with authority.  They were amazed.. and unlike the people in Nazareth, they were not offended.. but brought "all who had any sick with various diseases to Him ; "  

They even searched for Him early in the morning, not wanting Him to leave their town. Quite a different reaction then those who knew Him in Nazareth.

Jesus told them, " I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose."  In Mark's account of this event, he writes that Jesus said, " The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel." ( Mark 1:15)

So, what exactly is the "gospel" that Jesus preached?  We know that the word means "good news". Yet we usually associate the word with the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, right?  Yet, Jesus is speaking here... so what good news is He bringing?

Holman's Bible dictionary helps me to understand this a little better.  In Hebrew the word [bisar] means to proclaim good news. It was used to "describe the report of victory in battle".  There is a religious connotation added because of the fact that God was actively involved in Israel's military actions... "To proclaim the good news of Israel's success in battle was to proclaim God's triumph over God's enemies."  The word [bisar] also was used in a personal context.  " .. individuals ought also to proclaim good news when God delivered then from personal distress."  In both military and individual experiences of God's deliverance- an announcement of what God had done - is Good News!
By the time of the prophet Isaiah the word gospel was used  "to describe the anticipated deliverance and salvation which would come from the hand of God when the long-awaited Messiah appeared to deliver Israel."  He would be "a Deliverer who would both triumph over the earthly enemies of God's people and usher in a new age of salvation."   When Jesus preaches the good news of God's reign - His Kingdom - He is saying that "God has intervened on their behalf through [Him]"

People could not overcome the power of sin, nor the power of the evil one, the enemy, on their own.  But God chose to "initiate and complete" the work of reconciliation Himself..  Good News!

" God's grace, which Jesus bears within Himself.. overcomes sin's power and offers forgiveness for individual sins... While God offers grace freely to everyone, this grace is not effective in overcoming the power of sin in a person's life until that person accepts it.  Because Jesus bears God's grace in Himself, grace is accepted only by receiving Him.  The marks of having accepted Jesus are repentance and a changed life. The fact that forgiveness, freedom from sin, and a new life are possible is good news." 

So, when Jesus preached, He proclaim the good news that God has come to reign.. His Kingdom was near,  His Kingdom was here!  The Deliverer, Jesus, had come to triumph over the enemy, over the power of the evil one,  over the power of the demons.. and over the power of sin.  As the people heard this message they also witnessed the demons coming out of people at the command of Jesus.  It was proof in front of their eyes.  What a message!  What power and authority!  What Good News!

Father in Heaven, Holy, holy, holy are You!  Praise to our God who initiated deliverance for us through Jesus Christ the Son of God!  We were blind, but now we see.  We were prisoners of sin and evil, but now we are set free through Jesus!  Thank You for this good news.  Thank You for the victory that Jesus won over the enemy of our souls.  Lord, You are God alone and we desire to live for You and to share this good news with those who have not yet heard... there is forgiveness, there is freedom from sin, and there is new life in Christ Jesus!  Amen and amen!

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