Friday, October 25, 2013

Psalm 91:4 "... and under His wings you may seek refuge."    God is big enough to cover all of us that come to Him for shelter.  He is strong enough to protect from anything that seeks to make us terrified.  He is kind enough to rescue us when we call and to be with us in trouble.  He even says that He will honor a person, "because he has known My name".  Dwell in His shelter today. Abide in His shadow. Call Him your fortress and refuge and trust in Him.
This is His desire, His will for us.

Father, let Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.  In me, as You have desired.

Genesis 2
Starting in verse 4 there is an expanded explanation of the creation of man. Some details are given.
v5 the shrubs and plants had not sprouted yet.
     No rain had been given yet.
v6 A mist rose from the dirt and watered the surface.
v7 God used the dust from the ground to form the man.
    God breathed life into the man.  Something He did not do with any other creature.
v8 God planted a garden.
     God placed the man in the garden.
v9  God caused the trees to grow in the garden, including the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
v10 God made a river to flow out of Eden, the land of His garden.
v11-14  That river divided into 4 major rivers.
v15  God commanded the man to take care of His garden.
v16-17  God restricted the man from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but all the others were freely given.
v18  God brought all the animals to the man to name.
v20 The man took on the name Adam.
V21 God knocked the man out, took his rib and created a woman from it, closed up the wound, and presented the woman to Adam.
v23-25 Marriage is established.
Work, law, and marriage all flow from this passage.  We were given a purpose, to take care of God's creation. We were given restrictions, to obey and live, or to disobey and die.  And we were given relationships, purposeful and sacred relationships, to help one another.

Your thoughts are deep and Your works are wonderful, Father.  Teach us truth and help us to walk in it. Always.
Thank you. Be glorified in our lives today,

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Psalm 91  My mom's cousin, Betty, 90 years old, recently memorized this psalm.  I can see why.  It exalts God for all He is and all He does for those who put their trust in Him. This is one I need to meditate on often and have in my heart and mind forever. Psalm 145 has been a wealth of instruction, comfort, and hope to me as I review it often, especially at night before I sleep. I need to add this to my memorization of the Word.

God is: Most High; Almighty; my Refuge; my Fortress; my Deliverer; my Protector; my Shield; my Dwelling Place; my Rescuer; " My God in whom I trust!"

I can: Dwell in His shelter; abide in His shadow; hide under His wings; find His faithfulness to be a shield; make Him my Refuge; call on Him and know He will answer; know that He will rescue me because He loves me; I will behold His salvation.

Because of Who You are Father, I can come to You and not be afraid of the terror by night.  I don't have to fear arrows of war or pestilence, or destruction.  I do not have to fear evil. You are my shepherd and Your rod and staff comfort me.  You guard my ways. You give Your angels charge over me.  You alone will satisfy me with life. You have provided Your salvation.  Help me to dwell in Your shelter, Most High God. To live, settled down and at home in Your Presence. Moment by moment, day by day, every day of my life. Amen

Genesis 1 Sometimes, when I can't fall asleep for whatever reason, I have an opportunity to meditate on the Word. Often I recite the Scriptures I have memorized, like Psalm 145 or pray for anyone who the Lord brings to mind. But last night I was still awake after doing those things and I found myself contemplating Genesis 1.  Just want to share some thoughts here.
Isn't it interesting that God created the heavens (plural) and the earth(singular)?
Was there never light before God said, "Let there be light."? There had to be since we are told that He is Light and in Him there is no darkness, right?
God separated light from darkness, making day and night before the sun was formed.
It wasn't until the 4th day that God made the sun and moon and stars. AFTER the earth had already begun sprouting vegetation! ( Science likes for us to think that the sun is the source of life since plants cannot grow without sunlight, but this proves them wrong again.)
Since we are told that these lights are for "signs and seasons and days and years" - measuring time - Is it at this point that "time" actually begins?
Why is it that God blesses the fish and birds, but not the beasts and cattle and creeping animals?
Since God made man in His image and gave them the job of ruling over the fish, birds, cattle, and every creeping thing - is that what we will rule over in the eternal future?

Any thoughts?

Genesis 2  "Thus the heavens and the earth were completed and all their hosts." By the 7th day God was finished with the work and He "rested".  He "shabath" -ceased, put away, celebrated, desisted.
He blessed the 7th day.  He sanctified it.  He declared the 7th day to be clean, holy, special.  Different from the the rest of the days. Set apart.  This established the definition of a week. 7 days. 6 of work and 1 of rest. Of putting away and ceasing and resting. A day to celebrate. A day to come away and be separate from our work and to be with Him.
Father, our world has forgotten that we need to come away to You. The busyness of our culture leaves little time for true rest. But not just our culture but the whole world seems swept up into everything but You.  Help us to truly come apart to You and rest in You.  Help us to walk in the Light of Your Truth and live in obedience to Your word, every day. Teach us what pleases You. Amen

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Psalm 92 Praise the Lord every day!  Declare His worth and honor His Name.  The psalmist writes this song for the people to sing praises to God.
Give thanks!  For all we have comes from His Hand.
Sing praises, for He is the Most High.
 Declare His loving kindness and His faithfulness.
Be glad, rejoice in everything He has done.   His works are great and His thoughts are deep.  He never changes and will forever reign above any other power.  His enemies will all perish.  He is always right and always strong.
In His Hand, the Hand of the Gardener, the Vine and his branches flourish.  "They will still yield fruit in old age. They shall be full of sap and very green."

