Friday, October 11, 2013

Revelation 11 John is told what will happen next in those final days of this world.  Two "witnesses" will come and propesy for 1260 days. They have authority from God to kill any that try to harm them, to stop any rain from falling, to turn water into blood, and to inflict plagues.  They will be killed by the beast, lay dead and unburied for 3 and 1/2 days and then God will breath life into them once more before they are beckoned up into heaven.  That will be followed by an earthquake that will shake Jerusalem and kill 7000 people.  But those left will give "glory to the God of heaven".  Finally.
Then the final trumpet sounds and "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever."  With that, John sees the 24 elders falling before the throne of God in worship and thanksgiving once again.  He has "begun to reign".   We long for that day!  When the Righteous King reigns, when the nations give up their wrath against Him. When the heavens open and we see God our King!
This will also usher in the time for judgement, to "destroy those who destroy the earth"  and thankfully the time for reward to those who "fear Thy Name, the small and the great,"

Father, You are the King of Glory.  You have prepared us for this future reality by revealing it in Your Word.  You have preserved these ancient words so that we can know the Truth.  Evil is not everlasting.  It has been defeated and will one day be destroyed according to Your will and purposes.
Your Kingdom is everlasting. Your dominion endures forever.  Even today, when we see the mess our nation is in, when we see the wicked prospering, we can KNOW that You reign and that You will destroy the wicked. That You will bring us to be with You and reward all who fear Your Name!
We need not be anxious for nothing! But in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving we can let our requests be made known to You! ( Phil 4:7)   Thank YOU!

Note:  Be anxious ( full of care) for nothing ( Greek word -medeis - means not even one (man, woman, thing) none, not at all, nothing. Without delay).  But in everything ( the whole, all manner of, all means, always, any (one), daily, everyone, thoroughly, whatsoever, whosoever)  by prayer  (Greek word is proseuche - pro means to move towards, draw near to, ascend towards -God, to worship, to earnestly make prayer.) And  Supplication - petition, request, but with an aspect of binding oneself, knit, tie, be in bonds.  [I picture a poor beggar child who clings to the leg of someone begging for help in desperation, not letting go until he gives something.] With thanksgiving -( eucharistia - gratitude, grateful words)  let your requests be made known to God.

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