Thursday, October 3, 2013

Psalm 102 The first 11 verses of this psalm are a prayer, a desperate cry for help.  A man who feels deserted and consumed by the afflictions he is facing.  He feels it deep down in his bones. His appetite is gone, he has lost weight and strength. He is all alone in his reproach.  He is losing it.
But... A renewed Spirit fills him, hope arises, praise and honor to The Lord fills his thoughts. ( v12-28) He remembers that....
The Lord abides forever!
He will have compassion on Zion!
He will be gracious!
The nations will come to fear the name of The Lord!
All the kings of the earth will see God's glory!
God hears the prayers of the destitute.
He sees what is happening on the earth.
He pays attention to the groaning of the prisoner and sets him free.
So that people will tell of His Great Name!
So that people will gather together to serve Him!
The God Who created the heavens and the earth will watch them wear out, and then will replace them!
He is the same always!
He is eternal, the beginning and the end!
Father in Heaven, You are Almighty!  You never change as You are altogether Holy, Infinite, Perfect, and Transcendent!  Thank You for hearing the prayers of the destitute. Thank You for the promise that those Who call on Your Name will be saved.  Renew our hope and fill us with Your Spirit continually.  Draw us close to You. Right now and through out this day. Give us our Daily Bread. Jesus, You are the Bread of life, give us Your Presence, Your Word, and Your Spirit today. Amen.

Revelation 7.   Before the 7th seal is opened there is an interlude.  John sees 4 angels holding back the wind. Think of that... no air blowing on the whole earth! An angel announces that before destruction continues the "bond-servants" of The Lord will be sealed. 144,000 Israelites are chosen, 12,000 from each tribe.  They are set apart for The Lord.  Then John sees a great multitude of people worshiping before the Throne of God. All the angels join them, along with the 4 living creatures and the 24 elders.  It is once again a rising up of praise and honor and glory to God and to the Lamb.
Is this the church, washed in the blood of the Lamb, making their garments white? God "shall spread His tabernacle over them."  They won't hunger or thirst anymore. Their tears will be wiped away by God, Himself.
Blessing and glory, and wisdom and thanks, honor and power and might, to You O God!
Salvation is in Your Hands. Thank You for the Hope we have in You.

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