Tuesday, October 22, 2013

John 15 -16   Abiding in Jesus, the true Vine.  Staying in relationship, attached and bound together so closely that His life flows into ours.  This is God's will for us.  It is what we pray for when we pray "Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven".  It is in the abiding that fruit is produced.  It is the fruit of the Vine, not ours.  It is the glory of the husbandman, the gardener, God the Father, not of the branch.  Abiding in Him involves faith and commitment.  We must be thoroughly attached. Grafted together and as one with Him.  Jesus tells us that we are to obey His commandments, His Word. And we are to love one another.  Love like He loves.  Love enough to lay down our own lives for another.  It is a love beyond our own capacity to love.  It must come through our connection to Him.
This is the place of True Joy.
But it is also the place of persecution.
For when we abide so closely with the Jesus.  When we are branches attached to the Vine, whatever He suffers we do too.
The world hated Him.  It will hate us too.  Many Christians in other countries face this every day. Many have been kicked out of their families. Many have been thrown into prison.  Many have been killed.  Just for naming the name of Jesus.
We can't imagine this.  But as our culture continues to turn from the principles of Truth and godliness, we can see the writing on the wall.  Just the issue of gay marriage is enough to see how the lines are being drawn. Christians are being labeled bigots. We are not.  We are disciples of Jesus Christ.

Father, help us to bear witness of Jesus faithfully, every day.  Holy Spirit, lead us continually in the truth. Abide in us and us in You. Steadfastly. Eternally.  I pray this in Your Name, Jesus. Amen.

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