Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Psalm 103 This song is one of praise and blessing to The Lord for all He is and all He has done.
 We are told, in fact, to "forget none of His benefits"!  The psalmist then tells us what those benefits include:
The Lord our God is the only One Who can pardon our iniquities.
He is the only One Who can heal our diseases.
He is the only One Who can redeem us from death.
He is the only One willing to crown us with loving kindness and compassion.
He is the only One Who satisfies our lives with good things.
He performs righteous deeds.
He makes perfect judgements.
He disclosed Himself to Moses and to Israel ( and to us).
He describes Himself  in these terms, " The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness." ( See Ex. 34:6-7)
He is patient with us, merciful towards us, and His loving-kindness in immeasurable.
He removes our sins "as far as the east is from the west"
He has the compassion of a Father toward his children.
He knows how frail we are and how short our lives can be.
He is everlasting!
He rewards those who obey Him.
His throne is forever established in Heaven.
He rules!
The mighty angels obey Him.
All the armies of Heaven obey Him.
We are His works.
We should always do as the psalmist and tell our own souls to "Bless The Lord!"
How do we "bless" The Lord?  The word in Hebrew is "barak".  It means to kneel.  It is an act of adoration. It shows thanks and praise.
Father in Heaven, may Your Name be made holy today, as we bow before You and remember the things You have done for us. Thank You for saving me from sin, for redeeming me from death, and for removing my sins far, far away! Thank You for making me Your child. Thank You for revealing Yourself to me. Thank You for the assurance that even when my life is over here on earth, I will be with You for eternity!  Thank You for being patient and merciful to me.  Thank You that Your faithfulness and righteousness extend to my "children's children".  I bless You O Lord! Amen!

Revelation 6  Jesus opens 6 seals from the scroll that only He is worthy to open.
v1-2 Seal one unleashes a conqueror riding a white horse. He is armed with a bow and is given a crown.
v3-4 Seal two unleashes a warrior on a red horse. He is given a great sword and the authority to take away peace.
v5-6 Seal three unleashes a judge with a pair of scales in his hand, riding a black horse. He introduces famine upon the earth.
v7-8 Seal four unleashes one who is given the names "Death and Hades", riding an ashen horse.  He is given the authority to kill 1/4 of the earths population.  He will use sword, famine, pestilence and wild beasts.
v9-11 The fifth seal does not unleash a horseman, but the cries of the saints who had been martyred. They are given white robes and told to rest while more will be added to their numbers.
v12-17 The sixth seal unleashes an earthquake so great that the sun turns black and the moon red. Stars fall out of the sky. The sky is split apart. Mountains and islands move. Kings, commanders, the rich and the slave, all people will try to hide themselves in caves  and will cry out for death to keep them from the Presence of God and the wrath of the Lamb.
Jesus, You are the Conqueror, the King of kings and Lord of lords.  All things are in Your Hands both now and forever. When war comes, when famine strikes, when death approaches, we look to You.  We seek Your face and do not flee from You. We do not want to hide but to rest in You.  We know Your Word is true. You are gracious and merciful.  You are slow to anger. You are great in loving-kindness.  You do forgive and redeem and save us.  But we also know that You " will by no means leave the guilty unpunished." (Ex. 34:7).  So Lord we pray with Moses, " I pray, let The Lord go along in our midst, even though the people are so obstinate; and do Thou pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us as Thine own possession." ( Ex. 34:9).  I ask this for my own family, Lord.  In the Name of Jesus, my conqueror.      Amen.

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