Monday, October 14, 2013

Psalm 97  Where the Lord reigns there is rejoicing.  There is gladness!  For where He reigns there is righteousness and justice.  Evil is burned up in His fiery glory. His lightning exposes the world's darkness. The earth trembles at His power.  Mountains melt in His presence.  The skies shout out His glory.  Don't miss it!  Don't miss Him! He is Lord Most High!  He is over all the earth! He is the Light giver.  He is the Deliverer. He is Savior.  Give thanks to Him!  Exalt Him! Be glad in the Lord!
Father, let Your Name be honored and exalted, on earth as it is in Heaven.  Reign here, on earth, as You do in Heaven. Let Your will be done here, in me, as it is in Heaven!  Thank You! Thank You for light, for righteousness, for justice, for mercy, for peace, for all that is good.  Bless Your Holy Name.

Revelation 12  I do not know all that this book speaks about.  It is beyond even the greatest of scholars, so I cannot begin to uncover its deeper meanings.  But this I know,  God reigns!
The woman has a male child.  The dragon wants to kill him and the woman.  The angels war and Satan is thrown down to earth, out of heaven.  He is enraged, his time is short.  He continues to persecute and try to destroy the woman.  It seems that the woman represents Israel.  This makes sense, for evil nations have always and still do desire Israel's demise.  But God will protect her.  In the midst of this battle between good and evil, we are given a word of hope!  "Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, who accuses them before our God day and night."    Victory has come!  Satan is vanquished from before the throne.  He has been overcome.  "because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony."  Praise the Lord!

Father, when the wars and rumors of war run rampant through our earth, we look to You. You have promised to protect Your people and we pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  You have promised salvation to all who call upon the Name of Jesus and we pray that many more will come to faith in Him. 
So thankful that You have won the victory.  Glory and honor and blessing to Your holy Name!
I love You Lord!  Keep me near.  Be with my family.  Those who love You, may they grow in their love and faith and knowledge of You.  Those who do not know You, may they come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Lord of all.  And for those going through suffering, will You be their healer, their peace, and their everything right now?  Thank You. 

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