Monday, December 25, 2017

Luke 13-14   As Jesus heads to Jerusalem, knowing that He will suffer and die there,  He continues teaching to those who have ears to hear and to heed His Word.

Luke tells us that someone asks Jesus " Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?" ( 13:23)
The answer is a resounding "No".    Those who "strive to enter by the narrow door.." and who come in while the door is still open,  will be saved.  But, " .. many, I tell you will seek to enter and will not be able."  Jesus says that there will be a time when the door will be shut and those left outside, knocking as hard as they can... will not be allowed to enter.

The lesson is clear.  We must respond to His invitation while we can.  For there will come a time when it is too late.  He wants us to come.  He invites us to come.  He even compels us to come... to eat at the table of the King. He calls us to Himself.. to come under His wings and be His favored guest.  It is up to us to respond now.  To respond with humility and with joy.  For all He offers to us is worth so much more than  anything else that we could possibly desire. 

Those invited to the dinner in the story found in Luke 14:16-24, made excuses - one bought a new piece of land and wanted to look at it;  one bought some new oxen and wanted to try them out;  one had just gotten married and wanted to stay with his new wife.  Jesus teaches that we must count the cost of following Him.. of entering the narrow gate that leads to the Kingdom.. and we need to decide now that it is more important than any other decision that we will ever make. He is the King and is worthy of our total commitment every day and every hour.

We must love Him more than our father, mother, wife, or children, brothers or sisters.
We must love Him more than our own lives.
We must be willing to carry our own cross.
We must be willing to stay steadfast and persevere to the end.

Three illustrations are given to help us picture this:
A man who wants to build a tower will make sure that he has enough money to build the whole thing.
A king who is planning on going to battle will make sure he has enough soldiers to win the war.
Salt that no longer has any flavor cannot be used for anything but will be thrown out.

If we want to follow Christ, we need to know that He expects us to stay faithful to the end.
If we want to follow Christ, we need to trust Him to bring us to victory.
If we want to follow Christ, we must not lose our value, like tasteless salt,  but to remain in Him.

There were those who were outside the door who claimed to know the Lord, " We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets;" But that is not good enough, Jesus says, "I tell you, I do not know where you are from; Depart from Me, all You evildoers." 

Father in Heaven,  You have called us to Yourself and You are worthy of our full commitment.. every ounce of our being.  Why is it so hard for human kind to lay down that which we cannot keep so that we can take up that which we cannot lose?  You are everything ! Your Kingdom is more valuable than anything this earth contains! Eternity is way more important than the few days that we dwell here on earth.. what You tell us is like a wisp of smoke.... grass that grows in the morning and is gone by evening.  Open our eyes Lord!  Strengthen our love for You and our commitment to put You first above all things.  And, one more thing Lord... Happy Birthday Jesus!  Thank You for coming, for saving us, for inviting us into Your Presence.  Thank You and praise Your holy Name. amen.

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