Monday, September 30, 2013

Psalm 104  The psalmist meditates on all of God's glorious works.  Starting in verse 5 he talks of the formation of the earth.  The first thing He did was establish its foundation, "so that it will not totter".  (See Job 38 ) We have seen photos from space of our beautiful blue planet.  It sits in its perfect place in our solar system.  Just the right distance from the sun, perfectly balanced in its orbit, to give us what we need to live.  God created it to be so and He sustains it by His Word.   The next thing God did was cover the earth with water, another vital ingredient for life, and then He "rebuked" it, making it hurry down the mountains.  It caused mountains to rise and valleys to sink. He formed the oceans and set their boundaries.  He appointed springs to provide fresh water for the animals and plants.  Everything about creation proclaims the glory of God.  "O Lord, how many are Thy works! In wisdom Thou  hast made them all; the earth is full of Thy possessions." ( v24)
Father in Heaven, as I think about how You have revealed Your glory to us in the beauty of Your creation, I am filled with praise and wonder.   How can anyone believe that all of creation came as an accident?  How foolish is the man who says there is no God.  You made the earth and set it in space, hanging it on nothing! It is perfectly situated for its inhabitants.  Open blind eyes Lord, to see Your glory. Make Your Name HOLY Lord, honored and praised on this planet that You favored.  You are worthy of our praise and thanksgiving and obedience.  amen.

Revelation 5  John's vision in heaven continues as he notices a scroll in God's right Hand.  It is sealed with seven seals. A mighty angel calls out for someone worthy to open the scroll, but no one is found in all of heaven or earth, until " the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David" the "Lamb standing as if slain", the One who has overcome.... He comes and takes the scroll out of God's Hand.
At that monumental moment all Heaven breaks out into worship!  The 4 living creatures and the 24 elders fall down before the Lamb, and with harps and prayers, they sing!
"Worthy art Thou to take the book and to break its seals; For Thou wast slain and didst purchase for God with Thy blood,  men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation and thou hast made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth." ( v9-10).
And then myriads of angels join in saying, " Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing." ( v12).   Then, on top of that all of creation joins in! " To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, Be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever."  And once again the elders fall down and worship.

All of eternity past and all of eternity future is Yours, o God!  You began the work of creation by Your Word and You will bring about the final days according to Your Word.  You have handed over the plan to the Lamb, to Jesus, Who overcame!  He is worthy to open the scroll for He was slain to purchase us. True worship is given when we see the worthiness of the One whom we bow before.
Jesus, You are worthy  to receive all power.  All force, all might, all strength.  You are the One Who  rules perfectly.
Jesus, You are  worthy to receive all riches.  You will use all abundance and wealth and goodness perfectly.
Jesus, You are worthy to receive all wisdom.  It comes from You and is found in You alone.
Jesus, You are worthy to receive all might.  All force. You alone can handle it righteously, with justice and mercy.  
Jesus, You are worthy to receive all honor and glory and blessing. All that is of value, all that is good and wonderful, all the most wonderful things we can say about anyone, is what we must say of You, Jesus!
We worship You!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Psalm 104  This is a continuing meditation upon the "splendor and majesty" of The Lord.
  Verses 3-4 talk about the heavens, the atmosphere that surrounds the earth, that which we can see and feel.  Clouds and wind and rain and lightning.
 " He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters."  The psalmist pictures God as a builder.  His chambers, His 2nd story room, is built on top of our atmosphere. He is above, but close by us.  His majesty is seen in the sky around us. Beautiful, essential, and awe-inspiring.
 "He makes the clouds His chariot."  What we see when we look up into the sky at fluffy white clouds or stormy gray covering are in reality God's instruments. He moves them at His will. At my church we love to sing the song  where the chorus begins, "Here He comes, riding on the clouds, shining like the sun..." speaking of the return of Jesus our King.  It is a powerful image of our wonderful Savior.
 " He walks upon the wings of the wind." The word "wind" is in Hebrew "ruwach".  It means breath or spirit.  Jesus tells us in John 3:8 "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit." The wind is not something we can fully understand or control. Yet it is a stepping stone for God.  This again reveals His holiness, His "set apart-ness" , high above and wholly different than us.
 " He makes the winds His messengers and flaming fire His ministers."  Wind and fire. Essentials for life. Air and energy. These are God's messengers - His angels, ambassadors, prophets, priests, or teachers.   His ministers - His attendants, His servants.  They are under His command.
Our Father, Who is in Heaven, Your Name IS Holy.  Help us to comprehend more fully what that means.  May Your Name be honored and praised as You deserve. May we look up into the sky today and be awed by these Truths! Air and water, wind and fire, these are Your instruments, Your possessions. You provide them by Your goodness and grace. You send them to the righteous and the wicked. No life is possible except by Your command.  Our very next breath is dependent on Your command.  Almighty God, we worship You!  We are thankful and amazed at Your intimate, vital work in our lives. Moment by moment we are kept in Your love. Moment by moment we have life from above. "Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine; Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine."