Father, I desire to be fruitful all the days of my life. I want to live in a way that always honors You and brings glory to Your Name.  My request is that I will abide in Christ every day, all my days, and that He abides in me. That I might still yield fruit in old age.
 "Take my life and let it be, Consecrated Lord to Thee. Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise, Let them flow in ceaseless praise."

Genesis 1  The Creation.  Father, teach me through Your  Word. Speak Your Truth into my life and heart as I begin once again from "the beginning".  May I have ears to hear and eyes to see.  May I remember and obey all that You reveal from Your Living Word. Amen.

Day 1 - "God created the heavens and the earth".  Out of nothing God created everything.  At first the earth is "formless and void".  It was dark and empty with water covering its surface.  Yet the Spirit of God was moving there.  God spoke and said, "Let there be light" and light came.  He separated light from darkness.
Day 2 - God made the heavens, the sky or firmament. He separated waters from above the sky and below the sky.  He called this expanse heaven.
Day 3 - God separated the waters below the sky so that dry land appeared.  He called that earth and the waters were the seas.   He also called for the earth to produce plants. Each yielding seeds.
Day 4 - God made great lights to separate day from night. He set them in the expanse of the heavens.  Their purpose was to give light, to govern time ( days, years and seasons), and to be "for signs".
Day 5 - God called for the waters to teem with living creatures and for birds to fly through the heavens.
This time we are told that "God blessed them, saying,' Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth.'"
Day 6 - God calls for the "earth to bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts".   Then He said, "Let Us make man in Our image according to Our likeness;" So "God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. And God blessed them.... Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."
God also tells them that the plants and trees that have fruit are for their food, and the food for all the animals.
And "it was very good" in His sight.

O Most High, Your works are great and Your thoughts are deep.  We give You thanks for all You have provided. You created all things from nothing and You alone are worthy of our praise and our thanksgiving. It is by Your blessing that we can be fruitful and multiply.  It is Your work, by Your power, from Your grace, and to Your glory.  Keep us mindful of this today. We praise and worship You. Amen

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

John 15 -16   Abiding in Jesus, the true Vine.  Staying in relationship, attached and bound together so closely that His life flows into ours.  This is God's will for us.  It is what we pray for when we pray "Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven".  It is in the abiding that fruit is produced.  It is the fruit of the Vine, not ours.  It is the glory of the husbandman, the gardener, God the Father, not of the branch.  Abiding in Him involves faith and commitment.  We must be thoroughly attached. Grafted together and as one with Him.  Jesus tells us that we are to obey His commandments, His Word. And we are to love one another.  Love like He loves.  Love enough to lay down our own lives for another.  It is a love beyond our own capacity to love.  It must come through our connection to Him.
This is the place of True Joy.
But it is also the place of persecution.
For when we abide so closely with the Jesus.  When we are branches attached to the Vine, whatever He suffers we do too.
The world hated Him.  It will hate us too.  Many Christians in other countries face this every day. Many have been kicked out of their families. Many have been thrown into prison.  Many have been killed.  Just for naming the name of Jesus.
We can't imagine this.  But as our culture continues to turn from the principles of Truth and godliness, we can see the writing on the wall.  Just the issue of gay marriage is enough to see how the lines are being drawn. Christians are being labeled bigots. We are not.  We are disciples of Jesus Christ.

Father, help us to bear witness of Jesus faithfully, every day.  Holy Spirit, lead us continually in the truth. Abide in us and us in You. Steadfastly. Eternally.  I pray this in Your Name, Jesus. Amen.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Psalm 93 "The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty."  Psalm 145:5 reminds us to meditate on the "glorious splendor" of His majesty and on His wonderful works. To meditate, to think about and contemplate and dwell in the truth of God's majesty.  This clothing of majesty, of magnificence , what does that mean?
Psalm 93:1 tells us that the Lord clothed Himself "with strength".  He established the world, firmly, unmovable. He established His throne, eternally.  He is mighty! And He is holy! The psalmist stands on the shoreline and listens to the breaking waves.  They are pounding and roaring and mighty, but they are nothing compared with the mighty God Who made them.
Psalm 104:2 tells us that the Lord is also clothed with light. "Thou are clothed with spendor and majesty, covering thyself with light as with a cloak,"

Father, I want to dwell on this today. To think of Your majesty. At least these two characteristics of Your majesty, for I know that You are infinitely more than these, but for now You have revealed these truths - You are clothed with strength and with light.   There is nothing that is impossible for You to do. And there is no darkness that You cannot overcome.  Shine Your light into our hearts today and remove all darkness, every shadow of doubt and fear, every evil thought and lie planted by our enemy. Move with might and strength to establish us in Your salvation, in Your Kingdom. Move the mountains and part the seas, that others may come to worship You and praise Your Name. That they will also meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty.

