Monday, October 7, 2013

Psalm 100  Shout to The Lord!  ( When was the last time you did that?)
Serve The Lord with gladness.  Hmmm.  Do we do that either?  ( I think I do... most of the time :))
Come before Him with joyful singing.   Love to do that!
"Know that The Lord Himself is God"   Jehovah, I AM,  is Ehohiym, the supreme God, the exceedingly great God!
He made us!  He is our Creator.
We are His people! He is our Redeemer and Father.
We are welcome into His courts!   He is our King!
Come with thanksgiving.  Come with praise!
"FOR THE LORD is GOOD"   His loving- kindness, His precious, merciful, gracious love never, ever, ends!  His faithfulness is for every generation.  It is for me and for my children, and for my grandchildren, and for my great grandchildren!
Yes, that is something to shout about!!!!!

Revelation 8
Jesus opens the 7th seal and there is silence in heaven.  The never-ending songs of praise and worship are interrupted. The praises and prayers.. stop.  No one moves.  What is half an hour in heaven? It must have seemed like an eternity to John.  Then the activity begins again. Seven angels come and stand before God.  Each is given a trumpet.  Another angel comes and adds incense to the prayers of those before the throne, for much, much prayer is needed for what is about to come.  The angel takes a censer, fills it with fire and flings it at the earth, where it produces thunder, lightning and an earthquake.  Then the trumpets start to sound.
The first trumpet is accompanied by hail and fire and blood, thrown on the earth destroying trees and grass on 1/3 of the earth.
The second trumpet is accompanied by a mountain of fire, thrown into the sea making 1/3 of it blood.
The third trumpet is accompanied by a burning star named Wormwood which poisons 1/3 of the rivers and springs.
The fourth trumpet is accompanied by the destruction of 1/3 of the sun, the moon, and the stars.
Death has come to earth and sea and sky.  But it is not over yet.  An eagle flies through the heavens crying out, "Woe, woe, woe, to those who dwell on the earth"  because the next 3 trumpets will we even worse.
No wonder the saints in heaven are praying!  Oh I hope and pray we will all be ready!
Father, may we KNOW You, may we know that You alone are good.  May we know that You are our God, our Redeemer, our only Hope.  May we be ready to come before Your Throne and not left behind to face Your Judgement and Wrath.  Jesus, You are our Savior.  Thank You for paying the price. For rescuing us from sin and death and hell.  Lord, by Your Grace, will You open the eyes of those in my family who are still lost?  You are faithful. Thank You.  amen.

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