Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Luke 11:29-36

After being accused by the Pharisees of working for Satan, Jesus takes the offense.  He has said, "He who is not with me is against Me..."   Here, He begins to rebuke those who have chosen to be against Him.

"This generation is a wicked generation.."  

First of all, their wickedness is evidenced in their constant desire for  "a sign".  They saw Him cast out demons, heal the sick, and  feed the thousands,  but they were unsatisfied.  They wanted a miracle on demand... Like the Israelites who tested God in the wilderness... they are testing Jesus.  As God's creatures... we are not in a position to demand signs.  God calls us to bow before Him... not the other way around.  This is wickedness, Jesus says!  He also tells them that a great sign is coming - the "sign of Jonah".   

Jesus goes on to tell them that they will be judged and condemned... even by the "Queen of the South".. because she came to hear the "wisdom of Solomon".   They have "something greater than Solomon" right in front of them.. and yet they refuse to hear.  Their refusal to hear God's Word and God's voice, God's Wisdom.. . is evidence of their wickedness.

The people of Nineveh that repented when Jonah preached to them... would judge them for their unrepentant hearts, for "behold something greater than Jonah is here."  Jesus is far superior than the prophet Jonah.  His message of the Kingdom should have led the people to repent and turn back to God.  But they wouldn't do it.  This is great wickedness.

They were testing God and demanding Him to perform for their benefit.
They were refusing to hear and heed the Word of God.
They were refusing to repent from their wickedness.
For these reasons.. judgment would be upon them.

Verse 35 " The lamp of your body is your eye; when your eye is clear your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad your body is full of darkness."  The eyes of those who refused to hear and receive the Word of God - were blinded.  They were unhealthy , not "clear".   They would not accept the light and were kept bound by darkness.  On the other hand " If therefore your whole body is full of light, with no dark part in it, it shall be wholly illumined, as when the lamp illumines you with its rays."  To be fully illumined we must have God's Light... Jesus, the Light of the World!

Jesus was giving them all they needed to gain that Light. He was right there in their midst. Nothing greater than the personal Presence of God could ever be given!  Yet, even then, some failed to believe, to hear, to repent, and to receive Him.  Yes, they are rightfully called a "wicked generation". 
We have been given the written Word of God.  It is also a great gift of good news!  The Way, the Truth, and the Life.. the Light of the World.. is ours if we will humble ourselves before Him, hear Him, and repent.  Only then will we be full of light and "wholly illumined". We must not ignore, take for granted, or refuse the Word of God!

Father in Heaven,  You are the Father of Lights and every good gift comes from You.  You have given to us salvation through Jesus Christ the Son!  Thank You, Lord!  You have given us the Word..  May we be careful to listen and obey Your Word.  Remove any darkness in us, Lord.  May Your light illumine us fully we pray.  In the Magnificent Name of our Lord, Jesus! Amen

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