Revelation 21-22   John has seen and written of all that will happen at the end of this age.  After the final judgement the Lord reveals a new heaven and new earth.  "Behold I am making all things new!"
On this new earth there will no longer be an ocean.  And there will no longer be a sun.
There will be a beautiful city where God will dwell. Where tears are wiped away.  Where there will be no pain, no death, no mourning.  There also will be no wicked people. No immorality, no murder, no idolatry, no liars.   This city is described very specifically, its walls and gates, its foundation and its measurements. It is not like anything that we can imagine.  But the most important aspect is the presence of the "Lord God, the Almighty and the Lamb".  His glory illumines this city!  There is no need for the sun or the moon. There is no night! It is a place where the nations will bring glory and honor. ( What nations? I don't know)
There is a river of the water of life.  There are trees of life.  Light and life permeate this city. For God is worshiped there.
John closes this book with a final message, "the time is near".  Be ready! Only those whose names are written in His book, who have washed their robes, who are righteous and practicing righteousness, who are holy and keeping themselves holy, will enter into this wonderful eternal city.  We can come to Him freely, without cost, and take this "water of life".  He calls us to do this.  But if we refuse, or if we take away from this Book anything that God has revealed as True, He will take away any part that we may have in His City.
John ends with a blessing, which seems quite appropriate here, "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen". For all we have and all we hope for come by His grace to us.  How we need You!
Come, Lord Jesus!
For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever! Amen.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Psalm 94  "O Lord, God of vengeance....."  Our God recompenses the proud. He judges the wicked.
"He who planted the ear, does He not hear?  He who formed the eye, does He not see?"   Yes, He does!  He sees those who crush others.  He sees those who kill widows and strangers, who murder orphans.  He sees the abusers, the haters, the bullies, the immoral.  They may not think that God sees them, but He does.  They may not believe that He cares, but He does.  The psalmist calls these people senseless and stupid! For God will repay wickedness back to them.  He will destroy them in the evil that they do.  We see this every day.  The murdering gang member shot down by a rival.  An abuser who is wretched and angry and dies by their own hand or by the drug of choice.  We may not see the Hand of God reach down and wipe them off the face of the earth in an instant, but we know that what one sows, he does reap.  Vengeance is in His Hands.  Not ours.  He knows the tare from the wheat.  He knows who will repent and find salvation in Jesus.  He knows the heart and thoughts of every man. His judgements are always right.
O Almighty God, thank You for Your grace. Thank You that You never abandon Your own.  Thank You for being righteous in Your judgements. Thank You for being our help. For holding us up by Your loving kindness. For being our stronghold and our rock of refuge.  You are Holy and Sovereign and we praise You.  Let Your will be done, perfectly on earth as it is in heaven. Keep us in Your Presence and Love today. Keep our feet from slipping. Forgive us our sins that cause us to slip. Deliver us from the evil one. We ask this in Your Name , Jesus, to the glory of the Father's Holy Name. Amen.

Revelation 19-20  Today's theme is judgement it seems, for here in these chapters John records the final judgements.  The multitudes in Heaven sing Hallelujah!   This is what we wait for!  This is the final victory!  Jesus comes to reign and vengeance is poured out upon the evil one.
The beast and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire.
The dragon, Satan is bound for 1000 years.
The dead believers who resisted the beast's mark are raised and reign with Christ for those 1000 years.
After Satan is let out of the abyss he wars against the saints once more but then is removed forever.
Then, all the dead, including those in Hades, are raised and judged according to their deeds.
"And if anyones name was not found written in the book of life he was thrown into the lake of fire."
Bottom line - where do we stand?  "Is my name written there? On the page white and fair? In the book of Thy kingdom, is my name written there?" Oh Yes!  Thank You Jesus, my name is written there because You have saved me, You covered my sins by Your blood. "But Thy blood, O my Savior is sufficient for me. For thy promise is written in bright letters that glow, Though your sins be as scarlet, I will make them like snow."  Thank You!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Psalm 95 Sing for joy!  Shout with joy! God is the Rock of our Salvation! "For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods!"  It is with joy that we come to worship, to thank, to bow down, and to kneel before our Maker.  Joy!  For our God formed the valleys, the mountains, the sea, and the land. He is OUR God! We are His people.  He is our Shepherd and we are His sheep.  Hear Him call today. Refuse to have a hard heart. Refuse to "err" in your heart, as Israel did in the wilderness. The word used for err is in Hebrew taah - meaning to vacillate, to reel or stray,  to go astray, deceive, dissemble, stagger, be out of the way.  They had seen all that God had done. Yet they refused to believe that He would provide water for them. And they did not know His ways.  
Father, I come before You with joy!  You are my salvation.  You are my God and I worship You alone.  Keep me for erring in my heart.  Keep me from unbelief.  Keep me from the evil one.  Let my heart and mind and soul be fully devoted to You! Every day and in every way.   Fill me with the Word of Truth and lead me Holy Spirit to listen and obey.  May Your will be done. Amen.

