Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Psalm 99 is a psalm of praise, extolling the Name of The Lord!
He reigns!
His throne is above the cherubim!
He is great in Zion!
He is exalted above ALL people!
His Name is great and awesome!
He is HOLY!
He is strong!
He loves justice!
He established justice and righteousness.
Worship Him!!!
Those who called on His Name received an answer.  He answers and He forgives.
But, He also punishes evil.  He is indeed HOLY.
Bow down and worship at His footstool.

Revelation 9
The first 4 trumpets had brought "natural" disasters - hail and fire that destroyed trees and grass; a great mountain ( meteor?) that fell into the sea and caused destruction there;  Another "star" that falls from the sky and poisons the rivers and springs; and then something that limits the sun, the moon, and the stars.  These disasters wipe out 1/3 of the earth (each?).
Then comes the 5th trumpet and things get really bad! An angel comes down to earth and opens a bottomless pit with a key given to him.  Out of it come strange locust like creatures.  We are told that they have a sting like a scorpion.  The sting causes 5 months of torment, so awful that the person wants to die, but can't.  They are given authority to sting only those who do not belong to God.
Their description is pretty amazing:
Appear like a horse arrayed in armor;
With a face like a man;
Hair like a woman's;
Teeth like a lion's;
Breastplates of iron;
Wings that make the sounds of a chariot;
Tails like scorpions;
They are led by a king - whose name is Abaddon - Destruction.
Then on top of that the 6th trumpet is sounded!  Four angels who had been bound up were released.
They are killers. 1/3 of the men left are their targets.
They have two hundred million in their army. Their horses breath out fire, smoke, and brimstone.  The tails of the horses are serpents that do harm.
Yet we are told, that despite these horrors people do not repent. They cling to their useless idols.  They continue to sin.  They murder and steal.  They are immoral. They do sorcery.

What will it take to bring people to You Lord?  Open our eyes.  Help us to pray and to speak Your Words so that many will come to salvation in Christ before it is too late!
Thank You for being patient, but thank You for this warning, that a time is coming when judgement will be meted out and evil will be punished.  Stir our hearts that we might be busy doing Your Work, telling others of Jesus. The Only Hope for deliverance.  Amen.

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