Tuesday, February 28, 2023

 Mark 10: 32-45  Once again Jesus tells His disciples that He is going to go to Jerusalem, be killed and rise again in three days.  They still did not quite get it!   But, James and John must have decided that this was the time to prepare for the future.. so that ask Jesus a favor.  "Grant that we may sit in Your glory, one on Your right and one on Your left."

This request was a big one.. huge!  Even if they thought that Jesus was just going to be King of Israel.. they were asking to be princes..  Jesus let them know that He would not be granting that favor.. for "it is for those for whom it has been prepared... " Even so, they would drink the cup and be baptized with His baptism.  They would suffer like He would... for the sake of the Kingdom... the rest would be in the hands of the Father. 

The other disciples were indignant that James and John asked such a thing... they still didn't understand that the way to be great in God's eyes is to be the servant.. to serve as Jesus served. 

Verses 46-52 tell of Bartimaeus.  Sitting by the road in Jericho.. Bartimaeus hears that Jesus is coming by.. this is his chance.. so he cries out "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"  This blind beggar.. understood who Jesus was.. and what He could do.  He had faith.. in the power and in the mercy of Jesus Christ.  He did not allow the crowd to silence him.  He did not allow his blindness to hinder him.  He cried out and Jesus heard him.. called him.. and healed him. 

Faith... to ask Jesus big things.. for greater things ..... this is the faith that I need.  To truly believe.. truly trust.. and in faith.. ask. 

Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all. Grant me this kind of faith.. to trust and to obey.. to know Your will and to do it by the power and grace that Christ extends to all who believe. Faith.. to seek healing from hurts.. to ask for open doors to speak to others about Jesus.. to knock and keep knocking until the door is opened up and I can enter into Your Presence.  Have Your perfect way in our lives today, Lord God, that Your Name will be glorified in us, Your children and servants.  In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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