Revelation 18 Lord, help me to understand this.....
Babylon the great.  A dwelling place of demons.
A prison of every unclean spirit.
A prison of unclean and hateful birds.
An immoral woman.
A source of drunkenness and immorality for the nations.
A source of wealth for the merchants.
A sinful place, person, thing.
She glorified herself, she is arrogant, she is sensuous, she is rich, she is full of  sorcery.
But the time of judgement comes. One hour.  She is burned up and gone.
No gold, no silver, no fine clothing, no costly wood or bronze, no spices, no perfumes, none of her riches remain.  All is gone.

And we are told to rejoice! "Because God has pronounced judgement for you against her." v20
When she is thrown down, when there is no more music, no more commerce, no more light, no more happiness. What is left?  Evidence.  The blood of prophets and of saints, and of all who have been slain.
Seems like this could be talking about the whole world. Maybe it is.  But thankfully, God is strong!
His judgements are True and Righteous.  Salvation and glory and power belong to Him!
Hallelujah!  The Lord our God, the Almighty reigns!
Amen.  Once again we are reminded of why we can shout and sing to our God with joy!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Psalm 96  "Sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless His name; Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day."  v. 1-2
I heard an interesting program on the radio ( Moody) yesterday.  It was an interview with a woman who started a ministry for families with hidden disabilities. ( Like mental illnesses, autism, etc).  Some one called in and shared how he found that his depression seemed to lift after he cut out tv, music, etc. He felt that demonic activity is involved in a lot of the "darkness" that is so popular in our culture. ( I think that is true!)  The woman, (sorry, I don't recall her name) made a statement that I can't stop thinking about and must share.  When we sing praises to God, when we play praise music in our homes, we are inviting God's Presence into our lives and homes.  Scripture tells us that "Thou who art enthroned upon the praises of Israel". (Psalm 22:3) Another version reads that as God inhabits the praise of His people. The speaker suggests that praise music, singing praises to the Lord, as part of our daily lives, in our homes, with our children.... brings God's presence and glory.. His Light into our world.  Where Light and Life dwell, darkness is expelled!  Darkness that brings depression and confusion and hurt and evil.  Oh how much we need to do this! EVERY DAY!!!!

Father, You are Worthy of ALL of our praise, every day! We do want You to be honored and Your Name to be praised!  We do want Your Kingdom to come into our homes, every single day! May it be so here in my home and in the homes of my children and grandchildren!  You are great Lord! You are greatly to be praised! Your deeds are wonderful.  Your salvation is good!  I will tell of Your wonderful deeds, of Your glory and splendor, of Your Majesty.  You established the world.  You judge all men with righteousness. And You are coming! Father, will You lead us in paths of righteousness, lead us away from the temptations that come our way, deliver us from the evil one and his darkness.  You are the One Who transfers us from the domain of darkness into the Kingdom of Your Beloved Son. Thank You! Amen!!

Revelation 16-17  More destruction and judgements are explained in these chapters.  It hardly seems that there can be anything left to destroy, but there is more.  7 plagues. Malignant sores. Seas of blood. Rivers and streams of blood. Fire. Darkness. Euphrates river completely dried up. An earthquake so severe that it levels the mountains and destroys the islands.  Hailstones that weigh 100 pounds each.
A great war is coming.  On one side is the beast.   On the other is Babylon. And there is a 3rd - the Lamb who will overcome.
This is what awaits those who refuse to repent.  Who refuse to give glory to God.
God desires us to know His salvation!  He has given us fair warning that judgement will come to those who refuse His provision through Jesus Christ.  It is amazing how stubborn our hearts can be.  How deceived we are, thinking life is about money or jobs or even having fun.  Not that we don't need those things, but God is the provider of all we need. God wants our lives to be about Him!
Father, Help us to know You. To know Your Word and Your will.  To keep our eyes on You and to focus on You. To obey You.  To praise You every day.  To be thankful. Help us to take seriously Your Words that tell us that You are coming and that You will judge righteously.  Holy Spirit, once again I ask that You convince those unsaved family members of their sin, Your righteousness, and the judgement to come. So that they will repent and turn to You and follow Jesus all the days of their lives.
I ask this in the Name of Jesus, the Lamb who is Lord of lords and King of kings. Amen

