Thursday, November 30, 2017

Luke 9:46-62

The disciples start arguing about which one of them is the greatest. Perhaps Peter, James, and John were feeling prideful since they had been on the mountain with Jesus.  Perhaps the others were trying to make into the top 3... whatever the problem was, Jesus had a powerful lesson that He wanted them to learn....

"But Jesus, knowing what they were thinking in their heart, took a child and stood him by His side." 
Picture it..  a little boy or girl, innocent, unaware of the tensions surrounding them... perhaps dirty and neglected... perhaps a member of one of their families.   Children were not regarded as worth much in that culture.  Remember when the disciples tried to send them away?  Here Jesus takes this child to His side ( Mark records that Jesus took him in His arms)  and says, "Whoever receives this child in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me; for he who is least among you, this is the one who is great." 

The disciples were considering their own degree of importance... Jesus wanted them to consider the importance of this one small child.   To accept a child in Jesus' name is to accept Jesus... and to accept Jesus is to accept the Father.  God measures greatness by willing service... the willingness to welcome a child.. to regard him as Christ Himself would.  Greatness is not found in rank or power.. but in sacrifice and humility.

John brings up a matter of someone, not of the 12, who was casting out demons in Jesus' name.  Jesus assures John that "... he who is not against you is for you."   The position of apostle was never meant to leave others out of ministry , but to bring others into the Kingdom.

Luke tells us that from this point on Jesus "was journeying with His face toward Jerusalem."  Going through a Samaritan village, the group are refused lodging.   James and John are angry and want to burn the place down.  But again Jesus rebukes their wrong thinking.. " You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. "

Following Jesus, being His disciple is not always easy, Jesus teaches.  To follow Him means letting go of everything else.. even home, family, wealth, or even your life.  Lowliness, not greatness.  Humble service, not power and authority.  Jesus is heading to Jerusalem to die.. the ultimate act of humility from the One who came to save us all.

Father in heaven , we come to bow before You, to rest in Your loving arms, to receive You and the Beloved Savior.  Let us rest in Your arms, Lord Jesus, knowing that You will cover us with Your salvation and carry us into the Glory of Heaven. We are willing to be Your servants, to serve others in Your Name, for we know that this is Your will for us.  Strengthen us by Your Spirit that we might fulfill all Your purposes for us. In the Name of Jesus our Lord we pray, amen.

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