Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Psalm 96  "Sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless His name; Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day."  v. 1-2
I heard an interesting program on the radio ( Moody) yesterday.  It was an interview with a woman who started a ministry for families with hidden disabilities. ( Like mental illnesses, autism, etc).  Some one called in and shared how he found that his depression seemed to lift after he cut out tv, music, etc. He felt that demonic activity is involved in a lot of the "darkness" that is so popular in our culture. ( I think that is true!)  The woman, (sorry, I don't recall her name) made a statement that I can't stop thinking about and must share.  When we sing praises to God, when we play praise music in our homes, we are inviting God's Presence into our lives and homes.  Scripture tells us that "Thou who art enthroned upon the praises of Israel". (Psalm 22:3) Another version reads that as God inhabits the praise of His people. The speaker suggests that praise music, singing praises to the Lord, as part of our daily lives, in our homes, with our children.... brings God's presence and glory.. His Light into our world.  Where Light and Life dwell, darkness is expelled!  Darkness that brings depression and confusion and hurt and evil.  Oh how much we need to do this! EVERY DAY!!!!

Father, You are Worthy of ALL of our praise, every day! We do want You to be honored and Your Name to be praised!  We do want Your Kingdom to come into our homes, every single day! May it be so here in my home and in the homes of my children and grandchildren!  You are great Lord! You are greatly to be praised! Your deeds are wonderful.  Your salvation is good!  I will tell of Your wonderful deeds, of Your glory and splendor, of Your Majesty.  You established the world.  You judge all men with righteousness. And You are coming! Father, will You lead us in paths of righteousness, lead us away from the temptations that come our way, deliver us from the evil one and his darkness.  You are the One Who transfers us from the domain of darkness into the Kingdom of Your Beloved Son. Thank You! Amen!!

Revelation 16-17  More destruction and judgements are explained in these chapters.  It hardly seems that there can be anything left to destroy, but there is more.  7 plagues. Malignant sores. Seas of blood. Rivers and streams of blood. Fire. Darkness. Euphrates river completely dried up. An earthquake so severe that it levels the mountains and destroys the islands.  Hailstones that weigh 100 pounds each.
A great war is coming.  On one side is the beast.   On the other is Babylon. And there is a 3rd - the Lamb who will overcome.
This is what awaits those who refuse to repent.  Who refuse to give glory to God.
God desires us to know His salvation!  He has given us fair warning that judgement will come to those who refuse His provision through Jesus Christ.  It is amazing how stubborn our hearts can be.  How deceived we are, thinking life is about money or jobs or even having fun.  Not that we don't need those things, but God is the provider of all we need. God wants our lives to be about Him!
Father, Help us to know You. To know Your Word and Your will.  To keep our eyes on You and to focus on You. To obey You.  To praise You every day.  To be thankful. Help us to take seriously Your Words that tell us that You are coming and that You will judge righteously.  Holy Spirit, once again I ask that You convince those unsaved family members of their sin, Your righteousness, and the judgement to come. So that they will repent and turn to You and follow Jesus all the days of their lives.
I ask this in the Name of Jesus, the Lamb who is Lord of lords and King of kings. Amen

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