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Revelation 13-15  Two sides, 2 destinies.  On one side is the dragon.  He has 2 beasts, the first full of evil, with blasphemous names written on its heads.  It is given authority over all who do not belong to the other side. The second beast will do signs and wonders.  There will be much deception. There will be judgement.
Then there is the Lamb! He is accompanied by 144,000 blameless ones.  They sing a new song.  They have His Name and the Name of the Father written on their foreheads.
Then the harvest is reaped.  Those who have followed the dragon and the beasts are cut away and thrown into God's wine press.  We are told there is "no rest" there. Only torment with fire and brimstone.
But to those who die in the Lord, there is rest from all their labors. There is eternal salvation.
But this is not over yet.  For now 7 plagues are about to be poured out.  This is said to finish the wrath of God. But before that happens there is more worship and singing before God by those standing on the sea of glass.
It is overwhelming. It is too much! Over and over again the sides are drawn. Over and over we are given the warning... CHOOSE before it is too late.  Choose to listen.  Choose to follow the Lamb.  Choose right and don't be enticed or deceived into choosing the one who leads to death and destruction and wrath.
But, some still hesitate. Some still deny Him.  Some still refuse to believe. Oh , Holy Spirit, You are the One Who came to convince mankind of sin, righteousness, and judgement.  Speak to our hearts!  Convince us of Your Truth.  Light our way to Jesus. Fill us with the knowledge of His Love for us.
May we honor and worship and bring glory to Your Name, Father! May we always choose You Jesus!
Above anyone or anything. Every day. By Your Grace, draw us nearer. Amen.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Psalm 97  Where the Lord reigns there is rejoicing.  There is gladness!  For where He reigns there is righteousness and justice.  Evil is burned up in His fiery glory. His lightning exposes the world's darkness. The earth trembles at His power.  Mountains melt in His presence.  The skies shout out His glory.  Don't miss it!  Don't miss Him! He is Lord Most High!  He is over all the earth! He is the Light giver.  He is the Deliverer. He is Savior.  Give thanks to Him!  Exalt Him! Be glad in the Lord!
Father, let Your Name be honored and exalted, on earth as it is in Heaven.  Reign here, on earth, as You do in Heaven. Let Your will be done here, in me, as it is in Heaven!  Thank You! Thank You for light, for righteousness, for justice, for mercy, for peace, for all that is good.  Bless Your Holy Name.

Revelation 12  I do not know all that this book speaks about.  It is beyond even the greatest of scholars, so I cannot begin to uncover its deeper meanings.  But this I know,  God reigns!
The woman has a male child.  The dragon wants to kill him and the woman.  The angels war and Satan is thrown down to earth, out of heaven.  He is enraged, his time is short.  He continues to persecute and try to destroy the woman.  It seems that the woman represents Israel.  This makes sense, for evil nations have always and still do desire Israel's demise.  But God will protect her.  In the midst of this battle between good and evil, we are given a word of hope!  "Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, who accuses them before our God day and night."    Victory has come!  Satan is vanquished from before the throne.  He has been overcome.  "because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony."  Praise the Lord!

Father, when the wars and rumors of war run rampant through our earth, we look to You. You have promised to protect Your people and we pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  You have promised salvation to all who call upon the Name of Jesus and we pray that many more will come to faith in Him. 
So thankful that You have won the victory.  Glory and honor and blessing to Your holy Name!
I love You Lord!  Keep me near.  Be with my family.  Those who love You, may they grow in their love and faith and knowledge of You.  Those who do not know You, may they come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Lord of all.  And for those going through suffering, will You be their healer, their peace, and their everything right now?  Thank You. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Revelation 11 John is told what will happen next in those final days of this world.  Two "witnesses" will come and propesy for 1260 days. They have authority from God to kill any that try to harm them, to stop any rain from falling, to turn water into blood, and to inflict plagues.  They will be killed by the beast, lay dead and unburied for 3 and 1/2 days and then God will breath life into them once more before they are beckoned up into heaven.  That will be followed by an earthquake that will shake Jerusalem and kill 7000 people.  But those left will give "glory to the God of heaven".  Finally.
Then the final trumpet sounds and "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever."  With that, John sees the 24 elders falling before the throne of God in worship and thanksgiving once again.  He has "begun to reign".   We long for that day!  When the Righteous King reigns, when the nations give up their wrath against Him. When the heavens open and we see God our King!
This will also usher in the time for judgement, to "destroy those who destroy the earth"  and thankfully the time for reward to those who "fear Thy Name, the small and the great,"

Father, You are the King of Glory.  You have prepared us for this future reality by revealing it in Your Word.  You have preserved these ancient words so that we can know the Truth.  Evil is not everlasting.  It has been defeated and will one day be destroyed according to Your will and purposes.
Your Kingdom is everlasting. Your dominion endures forever.  Even today, when we see the mess our nation is in, when we see the wicked prospering, we can KNOW that You reign and that You will destroy the wicked. That You will bring us to be with You and reward all who fear Your Name!
We need not be anxious for nothing! But in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving we can let our requests be made known to You! ( Phil 4:7)   Thank YOU!

Note:  Be anxious ( full of care) for nothing ( Greek word -medeis - means not even one (man, woman, thing) none, not at all, nothing. Without delay).  But in everything ( the whole, all manner of, all means, always, any (one), daily, everyone, thoroughly, whatsoever, whosoever)  by prayer  (Greek word is proseuche - pro means to move towards, draw near to, ascend towards -God, to worship, to earnestly make prayer.) And  Supplication - petition, request, but with an aspect of binding oneself, knit, tie, be in bonds.  [I picture a poor beggar child who clings to the leg of someone begging for help in desperation, not letting go until he gives something.] With thanksgiving -( eucharistia - gratitude, grateful words)  let your requests be made known to God.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Psalm 98 When the final Day comes and all the earth and everyone on the earth sees Jesus, we will all sing a new song, we will all shout with great joy, we will all break out in joyful songs and praises to our God!  All the instruments will play, all voices will be lifted up in joy, and even the sea, the rivers, and the mountains will ring out in praises to Him! Because, "The LORD has made known His salvation; He has revealed His righteousness in the sight of the nations."
We will know all the wonderful things He has done.
We will see clearly the victory that Jesus gained.
We will glory in His loving kindness and faithfulness.
We will marvel at His absolutely righteous judgements and equity.
All that You do O Mighty God is perfectly right and perfectly fair.  You reveal Your salvation to all nations. You love all people and desire that all will come to You and receive what Jesus procured with His death on the cross. You are worthy of all of our praise and adoration! We need not wait to sing and shout and play our instruments in praise to You!  We must do this with joy every day! Amen!!

