Monday, November 27, 2017

Luke 8   Jesus tells another parable - about a lamp.  If we have a lamp and light it, we wouldn't then cover it or hide it.  We put it where we can use it and "see the light".  In fact, He says, " For nothing is hidden that shall not become evident, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light."  Jesus goes on to say, " Therefore take care how you listen; for whoever has, to him shall more  be given; and whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has shall be taken away from him."  

The Bible Knowledge Commentary explains this as an extension of the previous parable. "The emphasis is once again on hearing, or, as it is put here, on listening.  If one understands the Word of God his life should reflect that understanding."  God was giving the secrets, the "mysteries of the kingdom of God"  to those who have ears to hear.  Those who were actively listening and preserving in the Word.. to them more truth would be given.. and they were to make it known to others, not hide it under a bushel... or allow Satan to snatch it away.  Those who didn't receive the Word wholly would  lose everything.

So what does that mean for us?  We have been given the Word of God, the Bible.  We have been given the Way, the Truth, and the Life.. Jesus Christ.  He wants us to be careful in how we listen to His Word.  If we treat the Word of God as a lamp ( which it is.. a light unto our path and a lamp unto our feet).. then we will learn more and more, for He will give us more truth, more life, more understanding.  But if we take the Word and hide it, cover it, ignore it, refuse it, or never take it seriously.. we will end up with nothing.  A life with no fruitfulness, unworthy of all that our Father desires to give us.

When Mary and Jesus' brothers try to get through the crowd to see Jesus, they are unable.  Jesus says this, " My mother and My brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it."   Those who continually take care to listen to God's Word and to actively practice all that He is willing for us to do... those are the ones who will be brought into the very family of Christ!  What a marvelous truth!

Luke adds 4 miraculous examples of Jesus exerting His authority -
He reveals His authority over nature by stilling the stormy sea.
He reveals His authority over the evil spirits by commanding them to leave the demoniac.
He reveals His authority over diseases by the healing of the woman in the midst of the crowd.
He reveals His authority over death by raising Jairus' daughter.

Hear what He says to His disciples ;
v25 "Where is your faith?"
v39 " Return to your house and describe the great things God has done for you."
v48 "Daughter, your faith has made you well." 
v50 " Do not be afraid and longer, only believe and she shall be made well." 

Brings to mind these words from Paul:
So faith comes from hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ"! (Romans 10:17)
The Word says to- believe.. believe... believe.. and don't hide your faith under a bushel.. Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

Father in heaven,  let Your Word dwell in us richly, deeply, and  continually, that You would be glorified as our lives bear fruit according to Your Spirit at work in us.  To the praise and honor of Your Name. In the holy Name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

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