Friday, September 27, 2013

Psalm 104  This psalm is a meditation on the splendor and majesty of our Lord God.  Meditation is both contemplating and uttering,  thinking about and talking about something.  In this case it is meditating on the greatness of God's beauty and glory, His excellency and honor, His goodness and magnificence.  Psalm 145:5 says "On the glorious splendor of Thy majesty, and on Thy wonderful works I will meditate."  This psalm shows David doing exactly that. It is a valuable thing to do! It is God's desire that we do it!  So, I will slow down, take a bite, and chew on these truths.  This is how God has revealed Himself to us - this is how we actually come to KNOW Him!
v1b-2 - God is "very great",  He is clothed in "splendor and majesty",  He covers Himself "with light as with a cloak" and He stretches out "heaven like a tent curtain."
This is our God.  The sun receives its brightness from the Word of His mouth. All light was created by Him and for Him. Light is vital to us, we cannot have life without it. Elementary students learn that before there can be plants or animals, there must be sunlight. Jesus is the Light of the world, He tells us. "God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all." James reminds us.  In the creation account in Genesis we learn that in the beginning the earth was formless, void, and dark at first, but then, "God said, Let there be light, and there was light."  God gives the world light.  He gives to us from His own nature, His own covering.  Contemplate that. Remember that. Think about just that one fact and it brings us to bow before Him to worship Him. Bless The Lord, O my soul!  Lord, my God, You are very great!
All of the heavens, all the universe, the end of which no man can tell, has been stretched out by You, O God!  Let us be mindful of that! Let us meditate on Your splendor and majesty! Open our eyes and hearts to be filled with awe of Your glory. Praise the LORD!
Revelation 4 is a perfect companion to Psalm 104!  John sees a door open in heaven and a voice invites him to come up! Here is his first glimpse of Heaven! No pearly gate, no loved ones, not even Peter waiting to greet him.  No, John's eyes are drawn to the most glorious Presence - to the "One sitting on the throne."  He is like jasper and sardius, a rainbow with emeralds, lightning flashing all around Him. Light and Beauty.  The jasper is thought to be like a diamond, clear and sparkling. The sardius is thought to be bright red.  Color glowing, reflecting off the crystal sea that is before the throne.  The 7 lamps of fire, are also burning there before the throne.  Light is everywhere! It so overwhelms the angels, the living creatures, and the 24 elders that they continually fall down before the throne and worship! "Worthy art Thou, our Lord and our God, To receive glory and honor and power; For Thou didst create all things, And because of Thy will they existed and were created." v 11.  " Holy, holy, holy is The Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come!"(v8).  Meditate on the splendor and majesty of God! Think about it and talk about it!
I will extol You and bless Your holy Name! May Your Name be hallowed, made Holy, today!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Psalm 105: 1-5  Hear His desire for us:
Give thanks to The Lord.
Call upon His Name.
Make known His deeds among all people.
Sing  to Him praises.
Speak of His wonders.
Glory in His holy Name.
Seek Him and His strength.
Seek His face continually.
Remember His wonders which He has done.
Remember His marvels.
Remember His judgements.
The psalmist then gives an accounting of all that The Lord did for Israel.  Verse 45 tells us that all The Lord did, delivering them, providing for them, redeeming them, He did  SO THAT "they might keep His statutes, and observe His laws,"  To the praise and glory of His Holy Name.
Father in Heaven, may Your will be done here on earth as it is fully done in Heaven.  I give thanks to You, Lord of all, for You are the giver of all things.  You have provided daily bread, physically and spiritually. Thank You.  Lord, Creator and Redeemer, I call upon Your Name, my strong tower, my Hope and my Salvation.  Lord, You have done great things.  You sent Your Son to earth and You made Him Who knew no sin, to become sin, so that we might become righteous through His shed blood.  I sing praises to You.  Let me not lift my voice to praise any other, just You alone. Your Name is holy. Your Name is Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace, Lord of lords, King of kings.  Your Name stands alone in its holiness.  Set apart from any other. There is no one like You.  I seek You Lord.  I need Your strength day by day, minute by minute. I look towards Your face.  I remember what You have done.  The wonders and marvels of Your glorious grace towards me.  I remember that Your judgements are perfect and just.  I stand before You in holy fear. Thankful that You have covered me with the righteousness of Jesus, for otherwise I could not live.  Help me to be obedient to Your commandments, to Your perfect will , that all glory and praise and honor would be Yours. Amen.

Revelation 3: 14-22 The letter to Laodicea
Jesus identifies Himself as "The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God".  He knows the Truth about each of us.  He sees us like we really are.  This group of people called themselves rich, but Jesus calls them wretched, poor, miserable, blind, and naked.  They didn't see themselves as He saw them.  They thought they needed nothing, so they weren't hot or cold.  They weren't pleasant and thirst quenching like cold water, not were they soothing and comforting like hot water in a warm bath or a hot cup of tea.  They were useless.  Jesus called them to repent.  He loved them and would discipline them so that they would turn back to Him.  He asks them to "buy" 3 things from Him: "gold refined by fire";  "white garments" to clothe themselves; and "eye salve to anoint your eyes".  Refined gold, purified and of great value, is, Peter tells us, not as precious as our faith, which is also tested and refined by fire.  Jesus is the source of all that is truly valuable.  He is the Living Water, the Bread of Life, the Light of the world.  We need what He has to give.  Only He can give us "white garments".  We are told that our garments are washed in the blood of the Lamb and made whiter than snow!  Only Jesus has the eye salve that can open our eyes to the unseen.  The eternal things.  The real things like heaven and grace and faith.. and God.
The Laodiceans were full of pride and didn't think they needed anything from God, but in reality they needed everything from Him! We do too.  Like this church we need to humble ourselves and repent.  He is knocking on the door of our hearts.  It is up to us to hear His voice and open the door so that He can come in. When we do that, He says He "will" come in and not only that but He will stay for supper!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Psalm 106 Father, You are good.  Your loving kindness has no limit. You are worthy of all praise and thanksgiving.  All glory is Yours.  We are all like Israel, sinful and rebellious.  Yet You show compassion on us. You save us.  Thank You Father.
When we have sinned, when we have "behaved wickedly";  when we do not "remember Thine abundant kindnesses" (v6-7) - You save us anyway, for the sake of Your Name, to make Your power known.  You lead us through the sea, You deliver us from our enemy, You show us Your great works.
When we forget what You have done for us, when we crave that which is not You, when we tempt You, even when we set up idols in our hearts and forget You; when we grumble and refuse to listen; when we provoke You to anger with our unrighteousness; You still deliver us when we cry to You.
You look at us in our misery and You hear our cries.  Blessed is Your Name.
The horrors of Israel's sins included sacrificing their babies to idols, immorality ( harlotry), and willful rebellion.  Yet, You saved them.  Whatever I have done, all my sins and failures, all I have failed to do for You;   I cry out to You and You save me and forgive me . Thank You Father, for You are good and merciful and holy.  "Blessed be The Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting even to everlasting and let all the people say Amen! Praise The Lord!"

Revelation 3:7-13 Letter to Philadelphia
This group of believers was faithful.  They kept the Word, they did the "deeds".  They never denied His Name.  Therefore, they would be preserved.  They would be victorious. They would become a part of God's Holy Temple.  They would have  God's Name, the new Jerusalem's Name, and Jesus' Name written on them, because they will "overcome".  Jesus says to them, " I am coming quickly; hold fast what you have, in order that no one take your crown."
Here is the key that "opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens,"  the key of David which is in Jesus' Hand.  Our key to being faithful:
Keep the Word. His enduring, cheerful, patient, hopeful, constant Word.
Do the deeds -  the good works, the labor of love to The Lord.
Never deny His Name.  Overcome. Stay faithful to Him.
Father, this is Your will for us, is it not?  Let Your will be done in us, on earth, as it is in Heaven.  Completely, perfectly, constantly, with all glory, honor, and power to You. The Key is in Your hands, Lord Jesus, open and close according to Your perfect will. In Your Name.  Amen

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Father, You are Holy.  Let Your Name be praised and blessed and honored today.. in me, in my family, in my church, in my community.  May Your Name be set apart, Your reputation be exalted.   Psalm 107  reminds us that You are good.  That Your merciful kindness and love never end. That You redeem us from the adversary.  You have bought us back from satan, from sin, from death, from fear, because You are good.  Thank You Lord. Father, let Your kingdom come fully to those lost and hopeless, to those chained up in the darkness of rebellion, to those foolishly loving their sinful lives, and to those experiencing stormy days.  Your kingdom come.  Where righteousness is loved and evil flees away.  Where joy replaces mourning and sorrow.  Where peace surrounds us and scatters the anxiety, fear, and confusion.  Jesus, You are sitting at the right Hand of the Father, and all authority has been given to You.  So I ask these things in Your Holy Name. Amen.

