Monday, October 21, 2013

Psalm 93 "The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty."  Psalm 145:5 reminds us to meditate on the "glorious splendor" of His majesty and on His wonderful works. To meditate, to think about and contemplate and dwell in the truth of God's majesty.  This clothing of majesty, of magnificence , what does that mean?
Psalm 93:1 tells us that the Lord clothed Himself "with strength".  He established the world, firmly, unmovable. He established His throne, eternally.  He is mighty! And He is holy! The psalmist stands on the shoreline and listens to the breaking waves.  They are pounding and roaring and mighty, but they are nothing compared with the mighty God Who made them.
Psalm 104:2 tells us that the Lord is also clothed with light. "Thou are clothed with spendor and majesty, covering thyself with light as with a cloak,"

Father, I want to dwell on this today. To think of Your majesty. At least these two characteristics of Your majesty, for I know that You are infinitely more than these, but for now You have revealed these truths - You are clothed with strength and with light.   There is nothing that is impossible for You to do. And there is no darkness that You cannot overcome.  Shine Your light into our hearts today and remove all darkness, every shadow of doubt and fear, every evil thought and lie planted by our enemy. Move with might and strength to establish us in Your salvation, in Your Kingdom. Move the mountains and part the seas, that others may come to worship You and praise Your Name. That they will also meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty.

Revelation 21-22   John has seen and written of all that will happen at the end of this age.  After the final judgement the Lord reveals a new heaven and new earth.  "Behold I am making all things new!"
On this new earth there will no longer be an ocean.  And there will no longer be a sun.
There will be a beautiful city where God will dwell. Where tears are wiped away.  Where there will be no pain, no death, no mourning.  There also will be no wicked people. No immorality, no murder, no idolatry, no liars.   This city is described very specifically, its walls and gates, its foundation and its measurements. It is not like anything that we can imagine.  But the most important aspect is the presence of the "Lord God, the Almighty and the Lamb".  His glory illumines this city!  There is no need for the sun or the moon. There is no night! It is a place where the nations will bring glory and honor. ( What nations? I don't know)
There is a river of the water of life.  There are trees of life.  Light and life permeate this city. For God is worshiped there.
John closes this book with a final message, "the time is near".  Be ready! Only those whose names are written in His book, who have washed their robes, who are righteous and practicing righteousness, who are holy and keeping themselves holy, will enter into this wonderful eternal city.  We can come to Him freely, without cost, and take this "water of life".  He calls us to do this.  But if we refuse, or if we take away from this Book anything that God has revealed as True, He will take away any part that we may have in His City.
John ends with a blessing, which seems quite appropriate here, "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen". For all we have and all we hope for come by His grace to us.  How we need You!
Come, Lord Jesus!
For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever! Amen.

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