Thursday, October 24, 2013

Psalm 91  My mom's cousin, Betty, 90 years old, recently memorized this psalm.  I can see why.  It exalts God for all He is and all He does for those who put their trust in Him. This is one I need to meditate on often and have in my heart and mind forever. Psalm 145 has been a wealth of instruction, comfort, and hope to me as I review it often, especially at night before I sleep. I need to add this to my memorization of the Word.

God is: Most High; Almighty; my Refuge; my Fortress; my Deliverer; my Protector; my Shield; my Dwelling Place; my Rescuer; " My God in whom I trust!"

I can: Dwell in His shelter; abide in His shadow; hide under His wings; find His faithfulness to be a shield; make Him my Refuge; call on Him and know He will answer; know that He will rescue me because He loves me; I will behold His salvation.

Because of Who You are Father, I can come to You and not be afraid of the terror by night.  I don't have to fear arrows of war or pestilence, or destruction.  I do not have to fear evil. You are my shepherd and Your rod and staff comfort me.  You guard my ways. You give Your angels charge over me.  You alone will satisfy me with life. You have provided Your salvation.  Help me to dwell in Your shelter, Most High God. To live, settled down and at home in Your Presence. Moment by moment, day by day, every day of my life. Amen

Genesis 1 Sometimes, when I can't fall asleep for whatever reason, I have an opportunity to meditate on the Word. Often I recite the Scriptures I have memorized, like Psalm 145 or pray for anyone who the Lord brings to mind. But last night I was still awake after doing those things and I found myself contemplating Genesis 1.  Just want to share some thoughts here.
Isn't it interesting that God created the heavens (plural) and the earth(singular)?
Was there never light before God said, "Let there be light."? There had to be since we are told that He is Light and in Him there is no darkness, right?
God separated light from darkness, making day and night before the sun was formed.
It wasn't until the 4th day that God made the sun and moon and stars. AFTER the earth had already begun sprouting vegetation! ( Science likes for us to think that the sun is the source of life since plants cannot grow without sunlight, but this proves them wrong again.)
Since we are told that these lights are for "signs and seasons and days and years" - measuring time - Is it at this point that "time" actually begins?
Why is it that God blesses the fish and birds, but not the beasts and cattle and creeping animals?
Since God made man in His image and gave them the job of ruling over the fish, birds, cattle, and every creeping thing - is that what we will rule over in the eternal future?

Any thoughts?

Genesis 2  "Thus the heavens and the earth were completed and all their hosts." By the 7th day God was finished with the work and He "rested".  He "shabath" -ceased, put away, celebrated, desisted.
He blessed the 7th day.  He sanctified it.  He declared the 7th day to be clean, holy, special.  Different from the the rest of the days. Set apart.  This established the definition of a week. 7 days. 6 of work and 1 of rest. Of putting away and ceasing and resting. A day to celebrate. A day to come away and be separate from our work and to be with Him.
Father, our world has forgotten that we need to come away to You. The busyness of our culture leaves little time for true rest. But not just our culture but the whole world seems swept up into everything but You.  Help us to truly come apart to You and rest in You.  Help us to walk in the Light of Your Truth and live in obedience to Your word, every day. Teach us what pleases You. Amen

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