Revelation 10   An angel comes, a strong angel.  He wears a cloud, he has a rainbow on his head, his face shines like the sun, and his feet are like pillars of fire.  He stands with one foot on the ocean and one on the land. When he cries out thunder peals seven times.  The thunder speaks but John is not allowed to write it down. Mystery.
The angel raises his right hand and swears to The Lord God that there will be no more delay.  That all the mystery of God is finished.
Then John is told to go up to this strong angel and take the book he is holding.  So he does.  Then he is told to eat the book. That it would taste like honey in his mouth and be bitter in his stomach.  So he did and it was.  Then he is told to prophesy.  Both Jeremiah and Ezekiel talked about eating a scroll, the Word of The Lord and then to speak.  John is doing the same thing.  He cannot tell what the thunder spoke, but he can tell what the book said.  On that day, when the "mystery of God is finished" we will understand and we will sing with joy!

You have turned my eyes and heart towards that Glorious Day, Lord Jesus, when we will see You and be forever with You.  Will it be soon?  Let us be ready and waiting!  Let our lamps be trimmed and let our oil not run out. Let our eyes be looking up and our hearts be filled with anticipation and joy.  But, even as I pray this, my heart cries out for those who are not ready, those still living in darkness. Oh may they see Your salvation! Reveal it to them Lord and may they also be transferred from the dominion of darkness into the Kingdom of Your Beloved Son.  I ask this today, in His Holy Name, Amen.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Psalm 99 is a psalm of praise, extolling the Name of The Lord!
He reigns!
His throne is above the cherubim!
He is great in Zion!
He is exalted above ALL people!
His Name is great and awesome!
He is HOLY!
He is strong!
He loves justice!
He established justice and righteousness.
Worship Him!!!
Those who called on His Name received an answer.  He answers and He forgives.
But, He also punishes evil.  He is indeed HOLY.
Bow down and worship at His footstool.

Revelation 9
The first 4 trumpets had brought "natural" disasters - hail and fire that destroyed trees and grass; a great mountain ( meteor?) that fell into the sea and caused destruction there;  Another "star" that falls from the sky and poisons the rivers and springs; and then something that limits the sun, the moon, and the stars.  These disasters wipe out 1/3 of the earth (each?).
Then comes the 5th trumpet and things get really bad! An angel comes down to earth and opens a bottomless pit with a key given to him.  Out of it come strange locust like creatures.  We are told that they have a sting like a scorpion.  The sting causes 5 months of torment, so awful that the person wants to die, but can't.  They are given authority to sting only those who do not belong to God.
Their description is pretty amazing:
Appear like a horse arrayed in armor;
With a face like a man;
Hair like a woman's;
Teeth like a lion's;
Breastplates of iron;
Wings that make the sounds of a chariot;
Tails like scorpions;
They are led by a king - whose name is Abaddon - Destruction.
Then on top of that the 6th trumpet is sounded!  Four angels who had been bound up were released.
They are killers. 1/3 of the men left are their targets.
They have two hundred million in their army. Their horses breath out fire, smoke, and brimstone.  The tails of the horses are serpents that do harm.
Yet we are told, that despite these horrors people do not repent. They cling to their useless idols.  They continue to sin.  They murder and steal.  They are immoral. They do sorcery.

What will it take to bring people to You Lord?  Open our eyes.  Help us to pray and to speak Your Words so that many will come to salvation in Christ before it is too late!
Thank You for being patient, but thank You for this warning, that a time is coming when judgement will be meted out and evil will be punished.  Stir our hearts that we might be busy doing Your Work, telling others of Jesus. The Only Hope for deliverance.  Amen.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Psalm 100  Shout to The Lord!  ( When was the last time you did that?)
Serve The Lord with gladness.  Hmmm.  Do we do that either?  ( I think I do... most of the time :))
Come before Him with joyful singing.   Love to do that!
"Know that The Lord Himself is God"   Jehovah, I AM,  is Ehohiym, the supreme God, the exceedingly great God!
He made us!  He is our Creator.
We are His people! He is our Redeemer and Father.
We are welcome into His courts!   He is our King!
Come with thanksgiving.  Come with praise!
"FOR THE LORD is GOOD"   His loving- kindness, His precious, merciful, gracious love never, ever, ends!  His faithfulness is for every generation.  It is for me and for my children, and for my grandchildren, and for my great grandchildren!
Yes, that is something to shout about!!!!!