Revelation 3: 1-6 The letter to Sardis.
This church had a good reputation, but they were not living up to it. In fact, Jesus called them "dead".
They weren't following through with their "deeds", their work was incomplete.  Jesus calls them to wake up! He gives them 3 steps to take to get back on track:
1. Remember.   Remember what they received and heard.  Remember the good news. Remember the Truth of Who Jesus is. Who they are in Him.
2. Keep it.  Keep the Words of God by doing what He has commanded.  Believe. Love. Serve. Obey.
3. Repent.  Think differently, change your mind and follow The Lord. Stop neglecting your life in Christ. Stop thinking that the world is "life".  Start living the real "life".  In Christ alone.

Failure to do these three things will have terrible results.  "I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come upon you."   You will miss His coming. You will be like the virgins outside the wedding who ran out of oil and missed the bridegrooms coming. ( Matthew 25:1-13).  They weren't ready for His return. Jesus says, "Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming." Read Matthew 24:42-44. It is vital that we are faithful servants, prepared for His coming. "Blessed is the slave whom the master finds so doing when he comes" (24:46)
These are those who are "not soiled" and considered worthy.  They are ready.  They will walk with Jesus, clothed in white garments, and He will confess their names before the Father.
Overcoming is not a passive activity.  It is a battle, it is work.  It is not something we can do by our own strength, but we need His Word. We need to remember it and do it. Every day!
Father, let Your will be done in my life according to Your Word.  May I remember all You have given and may I do all You command. Not by might or by power, but by Your Spirit, Lord.  May Your will be done in my loved ones lives also.  Draw them to Yourself.  Wake them up! So that they may complete the work You have for them, so that Your Name will be given the glory, honor, and praise that You are worthy of.  Amen.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Psalm 107 "Oh give thanks to The Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting. Let the redeemed of The Lord say so. "  The psalmist gives 4 examples of man's need and God's provision:
1.  Verses 4-9  These were those who were lost.   They were wandering, they were hungry, they were thirsty.  They were confused and fainting.  They were in a desert and there was no hope.  But "then they cried out to The Lord".  He heard them and delivered them.  The ones who had wandered in circles and couldn't find a city, were led "by a straight way, to go to an inhabited city."
So, "let them give thanks to The Lord for His lovingkindness."  He satisfies the thirsty soul and feeds the hungry soul with "what is good".

2. Verses 10-16 These are those who are in prisons of darkness. Surrounded by death,  misery, and despair.   They put themselves there by their rebellion against the Word of God.  They refused to listen to the "counsel of the Most High".  He uses this to humble their hearts.  And they "cried out to The Lord." He saved them, brought them out, broke the bonds, set them free.
So "Let them give thanks to The Lord for His lovingkindness." He does wonders, He shatters gates of bronze and cuts the bars of iron.

3. Verses 17 - 22 These are the foolish.  They are rebellious.  They just want to live in their sin. Their afflictions come because of the sins they commit. They are drawing "near to the gates of death".  But then, "they cried out to The Lord in their trouble".  And He rescues them. "He sent His Word and healed them. And delivered them from their destruction."
So, "Let them give thanks to The Lord for His lovingkindness." Let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving, let them sing of His wonderful works.

4. Verses 23-32  These are the ones caught up in a storm.  They are about their business, which happens to be a shipping business, (but don't all businesses have ups and downs? ) They are reeling. They are "melting".  They "were at their wits' end."  But , "they cried to The Lord in their trouble."
And He brings them out.  He calms the storm. He hushes the waves. He gives them quiet. He guides them to safety.
So "Let them give thanks to The Lord for His lovingkindness"  Let Him be extolled, praised, exalted in the congregation and among the elders.
 Whether we are lost, imprisoned, rebellious, or in the throes of a storm, God is our help.  When we cry out to Him, He hears us.  He delivers us.  This is the "wonder" of our God!  He does wonderful works of deliverance.
He can change a river into a desert. Or a desert into a river.
He leads the wicked into the desert lands, so they will know their thirst, so they will cry out to Him.
But He takes the humble, the "diminished and bowed down".  Those in misery and sorrow, who turn to Him, and He lifts them up, He gives them water and food.  He leads them in paths of righteousness.  He makes them a family.  His family.
"Who is wise?  Let him give heed to these things; And consider the lovingkindnesses of The Lord."
Father in Heaven,  I know people who are lost.  Loved ones who are wandering in the wilderness, who have no hope. Their lives are empty and they can't find their way to You.   O Holy God, stir their hearts so that they will cry out to You and find You.  So that You can lead them out of the desert and into Your Kingdom , the city not build by human hands.
Lord, I know people who are imprisoned.  They put themselves there because they don't want to listen to Your Word.  They are in prisons of drug addiction, they are prisoners of bitterness or selfishness. But, Lord will You humble them so that they will cry out to You?  That You might free them once and for all times!
Lord, I know people who are foolishly rebellious.  They like their sins and refuse to acknowledge them.  They make excuses to themselves and to others.  But they don't fool You.  O Lord , May they cry out to You before it is too late!  So that You can send Your Word, so that You can heal them and deliver them.  Please Lord.
Father, I know some who are in the midst of a storm. Not of their own doing, but one that You have sent.  They are frightened.  They are reeling.  Oh Father, as they cry out to You, will You calm the storm?  Will You quiet the wind and waves? Will You guide them to a safe haven?
Father , we will give thanks to You for Your lovingkindnesses! For Your wonders to the sons of men.
Thank you! Bless Your Holy Name. Amen

Friday, September 20, 2013

Psalm 108  Tonight starts a Journey into Prayer conference at my church.  A weekend of focus on prayer.  But God has already begun working, drawing me into a time of intercession for others.  Two specific individuals who need the power of God's presence through this hour.  I have prayed and continue to pray, seeking God's direction in prayer.  And He brings me here to this psalm.  " My heart is steadfast O God. I will sing, I will sing praises even with my soul"!
His loving kindness is "great above the heavens"! His glory is "above all the earth".  His Truth "reaches to the skies".
This is our God Who delivers His beloved, Who saves with His right hand, and Who answers prayer.
Thank You Holy God! You are our deliverer. You are our Helper.  You are Infinite.  Nothing is too hard for You.  No matter what others do, You will do good for Your children.  I praise You. I exalt Your Name.  Thank You for being gracious and merciful.  Thank You that You are Light and in You there is no darkness at all. Bless Your children today, in this hour of need. Let Your Glory be made manifest, that You be worshiped above all. Amen.

