Friday, October 25, 2013

Psalm 91:4 "... and under His wings you may seek refuge."    God is big enough to cover all of us that come to Him for shelter.  He is strong enough to protect from anything that seeks to make us terrified.  He is kind enough to rescue us when we call and to be with us in trouble.  He even says that He will honor a person, "because he has known My name".  Dwell in His shelter today. Abide in His shadow. Call Him your fortress and refuge and trust in Him.
This is His desire, His will for us.

Father, let Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.  In me, as You have desired.

Genesis 2
Starting in verse 4 there is an expanded explanation of the creation of man. Some details are given.
v5 the shrubs and plants had not sprouted yet.
     No rain had been given yet.
v6 A mist rose from the dirt and watered the surface.
v7 God used the dust from the ground to form the man.
    God breathed life into the man.  Something He did not do with any other creature.
v8 God planted a garden.
     God placed the man in the garden.
v9  God caused the trees to grow in the garden, including the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
v10 God made a river to flow out of Eden, the land of His garden.
v11-14  That river divided into 4 major rivers.
v15  God commanded the man to take care of His garden.
v16-17  God restricted the man from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but all the others were freely given.
v18  God brought all the animals to the man to name.
v20 The man took on the name Adam.
V21 God knocked the man out, took his rib and created a woman from it, closed up the wound, and presented the woman to Adam.
v23-25 Marriage is established.
Work, law, and marriage all flow from this passage.  We were given a purpose, to take care of God's creation. We were given restrictions, to obey and live, or to disobey and die.  And we were given relationships, purposeful and sacred relationships, to help one another.

Your thoughts are deep and Your works are wonderful, Father.  Teach us truth and help us to walk in it. Always.
Thank you. Be glorified in our lives today,

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