Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Revelation 13-15  Two sides, 2 destinies.  On one side is the dragon.  He has 2 beasts, the first full of evil, with blasphemous names written on its heads.  It is given authority over all who do not belong to the other side. The second beast will do signs and wonders.  There will be much deception. There will be judgement.
Then there is the Lamb! He is accompanied by 144,000 blameless ones.  They sing a new song.  They have His Name and the Name of the Father written on their foreheads.
Then the harvest is reaped.  Those who have followed the dragon and the beasts are cut away and thrown into God's wine press.  We are told there is "no rest" there. Only torment with fire and brimstone.
But to those who die in the Lord, there is rest from all their labors. There is eternal salvation.
But this is not over yet.  For now 7 plagues are about to be poured out.  This is said to finish the wrath of God. But before that happens there is more worship and singing before God by those standing on the sea of glass.
It is overwhelming. It is too much! Over and over again the sides are drawn. Over and over we are given the warning... CHOOSE before it is too late.  Choose to listen.  Choose to follow the Lamb.  Choose right and don't be enticed or deceived into choosing the one who leads to death and destruction and wrath.
But, some still hesitate. Some still deny Him.  Some still refuse to believe. Oh , Holy Spirit, You are the One Who came to convince mankind of sin, righteousness, and judgement.  Speak to our hearts!  Convince us of Your Truth.  Light our way to Jesus. Fill us with the knowledge of His Love for us.
May we honor and worship and bring glory to Your Name, Father! May we always choose You Jesus!
Above anyone or anything. Every day. By Your Grace, draw us nearer. Amen.

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