Wednesday, March 1, 2023

 Mark 11  The King entered Jerusalem.. on a donkey.. as foretold by Zechariah " Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation, humble, and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a donkey." (9:9)   The people responded with songs and shouts of praise.. with laying clothes and branches before Him.  They had to know that something special was about to happen... 

The next day, Jesus, the Great High Priest, cleansed the temple.. demonstrating His authority and angering the chief priests and elders. Jesus would not answer their question about whose authority He had... for they would not believe Him anyway...It was right in front of their faces and they couldn't accept the truth. 

In between these events.. on the trail between Bethany and Jerusalem, was a barren fig tree.  A tree that Jesus searched.. hoping to find fruit.  When there was none.. He cursed the tree and it withered and died. Jesus told His disciples to "Have faith in God."   Whatever they asked would be granted as long as they believed. Even if they asked for a mountain to be moved.. it would long as they believed. 

The crowd believed the King was coming. The chief priests would not believe anything.. and the disciples were exhorted to just believe and ask. 

Where do we fit into this picture?  We believe that our King is coming again.  We believe in the authority and power of Jesus Christ.  But, do we believe that we can ask and be answered?  

Father in heaven.. help us to have this great faith.. to live in the light of Your Word, believing.. asking.. and not doubting.  Fill us, Spirit of God, to walk in faith throughout this day..simply having faith in God. Thank You. amen. 

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