Revelation 2:18-29 Letter to Thyatira.  This church is doing well in deeds, love, faith, service, and perseverance.  But, there is one major problem, a tolerated teacher of impurity.   The letters have addressed love, life, truth, and now purity.  Jesus wants us to know, "I am He who searches the minds and hearts; and I will give to each one of you according to your deeds."  Those who were acting immorally would experience sickness, tribulation, and loss.  But those who hold fast to Jesus and overcome, keeping His deeds, would be given authority and "the morning star".
Jesus calls the wayward to repentance. So thankful that He does not leave us in the darkness but shines forth His light.  "And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it." The darkness cannot stop the Light. Jesus, the true Light of the World, You are the bright and morning star!  You are worthy of all our praise.  Amen.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

psalm 109 David writes this psalm.  He does not hold back from praying against the wicked men who have come against him. He has no plea for mercy for those who have harmed him.  These are bold words.  These people were wicked and deceitful.  They lied.  They spewed out words of hatred. They falsely accused him.  They were evil towards him.
This is what David prays for The Lord to do to them:
Let someone accuse them of something, and let the judge find them guilty.
Let their prayers be a sin.
Let his position be usurped.
Let his children be fatherless.
Let his wife be a widow. ( In other words, let him die.)
Let his children be left in poverty and homeless.
Let all that he left behind be taken by creditors and strangers.
Don't let anyone show him or his children mercy.
Let his whole family be blotted out. Cut off.  Condemned forever.
This is David's prayer! 
But he goes on to tell us more about the wicked man.   The man who never showed lovingkindness.
He persecuted the afflicted and needy.
He killed the sad of heart.
He loved to curse and hated to bless others.
Cursing others was so much a part of who he was that it was like a robe that covered him, water that entered him, and oil inside his bones.  This adversary has the character of the evil one.  He is a child of Satan himself.  No wonder David prays for him to be wiped out. This is one "of those who speak evil against my soul" ( v20).  The accuser, Satan, does this against us who believe in God.
Verse 21 is a turning point in David's prayer.  He has made his case against the enemy, and now he makes his petitions to The Lord.
"But Thou, O God, The Lord, deal kindly with me for Thy name's sake; Because Thy lovingkindness is good, deliver me."  David has suffered from this persecution.  He calls himself afflicted, needy, wounded, shaken off, weak, humiliated.  But his hope is in The Lord Who saves, Who shows mercy,  Who helps the needy, Who judges the wicked.
David ends with thanksgiving and praise to God. Everything is in His Hands.  So thankful this is true.  David's enemies are like ours - his struggles the same "schemes of the devil" that we face. Eph. 6:12 tells us "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places."  David took up the "full armor of God", the same armor available to us:
Truth - God is good!
Righteousness- God delivers those Who love Him, but He judges the wicked and will destroy them.
Gospel of peace - We have been brought into relationship with God through Christ, He has delivered us.
Faith - We trust God to deal with the wicked and we trust Him alone to help us in our need.
Salvation - He alone can save us.
The Word of God - It is a sword of the Spirit, we take it up as David did against the enemy.
Prayer- David prayed in every circumstance and we must too.

Revelation 2:12-17 The 3rd letter.  Jesus calls Himself "the One who has the sharp two edged sword".
The Word. The sword of the Spirit.  These people lived "where Satan's throne is" and "where Satan dwells".   They lived where the faithful were killed.  They held fast to Christ and to faith.  The problem they had wasn't from this enemy outside of the church, but came from inside. Some were teaching false doctrines  which were leading to sinful living.  Jesus calls them to repent.  He says He will "make war against them with the sword of " His mouth.  But to the overcomer Jesus promises hidden manna and a white stone with a new name.

It is never a coincidence when a common theme is presented in two passages.  There is indeed an attack of the enemy underway in my family.  I thank You Father for the Word of God, the sword of the Spirit and I take it up.  Your Word is True and I stand on Your promises.  I believe in Your lovingkindness and ask for Your help for the afflicted and needy. Deal kindly with them O Lord.
"With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to The Lord"

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Psalm 110  The LORD (Jehovah) says to The Lord ( Adonai), "Sit at My right hand".  The place of privilege  and honor.  Jehovah will make His enemies a footstool.  Jehovah will "stretch forth His strong scepter".  Jesus will rule in the midst of the enemies, He rules from Zion.  His people will serve Him freely, worshiping Him in His majestic splendor.  Jesus is the eternal Priest.  He is the eternal King.  He will rightly judge.  He will mete out justice. This is our Savior. Worship Him!  Bow before Him and give Him the honor due Him. He is worthy of all our praise and thanksgiving, of our fear and allegiance. Bless The Lord, all my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy Name.

Revelation 2:8-11 The letter to the church in Smyrna.  These people are going through tribulation.  They are poor.  They have been persecuted by Satan.  They are about to suffer even more.  They will be thrown into prison. They will be tested. They will die.   But The Lord wants them to not be afraid!
"Be faithful until death and I will give you the crown of life." (v10)  "He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death".   The second death is much worse than the first!  We will all die, unless the Savior returns, but we who die in faith will have eternal life.  "Be faithful".  No matter what trial or tribulation comes your way.  The believers in Smyrna faced a lot more than we have ever had to face here in America.  The Christians in many countries are facing this kind of persecution right now.
Oh may I be faithful ( absolutely relying on , trusting in, and being trustworthy of The Lord) until death, Lord Jesus!  

