Friday, October 18, 2013

Psalm 94  "O Lord, God of vengeance....."  Our God recompenses the proud. He judges the wicked.
"He who planted the ear, does He not hear?  He who formed the eye, does He not see?"   Yes, He does!  He sees those who crush others.  He sees those who kill widows and strangers, who murder orphans.  He sees the abusers, the haters, the bullies, the immoral.  They may not think that God sees them, but He does.  They may not believe that He cares, but He does.  The psalmist calls these people senseless and stupid! For God will repay wickedness back to them.  He will destroy them in the evil that they do.  We see this every day.  The murdering gang member shot down by a rival.  An abuser who is wretched and angry and dies by their own hand or by the drug of choice.  We may not see the Hand of God reach down and wipe them off the face of the earth in an instant, but we know that what one sows, he does reap.  Vengeance is in His Hands.  Not ours.  He knows the tare from the wheat.  He knows who will repent and find salvation in Jesus.  He knows the heart and thoughts of every man. His judgements are always right.
O Almighty God, thank You for Your grace. Thank You that You never abandon Your own.  Thank You for being righteous in Your judgements. Thank You for being our help. For holding us up by Your loving kindness. For being our stronghold and our rock of refuge.  You are Holy and Sovereign and we praise You.  Let Your will be done, perfectly on earth as it is in heaven. Keep us in Your Presence and Love today. Keep our feet from slipping. Forgive us our sins that cause us to slip. Deliver us from the evil one. We ask this in Your Name , Jesus, to the glory of the Father's Holy Name. Amen.

Revelation 19-20  Today's theme is judgement it seems, for here in these chapters John records the final judgements.  The multitudes in Heaven sing Hallelujah!   This is what we wait for!  This is the final victory!  Jesus comes to reign and vengeance is poured out upon the evil one.
The beast and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire.
The dragon, Satan is bound for 1000 years.
The dead believers who resisted the beast's mark are raised and reign with Christ for those 1000 years.
After Satan is let out of the abyss he wars against the saints once more but then is removed forever.
Then, all the dead, including those in Hades, are raised and judged according to their deeds.
"And if anyones name was not found written in the book of life he was thrown into the lake of fire."
Bottom line - where do we stand?  "Is my name written there? On the page white and fair? In the book of Thy kingdom, is my name written there?" Oh Yes!  Thank You Jesus, my name is written there because You have saved me, You covered my sins by Your blood. "But Thy blood, O my Savior is sufficient for me. For thy promise is written in bright letters that glow, Though your sins be as scarlet, I will make them like snow."  Thank You!

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