Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Luke 3

John, who has been living in the wilderness, or desert,  receives "the word of God".   He has been in waiting.. he has grown up.  He "continued to grow and to become strong in spirit" (1:80)  Now, the time has come for him to make "His paths straight".

John's message is forthright and focused.  It is not sugar-coated.  He preached "a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins;" ( 3:3)

Baptism - to make overwhelmed;  the root word in Greek is bapto- to cover wholly.. to stain, as with dye;

Covered, overwhelmed, stained.. by repentance- metanoia - compunction - the pricking of the conscience ; the sting of guilt bringing remorse and regret, which leads to a change of thinking, a reversal, a reconsideration,  a reformation.

For the forgiveness of sin.  For the deliverance, the pardon, the remission, the liberty - the sending away of sin. The cancellation or release of the debt, the penalty - of sin.

The people came to John to be baptized in the Jordan.  Yet, John called them vipers.  Poisonous snakes that hide themselves in their surroundings, camouflaged by their outward appearance.  John preaches that true repentance will "bring forth fruit in keeping with repentance".   It will bear "good fruit" or it will be destroyed.

" Then what shall we do?"  
The multitudes asked - and John said to "share with him who has none" - share food, clothing, etc. with those in need.   BE LOVING
The tax-gatherers asked - and John said, " Collect no more than you have been ordered". BE JUST
The soldiers asked - and John said, " Do not take money from anyone by force, or accuse anyone falsely, and be content with your wages." BE RIGHTEOUS

True repentance changes us - completely!  Genuine remorse and regret is the beginning .  The reversal of our way of thinking then makes a change in our outward behavior.  It is not the outward behavior that changes us or brings the forgiveness from our sin - that's viper behavior - poisonous and deadly.  It is the genuine change in our hearts as we are overwhelmed, and completely, wholly covered - baptized  by repentance - that is needed. 

This was the message that John preached in preparation for the coming of the Lamb of God.
Jesus came to John and was baptized in the Jordan.  He was not overwhelmed with repentance, for He had no sin.  He was overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit who "descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove."  The Father's voice was heard from Heaven, " Thou art My beloved Son, in Thee I am well-pleased." 

Luke finishes out this chapter with the genealogy of Joseph.  One thing that stuck out to me today, that I hadn't really paid attention to before was in verse 31, ".. the son of Nathan, the son of David."
Nathan was the brother of Solomon.  His mother was Bathsheba.  Matthew's account includes Solomon in the genealogy. Interesting... need to look at this closer. ( Another time)

Father in Heaven,  Your Word is Truth.  We are to walk in the Light of this Truth.  We need genuine repentance for the forgiveness of our sins.  We must come to Jesus and be baptized by Your Holy Spirit.. by the fire that He alone covers us with.  The Refiner's fire that removes the chaff, burns out the impurities, and purifies us completely.   Purify us now.. continue that great work of sanctification for us who have believed and been saved.  Father, in Your great mercy, will You also bring the baptism of repentance upon those loved ones who are still living as vipers?  May they have compunction.. prick their consciences, bring the sting of guilt that leads to remorse and a change of heart.  May they come to Jesus and find forgiveness of sin in Him, the Beloved Son of God.  For I ask it in His powerful Name.  Amen.

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