The first letter reminds us know the truth about love.  This one reminds us to know the truth about life and death.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Psalm 111 The works of The Lord are: great, splendid, majestic, wonder-filled, gracious, compassionate, powerful, truth, justice, upright, covenanted, redemptive, holy, awesome, and enduring.  Wisdom and understanding are given to us based on our reverential fear of and obedience to God.  How can we not give thanks to Him and praise Him!!!  He has given His people a promise, a covenant forever, that He will not forget, for He has "ordained his covenant forever".
Father, I thank You and praise You for sending redemption to me.  Redeeming me from death and giving me life.  Redeeming me from slavery and setting me free.  Redeeming me from darkness and bringing me into Light. Redeeming me from sin and making me pure and holy.  You purchased my pardon.  You paid the price. Great are You Lord and highly to be praised!
"Mercy there was great, and grace was free; Pardon there was multiplied to me; There my burdened soul found liberty - at Calvary."  Thank You Lord!

Revelation 2
The letters to the churches in Asia begin here.  The first is given to Ephesus.  They are commended for their toil and perseverance.   They are careful to expose false teaching.  They hate evil doers. But, they are reprimanded for losing their "first love".  They had "fallen". The deeds they had once done they no longer did.  This failure was so serious that it could lead to being extinguished as a church.  Repentance and renewal were needed. (v1-7).
How does this apply to us?   Do we serve God out of any other motives than that of love? Yes, doctrine is important, yes, perseverance in doing good deeds is needed.  But without love,  as
 I Corinthians tells us, "I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal". "I am nothing".  And, "it profits me nothing." (v1-3).   Love is the vital principle, the underlying motive, the source of all ministry. And as John wrote in his epistles, if you don't love, then you don't know God. For God is love.
Forgive us for failing to love, Lord.  Fill us once again with Your Spirit, strengthen us with all power according to Your glorious might... that we will love You with all our heart and soul and might, and that we will love our neighbor as ourselves.  Amen.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Psalm 112  "How blessed is the man who fears The Lord."   The man who has a deep, real, abiding relationship with the Creator of Heaven and earth, who stands in sincere awe and reverence of Him, who bows before Him and submits himself to the King's will.... this man is blessed.   This man "delights" to obey the Lord's commandments.  He is the Father's obedient son. He is happy and content to do as the Father has commanded.  Matthew Henry says he is " well pleased with them and with the equity and goodness of them; they are written in his heart; it is his choice to be under them..." This man will be blessed and the blessings are wonderful:
1."His descendants will be mighty on earth" (v2)  Who does not want to see his children and grandchildren do well?  Physically, spiritually, economically, etc.  "The generation of the upright will be blessed".  The key to blessing for our descendants begins with us.  We must be "upright".  Matthew Henry defines this as someone who is "really as good as they seem to be, and deal faithfully both with God and man."  They are sincere and honest.  They are kind and generous.  They are gracious and compassionate. They are righteous and just. They are "steadfast, trusting The Lord"
2."Light arises is the darkness for the upright".   Even in times of trouble and affliction, this man will find that God gives light.
3. "He will maintain his cause in judgement".   God will give him wisdom and discretion in the circumstances of life. God will guide his words, Matthew Henry says.  Helping him govern his own tongue.
4. "He will never be shaken".  Though satan will try to move him, he has a firm foundation!
5. "The righteous will be remembered forever" - His good reputation, his good name, will endure.
6. "He will not fear evil tidings"  Fear will not destroy his trust in The Lord.  There is comfort and help in God, no matter how bad the news seems to be, nor how strong the enemy is!  Henry says, "Trusting in The Lord is the best and surest way of fixing and establishing the heart. By faith we must cast anchor in the promise, in the word of God."
7. "His righteousness endures forever;"  This promise of blessing is for all of eternity.  It is by grace, a gift of the Father for the obedient son.

Father,  I praise You. What wonderful blessings!  What precious promises!  I will walk with You and follow Jesus.  I will obey Your Word and live in awe of Your greatness and majesty.  May these blessing be for me, Lord.  May I always be upright and faithful in Your sight. Amen.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Psalm 113  I praise You O Lord.  I bless Your name!  You are higher than every nation. Above Russia, Syria, or the USA!  You are more glorious than the heavens.  Than the sun or moon, the planets or stars!  You created them all.  "Who is like The Lord our God, who is enthroned on high?"
No one!   You choose to look at your creation and help us.  You take the poor and needy and raise us up to be Your own children.  You give hope to the barren woman.  Oh Lord, when our lives are empty and we are unable to do anything, You come and take us by the hand.  You clean us up.  You feed us, clothe us, and You make us Your own.  What amazing grace!  Thank You!

Revelation 1
This is a revelation OF Jesus Christ.  It originated with the Father, sent to us, His bond-servants.  It was presented by His angel to John.  John witnessed this revelation and testimony of Jesus.  We are blessed when we read it, hear it, and heed it.
John addresses the letter to the churches in Asia. But it a message from "Him who is and who was and who is to come." The eternal Godhead - the Father, Spirit, and the Son.  "Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the first-born of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. to Him who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood, and He has made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father; to Him be glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen" ( v 5-6)
He is the One coming soon.
He is the Alpha and Omega.
He is the One commissioning this letter.
He is the One Who appears in great glory.
He is the One who tells John to write what he has seen, what is, and "what shall take place after these things."
John sees Jesus and falls at His feet.  Jesus touches him and speaks the Words that John has heard before. "Do not be afraid."
Again I find myself wondering what that day will be like, when we see Him face to face.  As the song says, "I can only imagine".  But I think I will be like John and fall at His feet like a dead man,  Imagine the joy when Jesus reaches out His hand and touches us!  Praise and glory and honor to You O God and Savior! Jesus Christ, Lamb of God, thank You.  Praise Your holy Name.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Psalm 114 Our God never changes!  He brought Israel out of Egypt then, and He brings people out of slavery and oppression, now.  He made Judah His sanctuary then, and He makes our hearts His sanctuary, His dwelling place, now.  He made Israel His dominion , and He makes believers His kingdom.  He made the sea and the Jordan turn and flee.  He makes barriers turn back and run away. He made mountains skip like rams.   He makes mountains fall and the earth to tremble. He brought water out of the rock.  He provides all that is ever needed.
  I bow before You, King of Heaven and earth..  You are the One True King.  Oh may I tremble before You in true reverence and humility.

