Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Psalm 98 When the final Day comes and all the earth and everyone on the earth sees Jesus, we will all sing a new song, we will all shout with great joy, we will all break out in joyful songs and praises to our God!  All the instruments will play, all voices will be lifted up in joy, and even the sea, the rivers, and the mountains will ring out in praises to Him! Because, "The LORD has made known His salvation; He has revealed His righteousness in the sight of the nations."
We will know all the wonderful things He has done.
We will see clearly the victory that Jesus gained.
We will glory in His loving kindness and faithfulness.
We will marvel at His absolutely righteous judgements and equity.
All that You do O Mighty God is perfectly right and perfectly fair.  You reveal Your salvation to all nations. You love all people and desire that all will come to You and receive what Jesus procured with His death on the cross. You are worthy of all of our praise and adoration! We need not wait to sing and shout and play our instruments in praise to You!  We must do this with joy every day! Amen!!

Revelation 10   An angel comes, a strong angel.  He wears a cloud, he has a rainbow on his head, his face shines like the sun, and his feet are like pillars of fire.  He stands with one foot on the ocean and one on the land. When he cries out thunder peals seven times.  The thunder speaks but John is not allowed to write it down. Mystery.
The angel raises his right hand and swears to The Lord God that there will be no more delay.  That all the mystery of God is finished.
Then John is told to go up to this strong angel and take the book he is holding.  So he does.  Then he is told to eat the book. That it would taste like honey in his mouth and be bitter in his stomach.  So he did and it was.  Then he is told to prophesy.  Both Jeremiah and Ezekiel talked about eating a scroll, the Word of The Lord and then to speak.  John is doing the same thing.  He cannot tell what the thunder spoke, but he can tell what the book said.  On that day, when the "mystery of God is finished" we will understand and we will sing with joy!

You have turned my eyes and heart towards that Glorious Day, Lord Jesus, when we will see You and be forever with You.  Will it be soon?  Let us be ready and waiting!  Let our lamps be trimmed and let our oil not run out. Let our eyes be looking up and our hearts be filled with anticipation and joy.  But, even as I pray this, my heart cries out for those who are not ready, those still living in darkness. Oh may they see Your salvation! Reveal it to them Lord and may they also be transferred from the dominion of darkness into the Kingdom of Your Beloved Son.  I ask this today, in His Holy Name, Amen.

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