Revelation 8
Jesus opens the 7th seal and there is silence in heaven.  The never-ending songs of praise and worship are interrupted. The praises and prayers.. stop.  No one moves.  What is half an hour in heaven? It must have seemed like an eternity to John.  Then the activity begins again. Seven angels come and stand before God.  Each is given a trumpet.  Another angel comes and adds incense to the prayers of those before the throne, for much, much prayer is needed for what is about to come.  The angel takes a censer, fills it with fire and flings it at the earth, where it produces thunder, lightning and an earthquake.  Then the trumpets start to sound.
The first trumpet is accompanied by hail and fire and blood, thrown on the earth destroying trees and grass on 1/3 of the earth.
The second trumpet is accompanied by a mountain of fire, thrown into the sea making 1/3 of it blood.
The third trumpet is accompanied by a burning star named Wormwood which poisons 1/3 of the rivers and springs.
The fourth trumpet is accompanied by the destruction of 1/3 of the sun, the moon, and the stars.
Death has come to earth and sea and sky.  But it is not over yet.  An eagle flies through the heavens crying out, "Woe, woe, woe, to those who dwell on the earth"  because the next 3 trumpets will we even worse.
No wonder the saints in heaven are praying!  Oh I hope and pray we will all be ready!
Father, may we KNOW You, may we know that You alone are good.  May we know that You are our God, our Redeemer, our only Hope.  May we be ready to come before Your Throne and not left behind to face Your Judgement and Wrath.  Jesus, You are our Savior.  Thank You for paying the price. For rescuing us from sin and death and hell.  Lord, by Your Grace, will You open the eyes of those in my family who are still lost?  You are faithful. Thank You.  amen.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Psalm 101 Verse 1-4 are David's expression of his will, his desires:
To sing of loving-kindness and justice.
To sing praises to The Lord.
To walk carefully and blamelessly.
To have integrity.
To have nothing worthless before him. No idols.
And to know no evil.
But, David thoroughly condemns those who:
Secretly slander their neighbor.
Are arrogant and haughty.
Practice deceit.
Speak lies.
David surrounds himself with those who are faithful.  He trusts those who have integrity.
He has determined to clean house, so to speak.  Only those who are faithful to God will minister to him.  He also determines to destroy the wicked.

David clearly knew God's heart, for we are told that he was a man "after God's heart".  He clearly knew God as Lord, Who is just and merciful.  But in this Psalm, he seems to lean more to the justice part.  Does there come a time when mercy has done all it can and judgement comes?  Are we to make that determination?  David looks to himself first in this psalm.  He examines his own heart.  He looks to The Lord.  Only then does he speak out against those who do wrong.  He doesn't ignore or condone sinful behavior. These wicked ones are not asking for mercy, they are arrogant in their sinfulness.  They tried to stay in his house and act this way.  This he would not put up with!  Jesus warns of wolves that come in sheep's clothing, infiltrating the flock.  We are warned to be careful, to be alert. To know them by their fruit. ( Matthew 7:15-16)  This is what David did. This is NOT being judgemental.  It is be upright before God.
Father, speak Your truth to my heart on this matter. Give Your wisdom I pray. Amen

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Psalm 102 The first 11 verses of this psalm are a prayer, a desperate cry for help.  A man who feels deserted and consumed by the afflictions he is facing.  He feels it deep down in his bones. His appetite is gone, he has lost weight and strength. He is all alone in his reproach.  He is losing it.
But... A renewed Spirit fills him, hope arises, praise and honor to The Lord fills his thoughts. ( v12-28) He remembers that....
The Lord abides forever!
He will have compassion on Zion!
He will be gracious!
The nations will come to fear the name of The Lord!
All the kings of the earth will see God's glory!
God hears the prayers of the destitute.
He sees what is happening on the earth.
He pays attention to the groaning of the prisoner and sets him free.
So that people will tell of His Great Name!
So that people will gather together to serve Him!
The God Who created the heavens and the earth will watch them wear out, and then will replace them!
He is the same always!
He is eternal, the beginning and the end!
Father in Heaven, You are Almighty!  You never change as You are altogether Holy, Infinite, Perfect, and Transcendent!  Thank You for hearing the prayers of the destitute. Thank You for the promise that those Who call on Your Name will be saved.  Renew our hope and fill us with Your Spirit continually.  Draw us close to You. Right now and through out this day. Give us our Daily Bread. Jesus, You are the Bread of life, give us Your Presence, Your Word, and Your Spirit today. Amen.