Jude writes his letter to appeal to the believers to "contend earnestly for the faith".  There is always a struggle going on, a war against the faith, led by the ungodly.  The source is the devil, but sometimes the vessel used is right in the middle of the congregation of believers.  Jude says that they "crept in unnoticed".  Yet they are "marked out" for condemnation.
Disobedient, rebellious angels were removed from heaven.
Israelites released miraculously from Egypt were later destroyed in the wilderness for unbelief.
The revelers in Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped out completely.
Judgement of the ungodly is certain. Punishment is eternal.
Jude makes clear the marks of the evil ones:
They turn grace into licentiousness. (v4) immorality of all kinds
They " deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ" (v4)
They "defile the flesh and reject authority and revile angelic majesties." v 8
They revile the things "they do not understand" v10
They have gone the way of Cain, Balaam, and Korah.  (v11)
They blemish the fellowship of believers.  They care only for themselves. ( v12)
They are grumblers, fault finders, they follow their own lusts, they are arrogant, they flatter others to gain advantage. (v16)
They cause divisions.  They are worldly minded.  They are devoid of the Spirit. (v19)

In contrast, "those who are the called, beloved in God the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ" (v1)
are those who:
Build ourselves up on our "most holy faith" (v20)
Pray in the Holy Spirit. (v20)
Keep ourselves in the love of God. (v21)
Wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. (21z0
 Have mercy on the doubting, preach salvation to the lost, and "have mercy with fear" for those polluted by sin. (v22-23)
"Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory, blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen" (v24-25)
Father in Heaven, Keep me in Your Hands.  You are the "Strong Tower", may I be ever within You.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Psalm 115  "Not to us, O Lord, not to us, But to Thy name give glory because of Thy loving-kindness, because of Thy Truth."  You are my help and my shield.  You have been mindful of me!  You own the heavens, You made the earth. You do as You please! I will trust You, Lord.  I will bless You.  You are the One True God.
An idol, any  other god, is a deception.  Made by man.
A mouth that does not speak.
Eyes that do not see.
Ears that cannot hear.
Noses that cannot smell.
Hands that cannot feel.
Feet that cannot walk.
Throats that are silent.
 "Those who make them will become like them."
But we trust in You Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.  Oh bless Your people, Lord.  We need You! You are our help and our shield and we bless Your holy Name.

II John
John writes to this church, emphasizing Truth and love.   False teachers were trying to persuade the churches that Jesus did not come in the flesh. The teaching was so hideous and false that John told them not even to greet these teachers, nor allow them into their houses.  "Watch yourselves".
Love the truth.  Know the truth.  Walk in the truth. Abide in the truth.  This is how we guard against false doctrines and deceivers.  We MUST be in God's Word daily!  There we will find Truth and fill our hearts and minds with it!
John says " I was very glad to find some of your children walking in truth."   In John 3 he says, "I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth." Gaius, John's friend to whom this letter is addressed, was walking in Truth.   Others bore witness of this and told John of Gaius who, acted faithfully, loved others, treating "brethren" in a worthy manner, ( missionaries); doing what is good.
Diotrephes, another member of the church, was not living in the Truth.  He wouldn't accept John's word.  He loved "to be first among them".  He slandered the apostles. He refused to receive the brethren.  He did what is evil.  John says "the one who does evil has not seen God".
Father, I pray for my children, my grandchildren, and my great-grandchildren to walk in Your Truth. Keep them from false teaching.  Keep them in Your Word.  May they abide in You always!
"Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love."
Thank You for this truth.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Psalm 116 The writer "called upon the name of The Lord" and The Lord heard him. The Lord inclines His  ear to us when we call upon Him.  He hears, He saves, He is compassionate towards us, and He deals with us "bountifully".  How bountifully?  "For Thou hast rescued my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling." (v8).  
"Gracious is The Lord, and righteous; Yes, our God is compassionate."  This is the Lord Who hears us, Who bends low to meet us in our need, Who is our Keeper, our Shade, our Fortress, and our Deliverer.  Praise Your Name O Lord, Jehovah, the I AM, self-existent, eternal, infinite, mighty, and merciful God. Thank You for hearing my cries, for saving me, for drying my tears, and for keeping me from stumbling.  I love You Lord.

I John 4-5
John writes that we "may know" -
"that we abide in Him" 4:13
"the love which God has for us" 4:16
"that we love the children of God" 5:2
"that you have eternal life" 5:13
"that He hears us in whatever we ask" 5:15
"that we have the requests which we have asked from Him" 5:15
"that no one who is born of God sins" 5:18
"that we are of God" 5:19
"that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding in order that we might know Him who is true" 5:20
God wants us to know Him.  He wants us to know His Son.  He wants us to know His love.
John has written this letter to emphasis the Truth of what it really means to know God.  God expresses Himself through His Love, proven by the coming of Jesus Christ, His Son.  Love so amazing.  Love that is greater than all our sins.  Love that brings us to know the Almighty Creator of Heaven and earth.  "This is the true God and eternal life".  Anything less is an idol.  "Little children, guard yourselves from idols" (v21).

Monday, September 9, 2013

Psalm 117  "Praise The Lord, all nations; Laud Him, all peoples!"   Everyone of us in this world must recognize and proclaim the worthiness of God.  To "laud" is to address loudly, commend, glory, triumph, praise Him.  Why?  "For His lovingkindness is great towards us, and the truth of The Lord is everlasting."   Loving-kindness - favor, mercy, goodness, towards everyone of us.  He gives rain to the wicked and the righteous.  He provides every living thing with food to eat, air to breath, grace to believe. He waits patiently for us to turn to Him.  He does not treat us as our sins deserve.  He has provided the Way of salvation, His own Son, Jesus Christ.  He loves us.  He does not want any to perish, but for all of us to repent and be His people. Great are You Lord and highly to be praised, and Your greatness is unsearchable!  ( Psalm 145).  
His love and kindness are great, but the other reason for praise is earth and heart shattering - "the truth of The Lord is everlasting".   We are told that heaven and earth will pass away, but the Word of God will be forever, for Truth is eternal. The Lord God is infinite, eternal, transcendent, faithful and true.  It is Who He is.  We can not escape His Word, His Truth.  We think we can make up our own minds about right and wrong, about what is important and what is not, what we want our lives to look like or focus on.  But the Truth is not subject to our thoughts or feelings.  His Truth is everlasting!  "Praise The Lord!"

