Friday, December 8, 2017

Luke 10 holds one more lesson for us.  The story of Martha and Mary.   We are told that Martha is the one that welcomes Jesus and His disciples into her home.  Martha is the one who is "distracted with all her preparations". ( She is a good hostess after all! )  But,  Martha is the one who is disgruntled at her sister's lack of help.

Mary chose to take a seat at the feet of Jesus.  She chose to listen "to the Lord's word".   Jesus says, "for Mary has chosen the good part..."  

Martha was - distracted, worried, and bothered.   She was focused on her own agenda.. entertaining and feeding these 13 ( or more?) men.  It was gracious of her to welcome them into her home.  She is not a bad person.  In fact, she is considered a good friend of Jesus.   But, her distraction and worry was choking out the Word!  Jesus was sitting in her dining room!  He could multiply one piece of bread into enough for everyone!  There was no need for Martha to get so worked up.  

Mary, understood.  She chose to LISTEN.  " He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"  This is the only thing "necessary".  John 6:27 "Do not work for the food which perishes, but for food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man shall give to you, for on Him the Father, even God has set His seal."  Jesus, the "true bread out of heaven... gives life to the world."  This lesson is so important!

Two sweet sisters, both loved Jesus.. They both trusted Him and were faithful followers.  They were going to be tested by their brother's death in a short while.  They would experience an amazing miracle when he is raised from the dead after 4 days.  But at this moment of time... they chose two different ways to respond to Jesus' presence.

How would we respond if Jesus came to dinner at our house today?

Father in Heaven,  You are so gracious and merciful.. so patient and kind to us.  Over and over You have to remind us to LISTEN!  We are so quick to allow the worries and cares of this world to  choke out the Word.  We forget to take hold of, grasp onto, and think carefully about what You are saying. And we wonder why our faith is weak and our strength is small....  Forgive us this day, Dearest Lord, and lead us Your way.  May we truly HEAR and understand Your voice.  I ask this in Jesus' Name . Amen.

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