Revelation 7.   Before the 7th seal is opened there is an interlude.  John sees 4 angels holding back the wind. Think of that... no air blowing on the whole earth! An angel announces that before destruction continues the "bond-servants" of The Lord will be sealed. 144,000 Israelites are chosen, 12,000 from each tribe.  They are set apart for The Lord.  Then John sees a great multitude of people worshiping before the Throne of God. All the angels join them, along with the 4 living creatures and the 24 elders.  It is once again a rising up of praise and honor and glory to God and to the Lamb.
Is this the church, washed in the blood of the Lamb, making their garments white? God "shall spread His tabernacle over them."  They won't hunger or thirst anymore. Their tears will be wiped away by God, Himself.
Blessing and glory, and wisdom and thanks, honor and power and might, to You O God!
Salvation is in Your Hands. Thank You for the Hope we have in You.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Psalm 103 This song is one of praise and blessing to The Lord for all He is and all He has done.
 We are told, in fact, to "forget none of His benefits"!  The psalmist then tells us what those benefits include:
The Lord our God is the only One Who can pardon our iniquities.
He is the only One Who can heal our diseases.
He is the only One Who can redeem us from death.
He is the only One willing to crown us with loving kindness and compassion.
He is the only One Who satisfies our lives with good things.
He performs righteous deeds.
He makes perfect judgements.
He disclosed Himself to Moses and to Israel ( and to us).
He describes Himself  in these terms, " The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness." ( See Ex. 34:6-7)
He is patient with us, merciful towards us, and His loving-kindness in immeasurable.
He removes our sins "as far as the east is from the west"
He has the compassion of a Father toward his children.
He knows how frail we are and how short our lives can be.
He is everlasting!
He rewards those who obey Him.
His throne is forever established in Heaven.
He rules!
The mighty angels obey Him.
All the armies of Heaven obey Him.
We are His works.
We should always do as the psalmist and tell our own souls to "Bless The Lord!"
How do we "bless" The Lord?  The word in Hebrew is "barak".  It means to kneel.  It is an act of adoration. It shows thanks and praise.
Father in Heaven, may Your Name be made holy today, as we bow before You and remember the things You have done for us. Thank You for saving me from sin, for redeeming me from death, and for removing my sins far, far away! Thank You for making me Your child. Thank You for revealing Yourself to me. Thank You for the assurance that even when my life is over here on earth, I will be with You for eternity!  Thank You for being patient and merciful to me.  Thank You that Your faithfulness and righteousness extend to my "children's children".  I bless You O Lord! Amen!

Revelation 6  Jesus opens 6 seals from the scroll that only He is worthy to open.
v1-2 Seal one unleashes a conqueror riding a white horse. He is armed with a bow and is given a crown.
v3-4 Seal two unleashes a warrior on a red horse. He is given a great sword and the authority to take away peace.
v5-6 Seal three unleashes a judge with a pair of scales in his hand, riding a black horse. He introduces famine upon the earth.
v7-8 Seal four unleashes one who is given the names "Death and Hades", riding an ashen horse.  He is given the authority to kill 1/4 of the earths population.  He will use sword, famine, pestilence and wild beasts.
v9-11 The fifth seal does not unleash a horseman, but the cries of the saints who had been martyred. They are given white robes and told to rest while more will be added to their numbers.
v12-17 The sixth seal unleashes an earthquake so great that the sun turns black and the moon red. Stars fall out of the sky. The sky is split apart. Mountains and islands move. Kings, commanders, the rich and the slave, all people will try to hide themselves in caves  and will cry out for death to keep them from the Presence of God and the wrath of the Lamb.
Jesus, You are the Conqueror, the King of kings and Lord of lords.  All things are in Your Hands both now and forever. When war comes, when famine strikes, when death approaches, we look to You.  We seek Your face and do not flee from You. We do not want to hide but to rest in You.  We know Your Word is true. You are gracious and merciful.  You are slow to anger. You are great in loving-kindness.  You do forgive and redeem and save us.  But we also know that You " will by no means leave the guilty unpunished." (Ex. 34:7).  So Lord we pray with Moses, " I pray, let The Lord go along in our midst, even though the people are so obstinate; and do Thou pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us as Thine own possession." ( Ex. 34:9).  I ask this for my own family, Lord.  In the Name of Jesus, my conqueror.      Amen.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Psalm 104  " O Lord, how many are Your works!"  One more "meditation" from this psalm goes hand in hand with the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:11 "Give us this day our daily  bread".  The psalmist says "They all wait for Thee, to give them their food in due season. Thou dosts give it to them, they gather it up; Thou dost open Thy hand, they are satisfied with good."  Think of the greatness and goodness of our God, who is mindful of us!
v11 - He sends water for the animals in the fields.
v12 - He gives to the birds what they need and they respond with their singing.
v13 - He satisfies the whole earth with His works!
v14 - He makes grass grow for cattle. He enables a farmer to grow vegetables!
v15 - He brings forth grapes to make wine and olives for oil
v16 - He provides rain for trees.  He planted the trees in the first place.
v17 - He directed birds to build their nests high up in trees.
v18 - He made mountains for the wild goats and cliffs for the badgers.
v19 - He made the moon and sun to move the way they do for His purposes.
v20  - He made night for prowling lions to get their prey.
Every part of creation was thoughtfully and perfectly made.  And every bit of it is dependent on Him!
He brings life and He takes life away.  It is all according to His grace and for His glory.
"I will sing to The Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being."
Bless The Lord! Praise to You O God, most High!  You are our Provider. Thank You today for our daily bread.  Food for the body and food for the soul! We look to You for all we need today. "Give us this day our daily bread."