I John 4
V1-6  John gives us a means of testing "the spirits".  There are false prophets and false spirits, the spirit of the antichrist lives in this world.  We need to know this.  John helps us discern.
1. Don't believe everyone,  test the spirits.
2. If they do not confess that Jesus was fully man and fully God,  then don't believe them.
3. If they do not acknowledge, assent, give thanks, or proclaim Jesus Christ, beware!
4. Know that the Spirit of God has overcome the spirit of the world.  "Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world"
5.  The world listens to the spirit of the antichrist.  They speak the same language.
6. We who know God, listen to the Word of God.  Those who don't know God don't listen to His Word.
God has given us His Spirit. It is God's Spirit that enables us and proves to us that God abides is us and that we abide in Him.
3:24 "And the one who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And we know by this that He abides is us, by the Spirit whom He has given us."
4:13 "By this we know that we abide in Him and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit."
This abiding is only possible because of the Holy Spirit.  The evidence of it is, first of all our proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. (v1-6). And then the presence of His Love in us. (v7-21).
1. Love is from God. (v7)
2. Those who know God and are born of God - love.
3. If we don't love, then we don't know God. (v8)
4. God manifested,  revealed His love by sending Jesus into the world so that we might live.  (v9)
5. God loved us first.(10)
6. Since He loves us, we "ought" to love one another. "  (v11)
7. Loving one another is God's way of showing His presence in us - He is abiding and perfecting His love. (v12)
So, these two things - believing and confessing Jesus, the Son of God, the Saviour of the world, the propitiation for our sins; and Love, abiding love, love for one another, love produced by God and perfected in us by His Spirit.  These 2 things are the supreme tests that we are His.

O I need Thee, every hour I need Thee!  Fill me with Your Love O Lord! You are Love.  You are the only source of Love. Help me to grasp this everlasting Truth, to drink it in, to know it and live it. Spirit of God, come, abide in me. I am Yours O Lord!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Psalm 118  "Open to me the gates of righteousness; I shall enter though them, I shall give thanks to The Lord. "  The gate is Yours Lord.  Jesus, You said, " Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep."( John 10:7)  " I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." ( v9).   You are the good Shepherd Who lays down His life for the sheep.  You are the way, the Truth, the Life.  Thank you Lord for making a way for us to enter into Your Kingdom, through the Gate of Righteousness.  Through Jesus Christ our Savior.  Bless Your Holy Name!

I John 3
The word "know" is repeated over and over in this chapter.  What do we know?
We know Him. We know God as our Father, because He has loved us with a great love and calls us His children. (v1)
We know that we will be like Him, like Jesus, when we see Him just as He is. (v2)
We know that He came to take away our sins and there is no sin in Him. (v5)
We know that if we are abiding in Him that we will not be abiding in sinfulness. (v6)
We know that the person who practices righteousness is God's child, but the one who practices evil is the devil's. (v7-10) The difference is obvious.
We know that love is the foremost trait of righteousness. The ultimate commandment.  The summation of all that God requires of His children. (v11)
We know that we are no longer dead, but alive.  Love is the evidence of Life. (v14-16)
We know that we walk in truth when we practice love with deeds and truth, not just with words. (v18)
We know that God knows all things, even the things in our hearts. (v19-20)
We know that we can ask and receive from Him because "we keep his commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight." v22
We know that He commands us to believe in the name of Jesus and love one another. (v23)
We know that we abide in Him "by the Spirit whom He has given us." v24
When we belong to the family of God, when we are His children, then we will have His traits.  Let Jesus be seen in me Father.  Abide in me and I in You. Amen

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Psalm 118  Lord, You are good, Your lovingkindness is everlasting.  Your beautiful, merciful, kindness is perpetual. Never ending. Eternal.  I give You thanks. I extol You. I declare that You alone are worthy of praise.  For when I call upon You in my distress, You answer me. ( v5). Man can do nothing to me, for You are my help. (v6-7).  You are a better refuge, a place to find protection, a source of hope, One I can confide in,  than any man, any prince, or any nation. (v8-12).  You are my strength.  You are my song.  You are my salvation.  You are valiant in all You do. You spare me from death that I might tell of Your works.  You discipline me that I might walk through the gates of righteousness. ( v14-19).  Jesus, the "stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone."  You did that.  You have given us light. Thank You.  You are good and Your lovingkindness is everlasting.(20-29).  You are the King of Glory! Strong and mighty. Holy and kind.  I lift my eyes to You Lord, come in! "This is the day that The Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." (v24).   I rejoice in You. Amen.

I John 2     John started his letter with the vital message of Who God is:  He is Light "and in Him there is no darkness at all".  We have to deal with our darkness, confessing our sins, and receive the cleansing provided through the blood of Jesus, before we can have fellowship with Him.
But, John has more to say about why he is writing.  He is writing :
So that we may not sin. (v1).
That we may know the new commandment, which isn't really new. ( v 7-8)
That we may know that our sins are forgiven us for His name's sake. (v 12)
Because we " know Him, who has been from the beginning." ( v 13)
Because we have "overcome the evil one" (v13)
Because we know Him and because we are strong and the Word of God is in us. (v14)
"I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie is of the truth." v21
"These things I have written to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you." v26
John wants us all to know the Truth.  And he wants us know that we know God.
We can do that because we have Christ Jesus our Advocate.  Because He is the propitiation for our sins. It has to be in Him, through Him, and by Him.
Do I keep His commandments? Then, that is evidence that I know Him.  If I don't, then I am a liar.
Do I keep His Word? Then the love of God will be seen in me.  If it is not seen, then I am still in darkness.
Do I love my brother or do I hate him?   If I love him, then I am walking in light, if I hate him, then I am still in darkness. ( This is not about emotion, this is about action - to hate is to detest, to persecute, to be hateful and loveless.  To love is to act with affection and benevolence, to show grace and mercy)
Do I love this world or the things of this world? Do I lust after things that satisfy my body? Things that please my eyes?  Things that make me proud and boastful? Things that will pass away?
Or do I love to do the will of God? Do I stay in the Truth?
Do I deny Jesus or confess Him?
Do I abide in Him?  Am I ready for His appearing, waiting in confidence?
Am I practicing righteousness?
These are the questions on this test John gives us.  The answers are deeply personal and can only be given after searching our own hearts and allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal the Truth to us.
Holy Spirit, You are the "anointing from the Holy One,".  You abide in me.  You teach me about all things.  You teach me to abide in Him.  ( v20,27).   I want to know that I know God.  Do not let me be deceived.  Fill me with Your Truth.  In Jesus' Name I ask this. Amen

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Psalm 119:161-176  To stand in awe of Your Words, to rejoice, love, hope, keep, and sing Your Words,  this is my heart's desire.  Your Word - law, ordinances, commandments, testimonies,precepts, statutes;  these are my help, my treasure, my source of peace.   ".. I have chosen Thy precepts" (v173).  To guide my feet, to fill my thoughts, to bring You praise.
Thank You for this psalm of praise, this insight into the great worth of Thy Word.  Teach me Your Word and increase my understanding even more. Oh Restorer, keep my feet on Your path.  Amen.

