Thursday, October 17, 2013

Psalm 95 Sing for joy!  Shout with joy! God is the Rock of our Salvation! "For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods!"  It is with joy that we come to worship, to thank, to bow down, and to kneel before our Maker.  Joy!  For our God formed the valleys, the mountains, the sea, and the land. He is OUR God! We are His people.  He is our Shepherd and we are His sheep.  Hear Him call today. Refuse to have a hard heart. Refuse to "err" in your heart, as Israel did in the wilderness. The word used for err is in Hebrew taah - meaning to vacillate, to reel or stray,  to go astray, deceive, dissemble, stagger, be out of the way.  They had seen all that God had done. Yet they refused to believe that He would provide water for them. And they did not know His ways.  
Father, I come before You with joy!  You are my salvation.  You are my God and I worship You alone.  Keep me for erring in my heart.  Keep me from unbelief.  Keep me from the evil one.  Let my heart and mind and soul be fully devoted to You! Every day and in every way.   Fill me with the Word of Truth and lead me Holy Spirit to listen and obey.  May Your will be done. Amen.

Revelation 18 Lord, help me to understand this.....
Babylon the great.  A dwelling place of demons.
A prison of every unclean spirit.
A prison of unclean and hateful birds.
An immoral woman.
A source of drunkenness and immorality for the nations.
A source of wealth for the merchants.
A sinful place, person, thing.
She glorified herself, she is arrogant, she is sensuous, she is rich, she is full of  sorcery.
But the time of judgement comes. One hour.  She is burned up and gone.
No gold, no silver, no fine clothing, no costly wood or bronze, no spices, no perfumes, none of her riches remain.  All is gone.

And we are told to rejoice! "Because God has pronounced judgement for you against her." v20
When she is thrown down, when there is no more music, no more commerce, no more light, no more happiness. What is left?  Evidence.  The blood of prophets and of saints, and of all who have been slain.
Seems like this could be talking about the whole world. Maybe it is.  But thankfully, God is strong!
His judgements are True and Righteous.  Salvation and glory and power belong to Him!
Hallelujah!  The Lord our God, the Almighty reigns!
Amen.  Once again we are reminded of why we can shout and sing to our God with joy!

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