I John 1
The Word of Life "was manifested".  Jesus came!  He was heard, seen, and touched by human hands.  He has been proclaimed by those who walked beside the Eternal Son, sent from the Father in Heaven.
"And this is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you,"  the message that God Himself desires for us to know, the message so important that He chose to manifest Himself on earth in a human body that could be heard and seen and touched...and beaten, and killed.  This is the message:
                            " GOD  is Light and in Him there is no darkness at all. "(v5)
We cannot fellowship with Light while walking in darkness.  We can't participate in light while we stay in the dark. We can't say we are a partner, an intimate associate with Light, with luminousness, with fire, with rays of Light; when we are black as night. That is not Truth and we lie if we say we do. (v6)
If we say we have no sin.  That is a lie. We are deceiving ourselves and we are calling God a liar.  For He has said that we are all sinners. ( v8,10)
But.... "if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin." v7  How? " If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
We cannot walk in the Light until we get rid of the darkness.
We cannot get rid of the darkness until we acknowledge it and confess it.
To walk in the Light is to stop lying to ourselves about the darkness of sin in our lives. To confess that sin to Him Who is faithful and just, Who will cleanse us from all unrighteousness, by the Blood of Jesus.
Oh What a Wonderful Savior! Taking us out of the darkest night into the Light of His Glory!
Shine on me! Cleanse and remove all darkness, I do not want any left in my heart. Just the Light of Christ in me, my hope of glory! Amen.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Psalm 119:153-160  The psalmist calls out to The Lord,  "rescue me", "revive me"..... because "Great are Your mercies, O Lord."  The Word of God is his foundation, it is his hope, it is his path, for it is Truth.  Because he has not forgotten God's law, because he has loved and sought and obeyed,  he can rest on the promises of the Word.
In contrast the unbelievers, "the wicked", do not seek God's Word, and "salvation is far from them".  They are "treacherous".  They are persecutors and adversaries of the believer.
To find help in times of trouble, I look to You, O Lord.  In You I find my help. "Rescue for sinners, ransom from Heaven".  You are my Deliverer, my Strength, my Fortress.  In Your Word I find Life and I am revived. In Your mercy and love, I find hope.  Thank You Lord.

II Peter 2-3
 Peter warns us to "remember the words spoken beforehand by the holy prophets and the commandment of The Lord and Savior spoken by the apostles." (3:2)   For the Day of Judgement will come and we must be "diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless." (v 14). In contrast Peter gives us a detailed list of the character and actions of the false teachers;
They "secretly introduce destructive heresies" ( 2:1)
They deny Jesus. "the Master who bought them"
They lead others into sensuality.
They bring disgrace upon the "way of truth" (v2)
They greedily exploit others with lies. (3)
They "indulge the flesh" (v10)
They despise authority.
They are "daring, self-willed"
They boldly "revile angelic majesties", "reviling where they have no knowledge" (v10.12)
They suffer wrong because they do wrong.
They revel even in the day time. (v13)
"They are stains and blemishes, reveling in their deceptions, as they carouse with you."
They are full of adultery, sin, enticing, unstable souls, greedy, accursed.(v14)
They forsake the right way.  They go astray.
They speak "arrogant words of vanity".
They are corrupt and overcome by their own corruption.
These people, who once claimed the Name of Jesus, have turned away, like "A dog returns to its own vomit".
They are "springs without water, and mists driven by a storm, for whom the black darkness has been reserved" (v17).
Peter's warning is forceful:  If God punished rebellious angels, throwing them into hell;  If He judged the ancient world, flooding the earth and wiping out all except Noah and those in the ark; if He wiped out Sodom and Gomorrah because of their corruption, rescuing only Lot;  then He "knows how to rescue the godly from temptation and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgement" (2:9)
There is a time coming when all of the earth and the heavens will be consumed by fire.  Destruction of "ungodly men" will happen on the day of judgement.  It is only the wonderful patience of our Lord that delays the coming destruction.  He mercifully waits, desiring "all to come to repentance".  But as certainly as the flood, the fire will come.
"Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,"  - People looking for His coming,  looking for the new heavens and new earth, diligent to live for Him, on guard against false teachers and anything that hinders us from being steadfast in Jesus.  People who continue to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (3:18).
 Peter warns us to be diligent, to take careful, personal attention to our hearts.  Are we growing in His  grace? Are we adding to our knowledge of Jesus through His Word? Are we applying "all diligence" to our faith? Are we adding "moral excellence", "knowledge", "self-control", "perseverance", "godliness", "brotherly kindness" and "love".  Are we walking in the Truth?   Some who claimed to know Jesus didn't walk in the Truth and Peter says that "it would be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn away from" it. (2:21)
Turn your eyes upon Jesus!  Look full into His wonderful face!  And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.
May I remember Your Word, O Lord. May I walk in Your Truth and keep my eyes on You, always.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Psalm 119:145-152  The psalmist's prayer becomes my own.  I cry to You...
"answer me, O Lord!" v145
"save me" v 146
"help" v147
"Hear my voice" v149
"Revive me" v149
And like the psalmist, I come to know, "Thou art  near, O Lord" v151
He seeks You with his heart,  he rises up early, he waits eagerly for Your Word.  He turns his eyes to You through the night, he rests in Your lovingkindness. You are the source of all life.  You are the pearl of great price.  May I seek You as the psalmist did.  With whole heart, with eager anticipation, with everything I have and am.  You alone.  Amen

II Peter 1:16-21  Peter testifies of the Truth, the "true knowledge" of Jesus Christ, through Whom we have been given "everything pertaining to life and godliness".  The "precious and magnificent promises" that enable us to partake "of the divine nature".   Peter makes known to his readers and to us "the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ".   He witnessed Christ's majesty.  He witnessed the honor and glory bestowed on Jesus from the "Majestic Glory".  He heard it with his own ears.  He was on the holy mountain.
Be diligent, be careful, pay close personal attention to the Truth.  Be established in it.  Pay attention!
"as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your hearts."
Some will come with lies and deception.  You must have His Word, You must have Jesus only.

Jesus, be my everything. Oh Morning Star, arise in my heart.  I am seeking You, I am eagerly anticipating You. And You are near.
He is here. Hallelujah!
He is here, Amen!
He is here, glory, glory!
I will bless Your Name again!
He is here, listen closely,
He is calling out your name,
He is here, you can touch Him,
You will never be the same!